JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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Part 7

          Marvin read the texts being sent from Robbie. Instead of showing that he was confused and scared, he seemed confident. He messaged Robbie back, giving him his address before walking to a room and knocking on the door. "Come in." A person spoke. Marvin entered the room. "Are you okay, Chase?" He asked. Chase put down a picture frame he had been looking at. "I'm fine." He said, looking over at Marvin. "I have a friend coming over, we're going to go out for a bit today, okay?" Marvin spoke, leaning on the door frame. "Okay." Chase responded. "Don't get drunk while I'm out, please." Marvin spoke. "I won't." Chase said, rolling his eyes. Marvin gave Chase a suspicious look before leaving Chase's room. He shut the door before walking towards the front door and leaving the house, waiting on the porch. Once the front door had shut, Chase got up from his bed, walking out of his room. He hurried to the kitchen, opening the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol before hurrying back to his room. "Don't get drunk, my ass. I'll do whatever I want." He whispered to himself as he opened the bottle. He began to take huge sips from the bottle. Marvin sat on the steps leading to the front door, sitting up when he noticed Robbie. He stood up, running towards Robbie. "We should get out of this place." Marvin said before starting to lead Robbie away from the house. "You're not scared or anything?" Robbie asked, confused. "Oh, trust me, I'm terrified, but I know I can help." Marvin responded. "And you believe everything I said?" Robbie couldn't understand how someone believed him so easily. "Well duh? If I can perform magic, I'm not surprised there are others with abilities too." Marvin answered, stopping in his tracks and turning to face Robbie. "You said that's tracking you?" He asked, motioning to the choker on Robbie. Robbie nodded. Marvin felt the choker, seeing what it was made of. Purple smoke came from Marvin's hand as a card appeared. Robbie watched, confusion growing. "Hold still." Marvin said before pressing the card against the choker. The card slide through the choker, cutting it in half. The choker fell to the ground. Robbie looked down at it, amazed. He looked back at Marvin, then the card. "Holy shit." He said, a small smile growing. "Easy!" Marvin said, smiling happily. "I love you." Robbie whispered. "What?" Marvin asked, looking at Robbie. "Nothing!" Robbie said. "He probably already knows where I am, but maybe we still have time to escape." He continued. He grabbed the choker, about to throw it somewhere else. "Wait, give it to me." Marvin spoke. Robbie hesitantly gave him the choker. Marvin held onto it as blue flames came from his hands, burning the choker till it was in ashes. Robbie backed up a bit. "There, now let's get out of here." Marvin said before leading Robbie away from the area.

Anti stopped in his tracks, glitching more than he was used to. It's not that it was painful, it's just that he couldn't see where he was going with the glitches in the way. "God dammit." He growled. He continued walking, the glitches getting in the way still. "What happened? Why is this happening to me?" He asked himself, starting to head towards an alleyway and hiding there. As he hid, he heard two people running by before stopping and slowing down. He tried to hide the best he could with the glitches everywhere. He glanced over at whoever was coming towards him, his eyes widening when he saw Jackie. He backed away quickly. "You don't look so good there, buddy." Jackie spoke, smirking. "Fuck off." Anti said, trying to calm himself. He noticed Jameson walk up to Jackie. "Jameson, what the fuck are you doing?" Anti asked as the glitches slowed down, starting to fade away. "Helping Jackie stop you." Jameson spoke, hiding behind Jackie slightly, holding the pocket watch. Anti glared at them before charging towards them, stopping in place as Jameson began to turn the second hand on his watch. Once Anti was back in the spot he was at before, he watched them back away from him. "Before I deal with you, I'm going to get Robbie and Marvin first." Jackie said. "Stay here." He continued, winking at Anti before running off. "No!" Anti tried to move, only to find he couldn't. He looked at Jameson, who was holding down the second hand. "I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm really not." He had before running off, still holding down the hand on his watch.

Jackie hurried down the street, stopping in his tracks when he noticed Robbie. Jameson followed, watching the pocket watch, trying to keep Anti on his mind, so Anti couldn't follow. Jackie hurried over to Robbie. "Nice to see you again, undead bastard." He said, smiling. "Undead?" Marvin asked, looking at Robbie. Robbie glanced at Marvin, then Jackie. "Yeah, you too." He said. "Marvin meet Jackie. Jackie, Marvin." He continued. Marvin and Jackie shook hands. "Cool, now can we please stop Anti from losing his god-damn mind?" Robbie said, looking at Jackie. "I think he already has." Jameson spoke. The other three looked over at Jameson. "What is he doing?" Robbie asked. "Holding down the second hand on the watch. Anti can't move right now, but if Jameson loses his train of thought or let's go, then Anti will be able to move again." Jackie explained. "That's why Anti said he probably used it to escaped." Robbie spoke. "What's the plan?" Marvin asked. Jameson looked at the others. "Whatever it is we need to think of one fast, I don't know how much long I can keep Anti there." He said, looking back at the watch. Jackie nodded. "Marvin, do you have any abilities?" He asked. "Heh, which one would like me to use?" Marvin chuckled. Jackie smirked. "Just in case, do you have any way to cut strings?" He asked. Marvin made cards appear in front of him, spread out with purple mist surrounding them as they levitated. "They aren't real cards, they can cut almost anything. Think of it like a knife shaped as a card." He explained. Jackie felt energy race through him. Was it adrenaline? Excitement? Maybe even nervousness, either way, knowing they all had something to defend themselves and each other, he decided to start making a plan with them.

Anti growled, still trying to move and escape. When he felt his body move forward, he stopped in his tracks, a smile growing on his face. "Guess someone finally let go." He said to himself before hurrying down the street, running the direction they had gone. He used his glitches occasionally to teleport down the street, just to get more speed.

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