JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                             Part 1
                                       Hello, Jackie

          "Thanks to the officers who risked their lives to capture the culprit." A man on the TV spoke. "Thanks to the officers who blah blah blah. Yeah, I helped too." Jackie mocked, as he paced his living-room, scanning the instructions to a new crafting kit he had made. "Just shut up." He huffed, reaching for the remote to turn off the TV. "A hacker has been reported hacking into phones, computers, TVs, and any other technology they can reach." A woman spoke from the TV. Jackie looked up from the instructions, his thumb hovering over the power button on the remote. He stared at the TV, listening to the news that was being reported. "A hacker?" He questioned, confused. "This hacker has been deemed dangerous and is possibly linked to the disappearances popping up around the city. Officials are telling everyone to stay-" the woman was interrupted as the TV suddenly turned off. Jackie removed his thumb from the power button, setting the remote back onto the side table. "Yeah, we'll see if that's true." He mumbled to himself, looking back at the instructions. "I have other stuff to do right now. I don't have time for some lame hacker." He spoke in an annoyed tone, grabbing the crafting kit and heading to his bedroom.

Jackie groaned as he leaned his head back, resting it on his bed. He had been sitting on the floor for hours, trying to make a simple figure from the kit. He had already shocked himself a couple of times with the wires and pricked or cut himself with the scissors by accident. "Maybe all this crafting, building and drawing stuff isn't for me." He said to himself in a soft tone. He stared up at the ceiling, thoughts running through his head. He slowly looked down at the kit in front of him. He looked at his hands, seeing the nicks and scratches from everything. He reached for his phone to his side, feeling nothing there. He looked over to his side, then the other. He looked around where he was sitting. "Dammit." He huffed before tiredly standing up and heading towards the living-room. He noticed it laying on the sofa. He grabbed it and turned it on, the screen glitching slightly as his lock screen appeared. He flinched a bit, not expecting it. "What the fuck?" He whispered to himself. He watched the screen fade to black as it turned off again. He turned it on once more, unlocking it and checking everything on his phone. Everything seemed normal and fine, so he shrugged it off, checking the time. "I'll just go get some lunch, then continue this stupid project later." He said, turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket. He grabbed his shoes and putting them on. He grabbed his keys and left, shutting the door and walking down the hallway of the apartment complex he lived in. He walked down the stairs and into the lobby. As he left the building, he looked left then right, deciding on where to go. "Random destination." He thought to himself before starting to walk left down the sidewalk.

Jackie stopped at a small fast food place, entering it. He walked up to the counter, ordering whatever came to his mind first. After ordering, he sat at an empty table and waited, pulling out his phone and checking his social media. He let out a soft sigh, seeing how unpopular his account was. No one was interested and it hurt a little. "What am I doing wrong?" He thought to himself. He put his phone down, hiding his face in his hands. He tried to calm himself until he felt tense suddenly. He lowered his hands, trying to listen carefully to his surroundings. The door to the place open as a guy wearing a leather jacket and leather jeans entered. The guy took off his helmet to order. Jackie glanced at the guy, realizing he was the one that made him tense up. Maybe it was just the scary, biker look that made him tense up or the intimidating energy did it, but it scared Jackie a bit at first until he managed to calm down. The guy sat down at a booth, setting his helmet beside him as he checked his phone. Jackie looked away, sitting up in his seat. He heard the number of his order get called. He stood up to go grab it. The biker looked over at him before looking back at his phone, a smirk growing on his face. Jackie had stopped paying attention to the man despite the intense energy. So much was already going on in his mind, one more problem was too much. He ate his food while searching stuff on his phone to hopefully help with the project back at home. He skimmed through an article stopping when his phone glitched again, a green line appearing for a split second before disappearing again. He stared at his phone screen for a bit, confused. He got off the article, checking his phone again. Once again everything seemed fine and normal. He rolled his eyes and put his phone away, finishing up his food and paying. He walked out the building, seeing the motorcycle he assumed the guy road here on. He noticed a sticker on the side, as if it was a symbol of some kind. He shrugged it off, just think it was cool then started heading back towards his apartment. "Wish I had a motorcycle." He whispered to himself. "Or any vehicle really." He continued. He stared at the ground as he walked before taking a deep breath and straightening his posture. He tried to force the thoughts out but couldn't no matter what. All he could feel was stress and his mind racing. This low mood started to turn into anger. He hurried home, wanting to get off the streets and in the comfort of his own flat.

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