JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                            Part 12
                                        Happy End

           A few days had passed since the fight, but everyone seemed okay now. Jackie stood outside, leaning on the balcony railing of his apartment. Everyone but Anti and Henrik were hanging with Jackie. Robbie sat in the living room with Marvin, while Jameson and Chase stood outside with Jackie. Chase reached into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette pack and a lighter. Jackie watched him light a cigarette. "I didn't know you smoked." He spoke. "Yeah, I do, sadly. I want to stop, but it's hard." Chase responded. Jameson looked at them, listening to their conversation. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you start smoking?" Jackie asked. Chase sighed, blowing smoke into the air in the process, almost as if preparing himself to tell the story. "I started smoking back when I lost my wife. I used smoking and drinking as a coping mechanism that, honestly, isn't good. I've been wanting to stop both since it's been so long, but it's not an easy habit to break." He explained before puffing on the cigarette once more. "We could help you quit if you want?" Jackie asked. "But that's up to you." He continued. "If you guys can get me to quit, please do it." Chase said, looking at Jackie. "We will try to help." Jackie smiled. Glitches began to appear on the balcony, Chase, Jackie, and Jameson turning to look at them. Anti appeared, looking at everyone. "Hey." He spoke. "Hey!" Jackie smiled. "Jackie, I want to talk about something." Anti spoke. "Okay?" Jackie said, leaning on the railing once again. Jameson and Chase backed off a bit, letting Anti and Jackie talk. "You know how you said I could join you guys and help protect people?" Anti spoke. "Yeah?" Jackie responded. "Is there a spot in your team still opened, and maybe I could take it?" Anti asked, looking at Jackie. Jackie began to smile brightly. "Yes! Absolutely!" He responded. Anti chuckled. "But, hey, just because I'm on your team doesn't mean I'm going to be completely nice to you all." He spoke, smiling. "Just don't kill us, okay?" Jackie spoke, giggling. "I won't kill you." Anti rolled his eyes, smiling. Chase and Jameson smiled, watching them. "How's Henrik?" Jackie asked. "He's doing fine. Still working at the hospital and started inventing more things." Anti responded. He looked down at the ground below. "Hey, I also brought something with me." He spoke, looking back at Jackie. Jackie looked at Anti confused. Anti pulled Jackie's mask out of his pocket, handing it to him. Jackie took it, looking at Anti confused. "Since I know you like to hide your identity when you fight, and you can't really do that without your mask." Anti spoke, looking away. "Thank you." Jackie spoke. He looked at the mask before putting it in his hoodie pocket. "Everyone else is inside, we should go tell them you are joining us!" He smiled, looking at Anti. "Fine with me." Anti smiled softly. The group hurried inside to tell Marvin and Robbie. As they entered, they noticed Robbie cuddling against Marvin and Marvin running his fingers through Robbie's hair. "Did we interrupt something?" Anti spoke. Marvin looked at him before rolling his eyes. "Are you all just coming inside to bother us or what?" He joked. "We came inside to bother you!" Jackie joked as well. Robbie heard everyone but didn't want to move, liking the petting he was receiving. Everyone began to talk, talking about Anti joining them and then random stories from their childhood. Everything's okay. Everything will be okay.

Everything will work out in the end.

JackieBoy-Man: State Of ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now