Part 13

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JK- Apologise to her.

I looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.

Y/n- no no Mrs Jeon th——

Mrs jeon- huh? Me,  Apologise to this priceless and dirty girl. Never!

JK- so you better leave this house.

He said and then hand held my, and started walking.

Y/n- Jungkook it—-

Mrs Jeon- so you are going to kick me out of the house for that girl. Which was never with you and never will be. Once she is done what she need she will never comeback.

JK- leave then.

He said and started walking again while holding my hand.

Mrs jeon- you are saying it like you love her? Duh? Anyway you are going to comeback to me only.

JK- yes I do. I love her and I will comeback to you when you will apologise to her. Now you can leave.

And he started dragging me.

Y/n- Jungkook.

I held his arm and stoped him.

Y/n- it is wrong.

JK- what?

Y/n- you can't talk to your mother like that.

JK- and she also can't talk to you like that.

Y/n- I am no one. She is your mother. She is your past, present and future. 

JK- same goes for you.

I just looked at him blankly.

JK- you are my present and future.

Y/n- Jungkook, I......

JK- Y/n

Y/N- ok just don't send her like that. Let her live here till the time she wants. This is her house also.

JK- okay. Then pack your bags

I looked at him.

JK- we will leave this house.

Mrs Jeon- why Jungkook?. I think this girl need to leave from here.

She said standing there with folding her hands.

Y/n- she is right. I should leave. I have no reason to live here.

I said while looking down.

Mr Jeon- no, you are not going anywhere child. It's not safe for you to leave.

Y/n- no I should leave.

I said looking down. I was about to walk off but this hand which was still holding my hand pulled me.

JK- your not going anywhere.

Y/n- Jungkook.

I pushed his hand lightly.

Y/n- thank you. I can only say that to you. And....

I kissed his cheek

Y/n- this my thank you gift.

I looked at BP unnies and smiled to her waved my hand. They just stand there shooking there head. Giving action to not leave. I just nod my head and started walking towards the door. I was about to pass the door but someone held my hand from the back. I thought it was again Jungkook.

Yn- Jung—-

I looked at the person and it was Mrs jeon. I just looked at her with a blank face.

Mrs jeon- no one is leaving this house.

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