Part 9

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JE- should we do some girls night today?

LI- nice idea unnie

And she linked her arm with me. And then Rose unnie did the same for my other arm.

RO- first we should see some movies.

JI- right.

And with that we started walking while talking about movies. We were going upstairs and then they were going somewhere. And then we stopped in front of a wall. I looked at them. But then the wall started moving own it own I flinched.

LI- it's are secret door

She whispered.

RO- don't tell anyone

And with that we started walking inside that and there was stairs we climed it and then there was 4 doors.

JI- Should we first get fresh?

BP- of course

And again they started walking and opened a door. It was a simple room but they open a door which was there in the room. And I was amazed because it had a big bath tub.

JI- sometimes, we bath together so that's why it is this big.

LI- come Y/n

And they all started removing there clothes there. I was shocked. And they were in there inners.

JE- Y/n are you straight?

Y/n- huh?

JE- I mean do you like girls?

Y/n- no

I said while shaking my head and hands.

JE- come on remove your clothes we are also straight.

I looked at them and then removed my clothes. When we all were in our inners and they tuned on the tap and started putting things in it to make it bubbly. When they were done they went in and I also did the same. It was refreshing and then we played with the foams which were made. When we were done they left the tub and took a towel wrapped it around there bodies and started going out. I did the same.

Y/n- what should I do about my clothes?

JE- ahh no worries. We are here, we will give you some.

And with that on the room which was there in the bathroom and got some clothes with some inner.

JE- here this will fit you.

She said giving it and they started changing it there. I was again shocked. But I did the same. I didn't felt uncomfortable with them so I did it. We left the bathroom and went to see movie. The movie which we decided we played that and stated watching. It was a romantic movie. We were seeing it and the moment came where the hero and heroine were kissing the end of the movie.

JI- ah! When will I find my soulmate?

Je- It is just a imagination where it just not real. It is all fake.

RO- no it is real!

LI- ha! You really think?

JI- it 2-2. Y/n you tell.

I thought about it.

Y/n- to be honest it's true it is imagination and not real but it is real. Everyone feels it but sometimes the fate is something else. It just like a dream, which may come true sometime or someday. In short, it depends on a relation ship. If both in true love it is real if not then it's not. Simple!

BP- true that!

LI- are you really the maknae here?

RO- she talks are more meanifull then Jisoo unnie.

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