JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                           Part 10
                                     Six Teammates

          Jackie walked over to Henrik, his hood hiding his face. "Excuse me, I have a question for you?" He spoke. Henrik jumped a bit before turning to look at Jackie. "What is it?" He asked, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Do you know about someone named Anti?" Jackie asked, a nervous feeling slowly growing. Henrik went silent for a bit before finally speaking. "Let me guess, he sent you to get rid of me?" His voice softened. "No, no! I'm not here to help him, I'm here to help you." Jackie said quickly, taking off his hood. Henrik stared at him. "Come in. If you want to help, I have a few devices that could help both of us." He spoke, walking towards his house again. Jackie followed him, looking at the house as they entered.

"Anti, I have a question for you." Marvin spoke. Anti tilted his head a bit, confused. "What's your favorite animal?" Marvin asked. "Why do you want to know?" Anti asked. "I can give you this animal, you can make it part of your team, you give me Robbie and Jameson, like a deal." Marvin spoke, a smirk starting to appear. "No, forget that. Why do I need you to make some animal appear when my favorite animal is on your face." Anti responded as he flicked the cat mask Marvin was wearing. Marvin backed up a bit, realizing what Anti meant. Strings began to form from Anti's fingers. "I think I'll just take you." He smiled. Marvin moved away as he revealed the hand that had been hidden, throwing the cards towards Anti. Anti shielded himself with the strings. He watched as the cards cut through the strings with ease. "And you were trying to hit me with that? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you wanted to kill me." He chuckled. "Honestly, I don't know if killing you would be better or not." Marvin responded. "That's harsh." Anti spoke. "Oh well, you're not going to kill me. Jackie wouldn't want that, would he?" He continued. "I don't care what Jackie says. Anything to protect Robbie." Marvin said. "You two make a lovely couple, but I can't let some wannabe magician date one of my minions, unless, you too are a minion." Anti began to approach Marvin, the strings forming once again as Marvin began to make the purple mist appear. "Just give in!" Anti yelled as the strings shot towards Marvin. A gun shot went off, the bullet flying past Marvin and Anti. They both stopped, fear building up. Marvin looked behind him where the bullet came from. He noticed Chase standing behind them with a pistol pointed at them. "Get away from my friend." He spoke finally. Anti smirked when he realized. "Is that all you have? A stupid gun?" He began to laugh. Marvin looked back at Anti. Robbie, Jameson and Sam hurried out the house, running past Anti and staying beside Marvin. Chase started to approach them, standing beside Marvin as well. Anti looked at them, his laughing fading as he noticed the amount of people he would soon be up against. Six people. Jackie, Marvin, Robbie, Jameson, Chase, Henrik. Anti glared at them before glitches began to form around him. Once the glitches disappeared, he was gone. "Yeah, run and hide, you fucking coward." Robbie spoke. "He's probably heading towards Henrik. We need to get there as soon as possible." Marvin spoke, making his phone appear in his hands as he began to message Jackie. "Chase, you go home, now." He spoke, looking at Chase. "No! I'm staying right here." Chase spoke. "Chase, I'm being serious." Marvin said. "So am I." Chase responded. "We all have something to protect us, I have a feeling a gun won't stop him." Marvin continued. "It could slow him down! You saw how he reacted to the bullet! He got scared!" Chase said, the two beginning to argue. "Yeah, I wonder why! Maybe because a loud noise went off! I got scared too!" Marvin continued. Robbie, Jameson and Sam looked at each other. "Anti sees me and Marvin dating, but why do these two already sound like a married couple?" Robbie spoke. Chase and Marvin went silent before looking at Robbie. "Well you do." Robbie shrugged. Marvin rolled his eyes. "Okay, I know where Jackie and Henrik are, let's go. Chase, go home." He said before starting to walk off. "Nope." Chase responded, following Marvin. "Oh my fucking god." Marvin whispered before they all started rushing to Jackie and Henrik.

Jackie looked through some gadgets Henrik had. "So, Anti thinks I'm the bad guy?" Henrik asked. "Sadly." Jackie responded. "I know why he thinks that." Henrik spoke. "Why?" Jackie asked, looking at Henrik. "You probably already know this, but I made him. He was made from computers and other technology. A glitch in real life. I made him in hopes he'd help others and bring a sense of fun to people. I guess the words people said about him cut a little deeper than either of us expected." Henrik explained, setting up anything technology related he had. Jackie looked down at the gadget he was holding. "Last I checked, he thinks you're making more of him to hurt others, but I don't think he realizes he's doing that himself." He spoke before handing the gadget back to Henrik. "If that's the case, I have a feeling he's doing all this because of mixed emotions. Part of it is jealousy that he's not the only one when he is and the other part is genuinely wanting to protect others, he's just doing it in the wrong way." Henrik spoke, putting the gadget away. "Did you know those strings of his can cut?" Jackie asked. "Yes, but I didn't make those. He figured out how to do that himself. I don't think he realizes they can cut, though." Henrik responded. Jackie was about to ask another question when he heard a knock on the door. "That's probably your friends. Anti would just glitch into the building." Henrik spoke. Jackie hurried over to the door, opening it. "Did we really make it here before Anti?" Marvin questioned. "Most likely not. He's probably just hiding until everyone is here." Henrik spoke. "Come in. We have to get everything before he finally decides to show himself." He continued. Everyone followed Henrik, Chase shutting the front door before following them.

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