Chapter 3

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“What are you doing here, Hyunjin?” asked Felix in disbelief

“What do you think a person would be doing at a place like this during lunch hours?” asked hyunjin in that same arrogant tone

“Fine, I get it. But can’t you just answer nicely for a second without talking back?”

“Do you two know each other personally?” asked chan after witnessing the conversation between Felix and Hyunjin

“No, I don’t know him much but I met him earlier. That’s it.” Said Hyunjin

“Hyung, what is he doing here?” asked Felix

“He is the one I was talking to after the shoot ended, Felix. He is my friend and we had not seen each other in quite some time so we decided to have lunch together.” Said chan

“You are friends with a person like him? Unbelievable.” Murmured Felix which went unnoticed by both chan and hyunjin

“Where is Changbin, Hyunjin?” asked chan

“He has gone to the washroom, he will be back soon.”

“Oh, okay. Let’s sit down, shall we, Felix?” asked chan

“Ye—yes, let’s just sit down” stuttered Felix

After a while, a man came inside the room and sat beside hyunjin, and it didn’t take long for Felix to realize that this man was changbin. During their conversation with each other, Felix found out that changbin was Hyunjin’s manager and he first met Hyunjin through chan who thought he would be perfect for the job. Felix liked Changbin instantly due to his manners but he still couldn’t believe that a man like that was working for Hyunjin. After they all started eating, the three friends chatted a bit to catch up with each other and as Felix didn’t have anything to say, he just got busy on the phone and eating simultaneously.

Everything was going peacefully until Felix saw a notification pop up on the phone he was holding. Although he didn’t want to pry on Chan’s private life, he mistakenly clicked on the notification and that opened a private chat with Hyunjin who had messaged Chan just a moment ago. Felix was about to close the chatbox but a word caught his eye on the message that hyunjin had sent. Felix’s name was mentioned in the text.

“Hyung, I am sorry to ask this from you but can you somehow send that Felix guy away.  I feel uncomfortable eating around him and he doesn’t even want to talk with us. He is busy on his phone and I don’t like his rude self at all.” Was the text that Hyunjin had sent to chan.

This made Felix furious and he wanted to just let it all out at that place but then he remembered that Chan was Friends with him and he didn’t want to do anything that might sour the friendship between those three. With this thought in mind, Felix calmed himself down and stood up from the dining table much to Chan’s surprise.

“Where are you going, Felix?” asked chan

“I suddenly don’t feel good, Hyung. So I will just go back home and rest awhile.” Replied chan

“But weren’t you hungry just some time back? You have barely touched your food.” Said chan with a voice laced with concern

“I am not feeling hungry anymore, so it’s okay. I will just take a cab so you continue your meal. See you tomorrow, Hyung.” Said Felix while packing up his things and going near the door to walk out of the room without saying anything to either Hyunjin or Changbin but before he opened the door he turned around to give something to chan.

“Here is your phone, hyung. And I am sorry that I mistakenly deleted your chat history with Hyunjin when he sent a message. I don’t know what the message was so you can just ask Hyunjin yourself.” Said Felix while tossing Chan’s phone back to him

These statements made Hyunjin go red with embarrassment and although it was not evident whether he was feeling sorry or not, it was pretty evident that he was uncomfortable with the situation around him.

“Goodbye, changbin Hyung. It was nice meeting you.” said Felix with a polite smile before he went out of the room without saying anything else.

“I don’t know what has happened to him. He isn’t acting like his usual self. By the way, what did you send, Hyunjin?” asked chan

“Uhhh…Ahh… It’s nothing important.” Said Hyunjin before stuffing his mouth with food to prevent any further questions from chan and it seemed to work but what Hyunjin couldn’t avoid was the guilt he was feeling after finding out that Felix had read the text he sent to chan and that because of him, Felix didn’t eat anything and just walked away even when he was feeling perfectly fine.

Although hyunjin would have preferred for things to stay like this between them, he couldn’t shake off the feeling. He wanted to apologize to Felix but he was not sure if he would even meet him anymore after this incident. But what he didn’t expect was for the opportunity to arise so soon.

It was now nearly a week after the lunch incident and Hyunjin hadn’t heard anything from Chan or Felix yet, which meant that Felix didn’t say anything to chan about the text. Although this relieved him, he also felt guiltier about acting that way toward a person who wanted to save his friendship even after he was insulted. Hyunjin had been looking for ways to meet Felix and apologize properly but till now he had been unsuccessful. He was about to just give up on that and move on but apparently, fate had different ideas. He met Felix in the same place he had first met him.

But as fate would have it, this time also he collided with Felix and made him spill his coffee once more. But the thing that was different this time was that Hyunjin was running away from something and he didn’t see Felix and bumped into him.

“Goddamn it.” groaned Felix as he saw the coffee spilled on the floor

“Why is it you again? I wonder who was supposed to be following whom.” Said Felix as he finally saw the man standing in front of him

“Oh, it’s you. I am sorry that I bumped into you. I was running away and didn’t see where I was heading.” Said Hyunjin while catching up his breath

“Is it really Hwang Hyunjin standing in front of me or is it an imposter? I don’t sense any kind of hostility from his words and that is a surprise.” said Felix while raising his eyebrows

But before Hyunjin could say anything else, he saw the very thing he was running away from in front of the café, and without thinking about anything else, he just grabbed Felix's hand and dragged him into the back room of the café. All this happened so fast that Felix was unable to process anything in his mind and he just let Hyunjin do what he was doing.

“What are you doing?” yelled Felix once he finally regained his thoughts

“I am really sorry. I don’t want to be seen by those crazy fans that have been following me for some time now. And that is the reason why I was running before I collided with you.” said Hyunjin while panting

“Are you running away from them?” asked Felix while pointing his fingers at a group of people who were standing in front of the café.

“Yes, they have been following me for some time now and if I go out now, they will surely pounce on me as if I am their prey. I can’t even walk outside without them making it difficult for me. So, will you help me a bit, please?” asked Hyunjin who had no choice left but to ask for help.

“Fine, then come with me.”

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