JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                           Part 8

          Jackie and the others hurried down the street, stopping in their tracks when Anti appeared in front of them. "Okay, good chase, this has been fun, but it's time for this to end!" Anti said as the green puppet strings formed from his fingers. Jameson reached for his pocket watch, as Jackie and Marvin got ready to attack as well. Anti's strings quickly shot towards Jameson, grabbing his wrists, causing him to drop the pocket watch. "No, wait!" Jameson spoke before the strings pulled him towards Anti. Marvin threw one of the cards towards the strings. Anti shot more strings from his other hand for the card to hit, keeping Jameson by his side. Before Marvin could continue, strings wrapped around his wrists as well, causing the once floating cards to stop and fall to the ground. Jackie charged towards Anti, ready to send the electricity through him in hopes of stopping him. Anti glared at Jackie, pulling Jameson in front of him as if he was a shield. Jackie realized too late, sending the electricity through Jameson instead. He pulled away as fast he could. "Anti, what is wrong with you?!" Robbie yelled. Jackie looked at Jameson, feeling guilt grow. "There's so much wrong with me." Anti responded. He removed the strings from Marvin's wrists, immediately wrapping them around Robbie's. Robbie tried to fight it, only to get pulled to where Jameson was. "I'll see you guys at Henrik's office." Anti spoke before glitches covered him, Jameson, and Robbie. Jackie wasn't paying attention, he was looking at his hands, the image of shocking an innocent person replaying in his head. Marvin hurried over to Jackie. "Jackie, come on." He spoke, rolling down his sleeves to see red marks. "Damn." He whispered, feeling the stinging sensation. "I shocked an innocent person. I used my powers on an innocent person." Jackie spoke. "Yeah, and guess what? You didn't want to do that. Anti forced Jameson to be some kind of shield." Marvin spoke. He looked over at the pocket watch. Jackie looked over at it too. He walked over to it, grabbing it. There were a few cracks on it, but maybe it was still useful. "He said something about someone named Henrik. Do you know who he's talking about?" Marvin asked. "I'm assuming that's his creator's name." Jackie responded. Marvin waited a bit, thinking. "Okay, I have a plan." He spoke. Jackie looked at him. "Before you tell me, one of my plans is with Jameson, hopefully he can help protect him." He spoke. "Who?" Marvin asked. "A robot I made. I name him Sam. Hopefully he can fight Anti off. I feel bad for leaving him there, but I really had no choice." Jackie responded. Marvin nodded. He grabbed his cards, making them disappear. "Anti's strings made me lose control over the cards." Marvin spoke. "Last time he had me in them, they made my electricity ricochet back onto me." Jackie responded. "Okay, let's both head home, get everything we might need and try to figure out where that Henrik guy is before Anti gets to him." Marvin spoke. "Sounds good to me. Make sure to clean those cuts nicely. They hurt like a bitch, but still need to be cleaned." Jackie motioned to Marvin's wrist, where the strings had been. "I will." Marvin responded.

"Fuck off!" Robbie yelled, forcing his way out of the strings. "Robbie-" Anti began. "No, shut the fuck up, you psychopath!" Robbie interrupted. "Do you not see what you're doing, not only to Jackie, but to me and Jameson?!" He continued. "Or is all you care about, Henrik?" He said, holding himself. "I didn't want to force you guys back here, but guess who made that difficult to not do!" Anti spoke, dropping Jameson as he let the strings go. Jameson held his wrists, feeling blood slowly start to trickle down his arm. Robbie looked at Jameson then Anti. "Look at what you've done to the person you care so much about." He spoke in a sarcastic tone. Anti looked at Jameson, noticing the blood. He felt as if his heart skipped a beat. "Jameson what happened?" He asked. "Your stupid strings happened! You had such a tight grip in him, them cut him!" Robbie yelled. Anti looked Robbie. "I don't know if you know this, but every time you tighten those god-damn puppet strings around someone, just a little tighter, and you could probably cut them in half! You may not realize it, but you're more powerful than you think, and we all hate it cause if you truly don't care, you could be a killing machine. I honestly hope we stop Henrik, so he doesn't make more psychotic killers like you who are too powerful to stop!" Robbie yelled, the thoughts he's been holding onto finally flowing out as he yelled at Anti. "You aren't proving anything to Henrik if he wants to make more monsters! All you're proving to him is that he's made the greatest killing machine! Trying to kill your creator won't help either, especially trying to get others to do your dirty work because you don't have the guts to do it yourself! Maybe it's because you already know how much people dislike you, or maybe it's the fact you know if you killed him yourself, you wouldn't be any better than him!" He continued, rage growing more and more. Jameson watched Robbie before looking at Anti, seeing rage grow with Anti as well. "You're proving all those people right by becoming what they said you'd be! A creepy, puppet master, serial killer!" Robbie continued. "If you want me to be that, I'll start with you!" Anti yelled, shooting the strings towards Robbie and wrapping them around his throat. Robbie stumbled, falling to his knees. "Anti, wait, please." He said, feeling fear start to take over. Jameson took off his hat, Sam slowly floating in front of him. Jameson motioned to Anti. Sam looked at Anti then nodded, flying behind him. "Maybe, I should be the one to take him out, since you two are too incompetent to do it for me!" Anti continued, tightening the strings slowly as he approached Robbie. "A-Anti." Robbie spoke, grabbing at the strings. Sam aimed towards the strings, cutting them in half before charging at Anti. "What the fuck?!" Anti yelled, dodging Sam. Jameson hurried over to Robbie, checking if he was okay. They both watched Sam attack and trick Anti before looking at each other.

Marvin sat in his room, searching for Henrik on his laptop. He heard a knock on the door. "I'm a bit busy." He spoke. "Doing what?" Chase asked. "Uh, research?" Marvin responded, unsure of his own response. Chase shook his head. "I saw red marks on your wrist when you entered the house, what happened? If you don't mind me asking." He spoke, fidgeting with his shirt. "Marvin?" He said, confused, he wasn't getting a response. Marvin shut his computer before opening the door for Chase. "Nothing, just me and a friend ran into some trouble." He said before walking over to his bed. Chase hesitantly followed. "Do I need to beat up someone?" He asked, sitting next to Marvin. Marvin scoffed. "You couldn't take that guy on alone, trust me." He spoke. "What happened exactly?" Chase asked. Marvin looked at his wrists. "Why aim there?" Chase questioned. Marvin tried to think of a lie or something, but couldn't. "Don't worry about it, can you help me clean it, though?" He asked. "Sure." Chase replied, getting off the bed to go grab a first aid kit. Marvin watched him walk off before sighing and hugging himself. "Chase, I hope you just mind your business with this one." He whispered to himself.

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