Chapter 19

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“Huh, where am I?” asked hyunjin as he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a surrounding that he hadn’t seen before. A constant sound of a beep was going beside him but when hyunjin tried to move his body to see the source of the sound an excruciating pain went through his body like a shock wave. This made hyunjin yelp loudly as he flayed around for someone to help him and fortunately for him, a person had heard him previously and had come inside to check up on him. From the looks of it, that person seemed to be a nurse and that’s when hyunjin finally realized the place where he was. He was in a hospital.


“Felix…” Hyunjin shouted as he saw the upcoming car rushing towards them. That car had no sense of deceleration and as Hyunjin shouted for Felix to turn the car, it was already too late. The car had already approached them.

As the car finally crashed into them, it was now evident to Hyunjin that it wasn’t going to be a minor accident. A million thoughts were going inside his head but most of all he was blaming himself for putting Felix in a situation like this. He thought that it was finally the end of everything as he saw darkness cover his eyes but as it so happens, fate had other plans for him.

He woke up. Although to him it didn’t feel like a lot of time had passed, it was evident that he had passed out previously. With much effort, Hyunjin finally managed to look towards the driving seat where Felix was previously but nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see. Felix with blood completely covering his face and clothes stained with it laid there completely still.

An ominous premonition shrouded Hyunjin as he tried to touch his friend and after much effort, he was able to lift his hand. Fortunately for him, Felix was still breathing. Although his breathing was faint and irregular it was clear that he was alive and that relived Hyunjin more than he had expected. He forgot all his pain and worried over the joy that the ominous feeling was wrong. but before he could do anything else, he suddenly felt dizzy and with this, he passed out again. The last thing that hyunjin saw before he closed his eyes was the face of Felix that felt like he was sleeping peacefully.


“Ahhhh...” Hyunjin screamed as he recalled the memories of the day of the accident. As everything came back to him like a tsunami of shocks, he couldn’t help but panic about Felix who was severely injured before his own eyes. As Hyunjin struggled to get out, he couldn’t help but fall again and again on the bed due to fatigue and having no strength in his body at the moment. Feeling helpless and tired, he finally gave up on getting up from the bed and due to the increasing fatigue, fell asleep once again.

The next time Hyunjin opened his eyes, everything was the same as before except for one thing. Someone was sitting beside him this time. As he struggled to see the face of the person who was beside him, he heard a familiar voice of the person beside him after which it didn’t take him long to realize who was beside him. It was chan.

“You don’t need to get up. Just be comfortable and talk to me like this.” Said chan in his soothing voice

“Hyung…” said hyunjin as he struggled with the words to come out of his mouth

“I am here, Hyunjin. Don’t worry about anything else. You probably want to know how you are here, right? Well, the day you had your accident, the security team of SW went out to look after you when even after a long period you both didn’t show up at your house or the hospital. Your phone was also switched off. After searching for some time, they found the car turned over on a desolated road. They are the ones who brought you here.” Said chan

“Ho… How is F-Felix?” asked Hyunjin while stuttering.

It was evident that he didn’t have the appropriate strength to have a long conversation but he still tried to ask everything that he wanted to know before he passed out yet again.

“You are alright. The doctor said that you don’t have any internal injuries and that all your wounds are superficial. It’s just that you have been unconscious for three days and therefore your body doesn’t have the strength it needs right now. Don’t worry and go back to sleep. You will be alright in some days. I will be here beside you so it’s okay.” said chan hurriedly as he tried to deflect the question that Hyunjin had asked him.

It was evident to Hyunjin that Chan was deliberately not answering his question and this made him anxious to think about the reason why Chan was acting like that. All kinds of thoughts made their way into his mind as he fell into a labyrinth of self-doubt and questions. Was Felix alive? Was Felix seriously injured? Was it because of him that he was like this? Was it selfish for him to have Felix as his friend? All these questions made their way into his mind when he didn’t find the answer that he was looking for but hyunjin decided to try one more time to know the condition of Felix.

“Hy… Hyung. How is F-Felix? Please t-tell me.” pleaded Hyunjin as he craved the answer that would be able to put an end to all his doubts.

“Hyunjin, you should sleep for now. I will tell you later.” Chan said as he tried to avoid the question once more

“I won’t be able to s-sleep until I hear about Felix. Just tell me. please.” Said hyunjin

“Fine, if you say so then I will answer you.”

“Felix; he is in a coma.” Said chan with a voice that indicated that he would break down at any moment but the only person who didn’t show any emotions at that moment was hyunjin.

It was as if he had lost all of his ability to show any kind of feeling. The portrayal of emptiness on his face was very evident as he didn’t know what to say or do. Multiple feelings were blazing inside him. The feeling of guilt, anger and sorrow were the most prominent ones. After a few moments of silence between the two of them, chan started to speak.

“I know that you are feeling guilty right now but don’t feel that at all. It’s not your fault and if Felix knew that you were like this due to him, he would be sadder than ever, he truly valued you a lot.” Said chan as a way of reassuring hyunjin but it didn’t seem like it had any effect on him

“How can I not feel guilty, hyung? I did that to him. He is like that because of me.” said Hyunjin as a single drop of tear made its way out of the eyes and towards the ears.

“You are not responsible for that, Hyunjin. Stop blaming yourself and making Felix more pathetic. He sacrificed himself to protect you so cherish yourself and wait for him. He will be back with us soon. Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain.” Said chan

“Wh… what do you mean by that? What did he sacrifice?” asked Hyunjin impatiently as he felt a lump of sadness in his heart.

“He saved you Hyunjin. Felix saved you. Do you remember the car that was coming towards you? It was primarily on your side of the car. If Felix had done nothing then you would have been very severely injured. Before a car crash, people instinctively turn the steering wheel to their side so that the shock of the crash is less. But he swerved the car to your side so that the force you receive will be a little less and you will be cushioned from the direct hit. So, stop blaming yourself and take a hold of your mind. Don’t disappoint Felix and make it all in vain.” Said chan as he stood up from the chair to go out of the room but before he left, Hyunjin finally asked him a question.

“Why did he do that, Hyung? Why did he do that for me?” asked Hyunjin who was uncontrollably crying by now.

“Do I need to answer this question? Can’t you already tell from his behavior?” asked chan in frustration as he couldn’t help but be angry over how dull Hyunjin was regarding this matter. Although chan has previously promised that he wouldn’t interfere in their personal lives. He couldn’t help but be frustrated by how slow Hyunjin was on these things.

“Wha… what do you mean, Hyung?” asked hyunjin who was still confused over this situation

“Do I really need to say it out loud? Fine, then listen to me--” said chan before continuing

“He likes you Hyunjin. Hell, he even loves you. Felix loves you, Hyunjin.”

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