Part 18

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?- see its not my problem that your so called husband want me to make you mine physically first.

And then he picked me up and threw me on the bed. He hovered on me and kissed me on the lips. It  was not a kiss, he was sucking it. I pushed him but he had no effect of it. And slowly he started going downwards. He sucked my jawline, neck and then collar bone. I started shouting. I was crying while shouting. I was still pushing him but he pined my hands beside me with one hand and started tearing my shirt from other. He tear it and threw it somewhere. I begged him but he didn't stop. When he was about to go forward it the door broke open. Finally he is here.

Y/n- Jungkook....


We reached the place where she was. We got inside from backside and knocked all the guards of inside. But suddenly there was a huge force of his guard. We were not less we knocked half of them. And after sometime I notice a scream coming from upstairs of the house. I ingnored it first but then it hit me. It was Y/n screaming.

JK- guys!

All- yes

Jk- I can hear Y/n voice from upstairs.

Jisung- what? 

JK- something is wrong upstairs. I will go upstairs keep eye on them from here.

All- okay!

I started finding a way for upstairs. And when I found it I somehow went upstairs and I saw two guards in front of the door. I knocked them and tuned the nob but it was locked. And yes, it was the voice of Y/n was coming from there. I broke the door to only see Y/n with no shirt crying and that bastard on her. I got really angry.

Y/n- Jungkook.....

That's it. I got my orders. I went to her picked that guy from his color and threw him down. I started beating him. And finally when I was done. I saw towards the bed to only see my love crawled up in a ball and trying to cover herself from duvet. I started unbutton my shirt, removed it and went to her and make her wear it. When she wore it she hugged me and sat on my lap.

Y/n- why are you so late? He hurted—-

She burst out crying.

JK- it's okay Y/n. See I am here.

And then I saw Jisung hyung and Seokjin hyung coming in the room.

Jisung- she okay?

I just nodded

SJ- we should leave.

JK- let's go Y/n.

She got up from the bed and we started to leave but.

Y/n- just a second.

She said and went in the room again and got something and held my hand again. We got down and saw whole floor with dead bodies and blood. I saw the boys gathering.

HJ- is she okay?

I nodded and saw towards her.

JM- let's leave.

We all nodded and started leaving but


A gun shooting noise came from behind us. We tuned all look toward the noise to only see that bastard with a smirk and gun in his hand. I looked at him in anger.

CH (ChungHo)- ha! you think it was so easy to take away what's mine?

JK- can I ask what is your here except this house?

His eyes went beside me and then I felt something holding into my arms. I knew what it was. I pushed Y/n behind me. 

JK- she is not yours.

CH- you don't even know anything. Just pass her to me

JK- never!

CH- yaa Jisung, you said she is mine now.

JI- sorry, you don't deserve her.

CH- (scoff) do you really think I care if she deserve me or not. I know she is mine and I will have her.

JK- try it!

CH- you will regret it.

JK- let's see

He smirked and just then some people in black came and surrounded us from all sides.

JK-  so this is what you are going to do huh?

CH- you leaved no other way. Yah! get that girl.

He order and 2 guys started coming from the front. But they could't reach till me. Obviously how can they. Hyunjin and Jimin hyung knocked them and slowly slowly they started attacking us but they all were knocked them.

CH- you really don't want to go alive from here. Guys kill them all.

And they all pointed there guns on us. And


The gun shooting noise came. And the person standing in front of us fell with blood flowing. They all looked around where BTS and SKZ smirk.

CH- what the hell??

JH(JEONGYEON)- you called for it

The voice came form behind him. They all looked behind and that's it that were shotted from behind us.

CH- what is going on?

MN(mina)- what do you think?

CH- who are you?

SN(sana)- woah! He doesn't know us unnie. Should we tell him or.....

NY(Nayeon)- let him be. He is a total fool.

CH- yah kill them. What are—

He said turning around to order his guards but they were laying on the floor lifeless.

TH- told you, you will regret it.

He took his gun and pointed to towards me.

CH- I will not.

But twice member took care of him. They kicked his leg and took the gun away form him and pointed it to him. 

TY(Tzuyu)- he very weak.

She said with a chuckle.


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