JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                          Part 5
                                     Escape Plan

          Robbie spent the majority of his time messaging Marvin while Anti worked on the robot a bit more. Jameson had been sitting in his room, messing with his pocket watch, his mind racing with ideas on how to escape Anti. Meanwhile, Anti wasn't the only one building a robot. Jackie sat in his room, bandages wrapped around his wrists and waist, as he worked non-stop on his own robot. The one thing Jackie seemed to struggle with the most was getting the robot to levitate and fly. He tried to remember how Anti's looked, but the few times he saw it, things happened too quickly for him to process it. He huffed before standing back up from the floor, leaving the robot there as he walked to his kitchen for a drink. "How did this stupid glitch bitch make that thing?" He asked him, grabbing a cup and the coffee from the cabinet. While he waited for the coffee to brew, he checked his phone, scrolling through social media. He stumbled upon a post. He was about to skip past it until something caught his attention. Some magician had made it, telling people he had been working hard on getting the stuff together to make a show. His own little in person magic show. As Jackie poured the coffee into his cup, he clicked on the guy's profile, reading his bio first.
"A magician never reveals his secrets!"
"Marvin the Magnificent!" He read before scrolling through Marvin's account. A lot of people followed him and enjoyed his content. His most popular posts were cards or moments with his cats. Come to think of it, his entire page had a cat theme to it. His bio had the paw print emojis above and below the texts, his symbol and profile picture was the cat mask he wore, and he seemed to have a lot of cats themed stuff in his videos ranging from the cards having paw prints or cat faces on them to making cat themed items like a plush or a cat ear headband or even one of his actual cats appear in his magic tricks. Jackie clicked on one of Marvin's videos, watching it. "Well, he likes cats." He said to himself before sipping his coffee. He began to scroll through the comments, seeing mostly people in amazement or just adoring the cats. He stumbled upon a comment that seemed concerned for the cat, asking if the tricks he was performing with them were safe. Marvin had replied to comment, letting the person know that all his kitties were safe and that he would never let something bad happen to them. "He seems like a sweet guy. Besides, magicians don't perform actual magic. The cat probably jumps into his arms from under the cape." Jackie said to himself. He scrolled back up to the top of Marvin's page before shrugging and following him. He walked back to his room, coffee in hand, as he put his phone in his pocket.

Jameson had finally left his room, sneaking past Anti and Robbie. He had a plan, wanting to escape this place and find Jackie. He snuck towards the front door reaching for it but as he twisted the door knob, green strings wrapped around his wrist. "What are you doing?" Anti asked. Jameson tensed up, turning to look at Anti. "I wanted to get fresh air." He lied, trying not to wince at the strings cutting into his wrist. "Robbie's going with you then. Besides, I need Robbie to get Marvin here." Anti responded as the strings let go. Jameson covered his wrist with his hand. Robbie walked over to Jameson, walking out of the house with him. Jameson slowly rolled up his sleeve, looking at his wrist. A small bit of blood formed, but wasn't enough to flow down his arm. Robbie looked at it, then away again. "Why are you trying to leave?" He asked, whispering. "I don't like being here, I don't like working for him." Jameson responded before wiping the blood away and holding his wrist with his other hand. "I don't either, but trying to escape won't work." Robbie said, starting to text Marvin. Jameson sighed, looking over at Robbie's phone. "Are you really going to bring Marvin here?" He asked, worried. "Fuck no. I'm not putting Marvin through the shit I've been through. He's the only person that has been nice to me other than you." Robbie responded. "Instead, I'm going to be his friend and hopefully soon see if he'll help us at least escape. As much as I don't want him involved in any way with this, he could help." He continued. Jameson looked down at the ground, thinking. He grabbed his pocket watch, looking at it. Robbie glanced at Jameson, then back at his phone. He put his phone away. "Why are you so attached to that watch? Is it like a family gift or something?" He asked, leaning against the wall of the house. "No actually. There's a different reason it's special, but I'm not telling you." Jameson responded. "Why?" Robbie asked, confused. "Because if Anti finds out, he might use it for his stupid plan." Jameson answered, putting the watch away. "Oh." Robbie responded, looking at the ground. "Is it magic?" He joked, chuckling. Jameson stayed quiet, worry rushing over him. Robbie looked at Jameson. "JJ, is it magic?" He asked, more serious this time. Jameson turned back towards the door. "I'm going back inside." He said, reaching for the door. "Wait!" Robbie said, grabbing Jameson's wrist, causing him to wince from the cut. "Shit, sorry!" Robbie said, moving his hand away. "It's fine. I'm going to my room. If Anti needs me, come tell me." Jameson said before entering the house again and hurrying to his room. Robbie hesitantly entered the house too, wanting to follow Jameson but didn't, worried he'd just make it worse. Jameson put a band aid on the cut before sitting down on his bed. He looked over at the window in his room, his mind starting to race with ideas.

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