JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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Part 2

Jackie hurried towards the location this strange biker dude had given him. A muffled screaming in the back of his head telling him to turn back, but he didn't. He wanted to save someone and be seen for it. He pulled the hood of his hero outfit up, covering his face slightly as he slowed down at the destination. He looked around, checking his surroundings. He noticed a motorcycle and the helmet sitting on the seat, but no one near. He continued checking around until he tensed up, hearing someone walking behind him. He quickly turned around, prepared to fight, until he noticed who it was. The guy put his hands up. "It's just me." He spoke. "Jesus, dude, you scared me." Jackie responded as he walked over to the guy. The guy had dark green hair that mixed with his natural brown hair. His eyes difficult to see in the dark night, the only light being a few streetlamps and the moon. "Two guys will be showing up here soon for me, I need you to distract them, okay?" The guy spoke. "Okay, but what are you going to do?" Jackie asked. "I'll be in that building." The guy began, turning slightly and pointing at a tall building. "Making that robot for you." He continued. "After I get it done, we can leave those guys in the dust." He continued, turning to look at Jackie once again. "All I need is an escape." He finished speaking before putting his hand out for Jackie to shake and seal the deal. "Deal?" He said. Jackie lifted his arm to shake the guy's hand, but stopped once a thought popped into his mind. "What did you do to these guys that caused them to hunt you down like this?" He asked, moving his hand away from the guy's. The guy sighed, lowering his hand. "I had them do a favor for me, but I couldn't do theirs in return. They wanted to use me to kill someone else. I didn't want to hurt anyone, so I declined, but now they want me dead." The guy spoke. Jackie stared at the guy for a bit before giving in and lifting his hand to seal the deal. A smile grew on the guy's face as he took Jackie's hand, shaking it. "Thank you." He said, removing his hand from Jackie's. "After all this is over, maybe don't fuck around with the wrong group of people again." Jackie said as he lowered his hand. "Trust me, I won't." The guy said. He noticed two guys walking down the street. "Good luck." He said before bolting off towards the building. Jackie looked behind him, seeing the guys as well. He ran to the side, hopping onto a streetlamp and watching the guys closely. The guys stopped by the motorcycle, looking around for the guy. "Hey." Jackie spoke. The two guys looked up at him. "Is that your motorcycle?" Jackie asked. "Uh, no, but-" one began but was interrupted when the other nudged them. "Why do you care?" The other asked. Jackie hopped off the streetlamp, approaching the two. "Just asking. I saw it here but couldn't find its owner. I was waiting for the owner to come back." Jackie said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Funny, we're looking for the owner of this motorcycle too." One of the guys said. "Oh, really? Do you know the owner?" Jackie asked. "Yeah, we're quite close, you could say." The guy said as he started to approach Jackie. As he entered the light a bit more, Jackie could see purple hair covering part of the guy's face and what seemed to be stitches around his neck and face. Jackie backed up a bit, wanting to keep a distance between them. "Who are you?" The purple haired guy asked. "You could call me a hero of sorts, I guess." Jackie responded, whispering the last part. "The name's JackieBoy-Man." He continued. The guy chuckled. "A hero, huh? Never heard of you." The guy said as he started to approach Jackie again. "That's a shame." Jackie responded. The other guy seemed to stay back, not really wanting to get involved. "Is your friend over there okay?" Jackie said, motioning to the other guy. The first guy turned to look at his friend before looking back at Jackie. "Ignore him. He's not worth your attention." The guy said. "Well, that's a little harsh, don't you think?" Jackie said. "Whatever. I have a question for you." The guy responded. "Funny, I have a question for you too." Jackie said, uncrossing his arms. "Have you seen a guy with a cut on his throat anywhere?" The guy asked. "A cut on this throat?" Jackie asked, confused. "Yes, he betrayed us and we'd like to talk to him about it." The guy responded. "I don't believe I have." Jackie responded. "My turn, if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" He asked, motioning to the stitches. "Don't worry about that." The guy responded, backing off a bit. "Do you have powers?" The other guy asked suddenly. Jackie and the guy looked at him. "Maybe." Jackie shrugged. The guy entered light too, revealing dark brown hair that seemed to be slightly covered with a bowler hat. The first guy watched them, starting to seem impatient. "Alright, how about you just fuck off, if you're not going to help us. We'll deal with this ourselves." He spoke, walking back towards the motorcycle. Jackie watched him. The guy grabbed the helmet, moving it off the seat by shoving it to the ground. Jackie flinched a bit before hurrying over to him. "Hey!" He said before getting blocked off by the guy's friend. "I recommend you leave." He spoke. Jackie pushed past the guy, only for the other to start to push the motorcycle towards Jackie. Jackie grabbed it, stopping it from hitting him or the ground. "What do you plan on doing to this guy?" He asked as he started to approach the two. "Nothing too bad, just a small talk!" The guy said, pushing his purple hair back a bit. The way they tensed and backed up showed they were getting nervous, but refused to give in. Jackie continued to approach them until the first guy pulled out a knife. Jackie stopped in his tracks, looking at the knife. "Drop the weapon." He warned. "Leave, and maybe I will." The guy spoke. Jackie sighed. "If you want to fight, we can." He responded, staring at the guy. The guy smirked before starting to charge at Jackie, almost as if he was waiting for the invitation. Jackie grabbed the guy's wrist as he charged. Before the guy could pull away, a green light surrounded Jackie's hand, creeping up the guy's arm until it covered his entire body. A wave of electricity shot through the guy, shocking him a bit, until Jackie let go. The guy fell to his knees, surprised at what happened. The shock had caused the guy to drop the knife. Jackie kicked the knife away. "You didn't have a pulse." He said. He looked over at the guy's friend, who backed up, terrified. "Who are you two? I want a true, honest response!" Jackie spoke, raising his voice. "Jameson! My name is Jameson!" The scared guy spoke, raising his hands as a defense. "You fucking idiot." The other guy said, standing up. "The name's Robbie." He said. "And yes, I don't have a pulse, or a heartbeat, and I don't need to breathe either." He continued. "What are you, some kind of zombie?" Jackie asked. "Yes, actually. I am." Robbie said before charging at Jackie again. Jameson took a deep breath before charging at Jackie too. Jackie moved out of the way, dodging them. "This is a bad idea, undead bastard." He said before charging towards them too.

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