JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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Part 3
Plan B

          Jackie ran down the streets, hurrying to his apartment as quickly as he could. There was so much happening, and he needed time to think. He knew it probably wouldn't be long before Anti and his minions caught up, but hoped it would be long enough to think of a plan. He jumped onto a streetlamp before jumping from it to the apartment wall, clinging on and climbing all the way to his room, falling through the window to his room. He pushed himself up from the ground, about to continue his panic, until he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He walked over to it, seeing how messy and injured he was. He pulled down the sleeves of his outfit, looking down at his wrists. Red marks wrapped around his hands, stinging as realization hit. If Anti kept those strings on any longer or made them tighter, he could cut through with them. Jackie slowly unzipped his suit, looking in the mirror at the same red marks wrapped around his waist. "So that's why it's hard to move." He whispered to himself. He shook his head, zipping the suit back up and pulling down the sleeves. He closed the window to his room before continuing to his living room to plan how he was going to deal with the three and Anti's new robot.

Jackie paced his living room, panic slowly building. Those three haven't gotten to him yet and though that was nice, it was also terrifying knowing that they could be waiting for him around a corner. As the TV glitched, Jackie flinched a bit before brushing it off as nothing. "Wait." He said, looking over at the unplugged TV. The TV began to glitch rapidly, green static filling up every corner of it. Jackie began to back up as a shadowed figure pressed their hands against the TV from the inside. Jackie felt his heart racing as the hands pushed through the TV and the familiar look of Anti crawled through it. "That has to be the creepiest shit I have ever seen!" Jackie said. Anti chuckled as he stood up, his back facing the TV. "Sadly, only I could make it seeing as the other two aren't glitches." He said, approaching Jackie. Jackie looked into Anti's green eyes before noticing the slit on Anti's neck. "There are other ways to solve all this. We don't have to fight!" Jackie spoke, backing away until he bumped into the wall behind him. "There's only one way to solve this, and that's getting rid of my creator." Anti spoke before glitches covered him. Jackie flinched as the glitches appeared in front of him and Anti had pinned him to the wall. "What about your "no killing?" You said you didn't want to kill." Jackie said as he struggled to get out of Anti's grasp. "I'm not going to kill, you are! Robbie is! Jameson is! The blood won't be on my hands." Anti responded, tightening his grip on Jackie's wrists. Jackie winced. The tight grip mixed with the red cuts sent a sharp pain shooting through him. "I'm not going to be some assassin or toy for you!" Jackie growled as he lifted his leg to kick Anti off, only for Anti to glitch away, causing Jackie to lose balance and stumble. "If you won't help me, I can find someone else who will, but this is definitely not the last time you will see me. Since you know everything now, you're going to have to go too." Anti said before glitches surrounded him again. Jackie pounced towards Anti, hoping to catch him before he disappeared, but failed. He tried to catch himself, but couldn't, causing him to fall and land on the floor. He slowly pushed himself up, sitting on the floor. "I need to find out who he's going after next." He thought to himself. He stood up from the ground. He felt his wrists and waist. "But first I need to deal with these. They're holding me back." He whispered to himself. He walked towards the bathroom, unzipping his suit as he walked.

Glitches covered a room, Robbie and Jameson looking at them. As Anti appeared in the room, the two watched, Jameson fidgeting with his pocket watch. "Change of plans." Anti spoke. "Jameson, go get the robot for me. Robbie, I need to talk to you." He said, looking over at them. Jameson nodded before leaving the room to go find the robot, while Robbie walked over to Anti. "We need a different person. Is there any chance you could find someone for me? Someone who could be just as powerful as Jackie." Anti asked. "I could try to search for someone, but I don't know anyone else who could have abilities like you two." Robbie answered. "They don't need abilities or magic, just power." Anti responded. "I will keep a look-out for someone." Robbie spoke. "Thank you." Anti said. Jameson entered the room, handing the robot to Anti. "You both should go rest. We have another person to get rid of." Anti said as he took the robot from Jameson. The two nodded before walking off. Anti watched them walk off before turning around and looking at the robot in his hands. "There are other ways to solve all this." Jackie's voice repeated in Anti's mind. "No there isn't." He said to himself. "I'm sorry, Jackie, but there isn't. Not that I have seen." He continued before leaving the room as well to take care of the broken robot.

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