Chapter 9

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It had been nearly two weeks since Hyunjin and Felix had met each other. Although they both had tried to meet each other sometime, it was not possible due to their conflicting time schedules. But other than that they both had been in touch ever since through texts and calls. Hyunjin would randomly ask Felix what he was doing at the moment and it never took Felix more than a few minutes to reply to him. The misunderstanding they had, in the beginning, had been completely resolved and forgotten about and their friendship was blooming smoothly at the moment.

It was a fine Sunday afternoon when Hyunjin decided to ask Felix to spend some time with him. Although Hyunjin didn’t want to accept it, it was evident that the presence of Felix gave some solace to Hyunjin. Hyunjin never had anyone who made him this comfortable so soon. It was the first time that he wanted to just say it all out to someone and it was also surprising for him that it was Felix who made him this vulnerable.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined, him and Felix being this close to each other. So, with all these thoughts in mind, Hyunjin called Felix to ask him about today’s plans

“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Hyunjin as soon as Felix picked up the phone

“Hey. I am working now. It’s so freaking tiring.” Complained Felix

“Oh.” That was all Hyunjin could say as he didn’t expect Felix to be working on a Sunday morning. It was now evident that Felix was busy and will not be able to hang out with Hyunjin, so he decided to spare Felix the guilt and not ask him altogether.

“What happened? You sound upset or something?” asked Felix

“Ahhh… It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“So, is there any reason for which you called me, or did you just want to talk?”

“It’s nothing. I was bored and just wanted to talk a bit.” Said Hyunjin

“Then can we talk later? I have to complete my work now or else I will be scolded by chan Hyung.” Said Felix

“Yeah, sure. Please go ahead. I will call you later. Bye.” Said Hyunjin before hanging up the call

With a deep sigh, Hyunjin plopped down on his living room couch. He didn’t know what else to do and he was bored to death. So after much deliberation, he decided to do the one thing he could think of. Eat and sleep. After Hyunjin finished eating the takeout he had ordered for himself, he went back into his bedroom and tried to sleep a little. Although he was not feeling sleepy at all, he soon fell into a deep slumber which continued for the next three hours.

Hyunjin’s sleep would have continued longer had it not been for the constant ringing of his doorbell. Someone had decided to visit him without any due notice and although it irked him to no limit that someone disturbed his sleep, he still went to the door to answer it after the bell continuously went off. As he opened the door with his droopy eyes, he was surprised by the person standing in front of his door. It was Felix.

“Hey, sleepyhead. How was your sleep?” asked Felix as he greeted hyunjin with a lighthearted laugh

“Felix, what are you doing here?” asked a bewildered hyunjin

“I am here to take you out obviously. What I didn’t expect was for you to be sleeping during this time but now it’s okay.” Said Felix as he went inside the door and sat down on the sofa

“But weren’t you busy? I thought you had some important work to do.” Said Hyunjin as he closed the door behind him

“I was busy three hours ago, hyunjin. My work is already done and now I am here to accompany you.”

“What do you mean by accompanying me?  Are we going somewhere?” asked a confused hyunjin

“Didn’t you call me back then to ask me if I am free to hang out with you? Now I am, so let's go.”

“How did you know that I wanted to hang out with you?”

“Of course, I know that. I can read you very easily, Hyunjin. So now don’t waste any more time and just go and get ready.” Said Felix before pushing Hyunjin into his bedroom for him to get ready

After a while, hyunjin came out of his bedroom completely dressed up and they both went out of his home in Felix’s car. Hyunjin was happy that Felix had decided to have some fun with him and although he was still surprised that Felix knew his intention from the start, he didn’t want to ponder about that and not have fun at all.

“Say, where are we going this time?” asked hyunjin

“Well, I wanted to visit the hangang river. The weather is nice today and the soft breeze at the riverside would be perfect for today.” Answered Felix

“But are we going to be okay? I don’t want to run once again.” said hyunjin as he shuddered at the thought of the previous incidents happening once again

“Don’t worry, we will be okay If anything happens then I will handle that.” Said Felix with a reassuring smile

After driving for a while, they both reached a relatively isolated part of the hangang river where not many people were present. As they got out of the car and walked beside the riverbank, several posters of the movie hyunjin was starring in came into view. The posters were basically everywhere, starting from the streetlamps to the convenience stores and this made Hyunjin feel a bit embarrassed around Felix.

“Is one of the biggest movie stars of this country feeling embarrassed after seeing himself on the posters?” asked Felix while laughing at Hyunjin’s reaction

“Just shut off. Don’t say another word or I will surely punch you in the face.” Replied Hyunjin who was also laughing by now

“Fine fine, let’s get something to eat, shall we? I didn’t notice before but I haven’t eaten anything since the morning and now I am way too hungry to do anything else.”

“There’s a convenience store nearby, if you want then we can have something there.” Suggested hyunjin

But just as Hyunjin and Felix made their way toward the convenience store, they came across a group of people who looked like they were in their twenties. In normal circumstances, Felix wouldn’t have paid any attention to them and just be on his way but as he had Hyunjin to take care of, he couldn’t help but be wary of his surroundings, and this time, it seemed like his wariness helped.

The group was saying absurd things about many different celebrities but what gained Felix’s attention was Hyunjin’s name. As the group of people continued defaming Hyunjin while being unknown of the fact that the said person was listening to them, Felix couldn’t control himself anymore and decided to approach them. He was seeing red from all the things they had said about Hyunjin. Hyunjin tried to stop Felix but it was all in vain.

“Who are you?” asked a man from the group when he saw Felix coming toward the

"Who I am is not important. Just tell me, what did you say about Hyunjin?” asked Felix in a very deep voice

“I said that he is a --” said the man but before he could continue his sentence, the guy felt a sudden impact on his left cheek and increasing pain by the second. He couldn’t understand what had just happened but as he came back to reality he saw Felix looking down on him.

Felix had punched the guy.

"Oops, too late to say anything."

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