Part 19

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She screamed. And then I felt weight on me. Y/n fell on the ground. They all gather around us. I lightly slapped her cheeks where Jisoo unnie was holding her wrist and looking at her watch.

JI- she is okay, just fainted.

JM- Jungkook take her home we will take care of him.

I nodded and picked her up, left the place with Jisoo noona. The car was right in front of the door as we ordered the driver. I sat in the car with Y/n in my lap and Jisoo noona sitting in front. And the car started moving. I looked at Y/n who was little pale and her face has lost it's shining smile. I couldn't see it so

JK- can you drive fast!

Driver- yes sir.

JI- Jungkook, don't worry doctor is there only and she just faint because of the shootings nothing else. Relax!

I just kept my eyes on her. I couldn't see her like that and in some time we reach there. I took her in my room and layed her there where Jisoo noona and our personal doctor followed me. When I kept her on the bed the doctor immedietly started checking her up. After sometime he started packing his things

JK- is she fine?

Doctor- yes she is, just only some panic attack that's why she fainted. When she will wake up make sure she drinks a lot of water.

JI- okay doctor.

And then the doctor left the room with Jisoo unnie. I just couldn't see her that pale face. I went to her. I sat beside her and held her hand. I just feeled so bad because all of the sadness which is in her life is because of me. And just then a tear left,

JK- I am sorry.

I kissed her forehead.


I woke up from a bad head ache again. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a familiar room. I felt something on my hand I looked down and saw Jungkook holding my hand while sitting on the floor. I thought of taking my hand out of his and did it but he started moving. He opened his eyes and looked here and there but when his eyes fall on me he blinked his eyes. 

JK- you awake?

I nodded

He got up and took a glass of water from his side table and given to me.

JK- drink it.

I drank it and give the glass to him. He looked around

JK- you want something?

I shook my head and decided to do my morning routine I was about to take the duvet off me but he put is hand on it and didn't let me. I looked at him

JK- the doctor said I have to keep an eye on you.

Y/n- but I am fine, Jungkook

JK- no you are not.

Y/n- I am, see!

I said and rotating my arms but it hurted and a groaned left my mouth. He held my arm and started massaging it.

JK- see told you. You need energy and for that you need to.... Right! Wait

He left the room but retuned again

JK- don't you dare to move

And left again. I waited for him and after sometime he was here with a bowl. He came and put it in front of me. I looked at it and it was cereals.

Y/n- cereals?

JK- yes, doctors said that you must be weak so we should give a lot of food.

Y/n- okay, but cereals?!

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