JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                           Part 9

           Jackie ran down the street, hoping to find Marvin. Marvin had been doing the same, running down the street looking for Jackie. They both stopped in their tracks when they finally found each other. "Did you get enough, if any, information on Henrik?" Jackie asked. "Only that he's a doctor at the hospital. A surgeon, to be more specific." Marvin spoke, fidgeting with one of his cards. "So right now, he's probably at work." Jackie responded. Marvin nodded. "I have an idea, I can do this alone, okay?" Jackie spoke, looking at Marvin. "Are you sure?" Marvin asked. "Yes, I'm sure. If I need help, I'll call you." Jackie responded. "Alright." Marvin said, as he made the card disappear. "I'll wait for you if you need me." He continued. "Sounds good to me." Jackie said as he pulled the hood of his suit over his head. "Good luck, don't get hurt." Marvin joked. "You too, catman!" Jackie giggled before hurrying off towards the hospital. Marvin rolled his eyes, moving his cat mask to the side. "Catman, really?" He said, chuckling. He started to walk off until a feeling hit him. Someone was watching him. He looked behind him, looking around. He looked towards an alleyway. He shook it off before hurrying down the street. The figure that gad been watching him peeked from the alleyway again, watching him. The figure stepped out of the alleyway, revealing Chase. "What the fuck is he doing?" He whispered to himself before continuing to follow Marvin.

Jackie waited by the hospital, staying hidden from everyone. While he waited, he did his own research on Henrik, mainly wanting to see what he looked like, so he could find him better. "He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but I guess never judge a book by its cover." He whispered. He peeked around the corner before hiding again. He stood up, going behind the building and began climbing up the building from window to window. He climbed to the roof, sitting down when he got up there. "Don't worry, guys, hold on a little longer." He whispered again.

Marvin began to call Robbie. "Please be okay, please." He spoke. Robbie looked up at his phone and Anti, hearing the ringing. "I think someone's worried about you. We should answer it." Anti said before answering the call. "Robbie! Thank god, you answered! Are you okay?" Marvin spoke, feeling relieved. "Oh, Robbie's fine. He is a zombie after all, he can handle this stuff better than Jameson." Anti spoke. Marvin stopped in his tracks, feeling his heart drop to his stomach. "What did you do to them!" He spoke, his heart pounding in his chest. "Nothing too much! I have them both tied up with these "stupid" strings." Anti spoke. "Oh, and Sam is just fine in his tank." He continued. "Anti, let's talk, in person." Marvin spoke, trying to act calm. "Sure thing, where are you?" Anti spoke, smirking as he looked over at Robbie. "No, I'm coming to you. Whether you like the idea or not." Marvin spoke in a demanding tone. Anti rolled his eyes. "Fine, but if you try anything stupid while here, I will make sure you join your friends." He responded. "Marvin! Don't you dare come here!" Robbie yelled. Anti glared at Robbie before walking out the room and heading outside. Robbie looked over at Jameson. "JJ?" He spoke. Jameson slowly looked over at Robbie. "If Marvin gets inside, maybe he can help us escape." Robbie spoke, trying to reassure Jameson. "Or he gets caught a long with us." Jameson responded, looking down at the ground again. Robbie looked away. A sound of metal hitting glass came from the desk, causing Robbie and Jameson to look over at it. Sam rammed into the tank over and over, trying to either break the glass or knock it over. Robbie looked around, trying to find a way to help Sam. He slowly stood up, moving as close as he could to the desk. He lifted a leg, kicking the desk as hard as he could. Jameson looked around too for something to help them. He stood up weakly, looking at the counter beside him. He looked at the strings, knowing if he moved them or tried to wiggle out, he'd only injure himself more. He looked over the desk, looking at one of the legs of it. "Do you think you can kick that." He motioned to the leg. Robbie looked over at Jameson, then the desk leg. Sam looked at Robbie, nodding, telling him to do it. Robbie began to kick at it as hard as he could, putting as much force on it as he could. Even if it didn't break, it could force it to fall over. One final kick is all it took for the desk to fall, the tank falling to the ground. Sam began to levitate, escaping the now shattered Tank. He flew over to Jameson, cutting the strings with his tail, then doing the same for Robbie. Robbie and Jameson moved away from the strings as they began to fade. "Thank you, Sam!" They both said. Sam made a spin motion as a way to show he was happy to help. The group snuck out the room, hurrying past the front door. They looked out a window, seeing Marvin approach Anti. "Please, don't take any deal." Robbie whispered.

Jackie noticed Henrik walking out the hospital. He hopped off the roof, landing on the side of the building before following him. While he followed Henrik, Marvin talked with Anti, forming something in his hand that he hid in his cape. Jameson noticed, moving slightly to try to see what Marvin was doing. Jackie kept following Henrik until they got to his house. "Holy shit, is he rich or something?" He whispered to himself as he looked up at the house. He shook his head, continuing to follow Henrik.

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