Part 22

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Y/n- Jungkook...

JK- why did you left saying without telling me. You know how much scared I got. I thought I lost you again.

I hugged him.

Y/n- calm down, Jungkook. I am here only.

JK- please don't go away like this.

Y/n- I will not.

I was getting away but he started kissing me where I was taken a back by his action. I pat his chest and he got away. I was looking at him with confusion.

JK- you called me Jungkook thrice.

And then I remember.

Y/n- I am going

I said tuning around and was unlocking the door but he held my wrist and made me tuned around and pulled towards him. My other hand land it on his chest where his another and slid on my waist and pulled me more towords him.

Y/n- Jung—-kookie

JK- you are not leaving this room.

Y/n- I have to hair dryer. 

JK- it is here

Y/n- and what about my other things?

JK- we will get them. From now on you are going to live in this room.

Y/n- okay but—-

JK- no buts

We were still in the same position looking in each others eyes.

Y/n- can you leave me at least and give me dryer

JK- ohh yes

He leaved me and went somewhere. He came back with a dryer and gave it to me.

JK- here, you can do it there

He said showing a plug.

Y/n- but I need a mirror to—-

JK- there is a switch beside the mirror too.

Y/n- okay.... thanks.

I said and went towords the mirror and plugged in the dryer and started drying my hair and when I was done I looked around the room to only see Jungkook looking towards me while sitting on the edge of the bed, his arms behind him and leaning on it with a small smile on his face. When our eyes met he smiled more and I smiled back.

Y/n- where should I put it?

JK- keep it there only. 

Y/n- ohh okay. I will get my things. Okay?

He nodded with a smile. I went in my room and started using the things which I wanted to do. 


After sometime the room door was opened I looked towards the person to only find Jungkook.

JK- are you done?

Y/n- umm kookie

I said very sweetly and went to him and held his hand.

JK- what is it baby?

Y/n- first sit here

I said pointing towards the bed. He did it.

Y/n- kookie what I was thinking was to keep my things here only

JK- but—-

Y/n- see I have to tell appa the truth and who knows if he will allow me to live me here or ask me to live with him and then shifting these all things to your room will be a little awkward.

JK- you are right but I can't stand it when you are not in front of me.

Y/n- see if dad allows for our relationship and allows me to stay here I will shift things in your room then. Okay?

JK- sure.

Y/n- should I talk to him now?

JK- ofcourse

Y/n- okay. I am going

JK- all the best

He said getting up.

Y/n- thank you

He kissed my forehead.

JK- don't be scared. I am always with you.

I smiled to him and he smiled back.

JK- go now

He said I and started leaving.


I have never left like this before. When she left the room my heart started bumping. It felt like the whole world is going to blast and I am the reason for it. I tried to make myself feel fine and then went to my room. And then this thought came in my mind. Why Y/n ave to talk about this with her dad alone? It about me also, I have to fight for this with her. I left my room and went to find Y/n and abenim. I saw everywhere and finally I saw them in the park. 

      Y/n POV

I left room and started searching for appa. I checked everywhere and finally saw him in the park sitting on a bench. I went to him

Y/n- good morning, appa!

Appa- oh good morning, child!

He said smiling towards me.

Y/n- what are you doing here appa?

Appa- just looking around.

Y/n- ohh

Appa- why are you here?

Y/n- I was finding you

Appa- ohh what happen?

Y/n- I wanted to tell you something

Appa- okay....

Y/n- appa actully Jungkook and I are not married

Appa- huh?

Y/n- actually when we sneaked out from Jisung oppa house they made this plan for my safety that I should get a contracted married to Jungkook and he will take my responsibility as he wanted to so....

Appa- umm hmm

Y/n- yes. So I just wanted to tell you this.

Appa- do they misbehave with you or threat you?

Y/n- huh? Not at all appa. They are not like this.

Appa- then what's the problem? You love jungkook right?

Y/n- yes

Appa- You want to get married?

Y/n- no, not now. Maybe in some years.

Appa- okay.

And then there was silent for sometime.

Y/n- appa

Appa- yes child

Y/n- are you upset from me?

Appa- not at all. I told you before that they did a good thing and made sure you are safe for which I am very thankful of and I have no problem with your relationship from the moment you told me the truth. I just want your happiness and I am sure after I met them all, you will have no problem here.

?- so can she live here with me?

A voice came from behind. We both look behind and saw Jungkook.

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