JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                           Part 4

          Robbie walked down the streets, a black and white striped sweater covering the stitches on his body, covering his face with a mask. He wandered a bit, watching people closely, but not finding anyone that he thought Anti would think of as powerful. He was about to start heading back when a giggling from a child could be heard. He looked over, curious about what was making the small kid so happy. As he looked over, a guy wearing a cat mask with symbols from cards on it sat crouched in front of the kid, the kid's mom standing beside her, holding a baby. Robbie continued to watch as the guy folded his cape around his arms, a kitten appearing in his arms as the cape fell to his sides again. The little kid gasped, smiling with pure joy once she saw the kitten. Robbie stood up straight as he continued to watch, interested in the man. The guy handed the kitten to the kid before standing back up. The mom joking rolled her eyes before chuckling a bit. The guy turned to the mom. "What's your favorite flower?" He asked. The mom looked at him. "Orchids." The woman responded. The man nodded as he cupped his hands. Once he opened them, a bouquet of orchids appeared, and he handed them to her with a bow. The woman giggled, taking them. "I hope you both have a lovely day!" The man said before standing up straight again. The mom and kid began to walk off, both smiling. Robbie watched them walk off. The man fixed his cape and lifted the cat mask, taking it off. He took the hair tie out of his hair, revealing how long his dark brown hair really was. He fixed his hair, pushing it back and putting it back in a ponytail. He had noticed Robbie earlier, so after he put the cat mask back on, he started walking towards him. "Hey!" He spoke in a cheerful tone. Robbie flinched a bit, looking at the man. "Sorry!" The guy chuckled. "I didn't mean to startle you!" He continued. "You're fine." Robbie spoke in a soft tone. "I noticed you watching me over there and decided I'd come talk to you!" The guy spoke. "Yeah." Robbie responded. "About that, are you some kind of magician?" He asked, finally making eye contact. The guy's green eyes felt familiar. They were almost as green as Anti's, but his seemed to have a lively glow in them, meanwhile Anti's seemed more darkened. "Yeah, well, kind of. I wouldn't call me a professional or anything." The guy spoke, chuckling nervously. "I'm still learning how to control all this, but I've made a few kids and adults smile, so I guess I'm doing pretty good!" He continued, smiling happily. "Control?" Robbie questioned, tilting his head in confusion. "Do. I meant do." The guy responded quickly. "Anyway!" He continued. "Maybe I could perform a quick trick for you as well?" He asked, perking up once again. "I mean, if you want to." Robbie responded. "Let's see." The guy said, thinking. "You seem to have a pretty dark style, so maybe you'd like this?" He said before closing his cape once again. Robbie watched, curious. Once the cape unfolded, a black cat plush with a skeleton design appeared in the guy's hands. He handed it to Robbie, smiling brightly. Robbie looked at the plush in awe before slowly taking it from the guy's hand. "Thank you." He said holding the plush close. "You're very welcome!" The guy responded. "I'm Marvin, by the way!" He continued. "Robbie." Robbie responded, petting the plush, but not realizing. "Nice to meet you, Robbie!" Marvin spoke. "I should probably get going, but would it be okay if I gave you my number?" He asked, starting to fidget with his cape. Robbie looked at him, before nodding. "Yeah, sure!" He responded. Marvin's smile grew a bit as he closed his hands together then opened them again, handing a note to Robbie that had his number on it. "I'll text you later, alright?" He said. Robbie nodded again. "Okay." He said. Marvin winked at Robbie before starting to walk off. Robbie looked at the note, reading the number on it, then looked at the plush cat in his other hand. He snapped back to reality when he heard a car drive by. "What was I supposed to be doing?" He asked himself. "Oh, right. Find a person for Anti's plan." He whispered to himself. "Wait." He continued, looking down at the number again. The idea of what was about to happen hurt. He slowly began to walk back home, a feeling of guilt already brewing inside him.

Robbie entered the base, which was also their home, fidgeting with the note and plush cat. "Welcome back, Robbie." Anti spoke, causing Robbie to flinch and accidentally drop the plush. He quickly picked it back up, holding it close to his chest. Anti looked at the plush, then back at Robbie. "Where did you get that?" He asked. "Nowhere." Robbie lied, trying to hide the plush behind his back. Anti rolled his eyes before shrugging it off for now. "Did you find someone?" He asked, changing the subject. "Yeah." Robbie responded, looking down at the note. "He gave me his number." He continued handing the note to Anti. Anti took a second to think before pushing the note away. "Keep it. I'm putting you in charge of getting him here." He said, glancing at the cat plush still hidden behind Robbie. "Oh, okay." Robbie responded, looking down at the note once again. He began to walk away, bringing the plush back up to his chest. "Did he give you that plush?" Anti asked suddenly, turning to look at Robbie. Robbie stopped in his tracks. "No." He lied, not turning to look at Anti. "Okay." Anti responded before starting to walk to his own room. Robbie hurried to his own room, stopping when he noticed Jameson. "What do you want?" He asked, hiding the note in his hand. "Can I talk to you?" Jameson asked. "I guess." Robbie responded. Jameson motioned for Robbie to follow.

Jameson and Robbie sat on Robbie's bed, Jameson fidgeting with his pocket watch. "What's up?" Robbie asked, setting the new plush next to another he had. "Do you like working for Anti?" Jameson asked. Robbie looked at him, confused. "Why do you ask?" He asked as he grabbed his phone and started to type in the number from the note. "I mean, I know Anti can be caring at times, but these plans. He's going so far just to stop someone from making more people like him, but when I met Jackie-" Jameson explained, stopping when Robbie whispered. "And Marvin." Jameson looked at Robbie. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, continue." Robbie responded. "Okay, well, I just don't understand why he wants to take out Henrik." Jameson continued. "Be careful saying that out loud, you know Anti doesn't like it." Robbie interrupted once more. "I know, sorry." Jameson responded. He noticed Robbie typing on his phone. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Texting Anti's next stupid minion." Robbie responded. "Oh." Jameson responded. "Who is it?" He asked, scooting a bit closer to Robbie. "A magician named Marvin. He's the one that gave me the cat plush, but if you tell Anti that, I will break that pocket watch." Robbie spoke, glancing up from his phone at Jameson, then back at the text messages. "I won't." Jameson responded. Once Robbie out down his phone, he continued the conversation they were having. "I don't know how I feel about working with Anti. I love him, but sometimes the things he does are extreme, but of course we don't have a say in that." He said, looking over at a poster on his wall. "If I'm going to be honest, I hope Jackie wins this battle. I don't want Anti hurt, I just want him to be stopped." He continued. Jameson looked down at the ground. "Me too." He responded. They looked at each other, Robbie about to speak until Anti called them. They both hesitantly stood up and walked out the room, going to see what Anti needed.

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