Part 25

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JK- I want answer from you!

He said with his clenched jaws and glaring at me.

 JK- Y/N!!

He screamed when I didn't answered him and looked down playing with my fingers, I flinched and tears came in my eyes

JM- bro calm down!!

He said coming towards him and pat his back.

Y/n- why do you always feel like I am cheating on you or using you?

I said while looking down.

Y/n- didn't I myself told you I like you and wanted start a new start and forget about our past but still you feel like I am using?

I just rushed to my room and cried. 


After 15 mins I was still crying while snuggling my face in the pillow and then I felt a hand pat my back and I knew who it was.

Y/n- I don't want to talk to you.

JK- I am sorry

Yes it was Jungkook. I sat on the bed and faced him.

Y/n- tell me. Why do you feel it like that? Why do you feel again and again that I am using you when I just told you that day that I like you and forgave you and did so many thing but you still feel the same. Why?

He just looked down.

Y/n- don't know the answer then tell me what you saw that you were so angry on me?

He still didn't said anything.

Y/n- Jungkook

He looked at me.

Y/n- I will not call you kookie, I can't till the time we clear things.

He was just looking at me.

Y/n- you can tell me.

I said holding his hand. He looked towards it and held mine hand with his both hands, tightly.

Y/n- tell.

JK- I sawed you and Taehyung behind the bush and then he gave you flower on his knees and you smiled and was taking it but he put it behind your ear.

He said in one go.

Y/n- now should I tell you what was the behind the story?

He nodded.

Flash back.

Finally! Taehyung oppa was there talking on his phone behind the bush. I was looking at him where he was looking around in some time I was standing behind him and when he ended the call and turned around, he flinched.

TH- you scared me

Y/n- oppa you didn't ate dinner? It was so delicious.

He looked at me in confusion and and then he released. He started giggling. I just looked at him with sad eyes.

TH- sorry sorry.

He said still giggling.

Y/n- oppa it's unfair, you know?

TH- I just didn't find anything to do so

Y/n- but you know I ——

TH- here, a sorry gift

He said plucking a flower and sitting on his knees.

TH- I am sorry Y/n

I smiled at his action.

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