JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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                                           Part 11

          "It should still work. Just the glass case is cracked." Jameson spoke, holding the pocket watch. "Do want to test it out real quick?" Jackie asked. Jameson nodded. Jackie backed away from Jameson before walking towards him again. Jameson turned the second hand a bit before looking back at Jackie. Jackie looked at the stop he was just at. "Still works!" He smiled. "Jackie, I have something that might help you!" Henrik spoke, motioning for Jackie to follow. Jackie began following Henrik. Henrik handed him some gloves. "They'll protect you from not only your own electricity but Anti's strings, I only have one pair, sadly." He spoke. "That's fine." Jackie spoke. He looked back at everyone, seeing who is most likely to get hurt more. Everyone but one person had something to protect themselves. He walked over to Chase. "Hey, here." He spoke, handing the gloves to Chase. Chase looked at them before hesitantly taking them. "Some protection." Jackie spoke. "Okay, but-" Chase began, but was interrupted by glitches appearing. Everyone stayed by each other, watching as Anti appeared. "Lovely to see everyone together finally." Anti spoke. Henrik walked over to Anti. "Lovely to see you too, Evan." He spoke. "Evan?" The others thought to themselves. "I said I didn't want to be called that anymore." Anti spoke, glaring at Henrik. "Why do you want me dead?" Henrik asked, changing the subject. "Because you made a fucking monster!" Anti growled before shooting strings towards Henrik. Cards flew past, cutting the strings, but Henrik didn't seem to flinch. "Fuck all of you." Anti spoke before beginning to attack whoever he could.

Henrik stayed by Chase as they fought, mainly wanting to protect him. Anti shot strings towards Jackie, Jackie dodging them the best he could. Before the strings started wrapping around Jackie, Jameson used the pocket watch to reverse them. Anti glared at Jameson. He got the strings ready, but before he could use them, Robbie forced the strings around his own wrist. "You were right! I can handle this better, when it's not wrapped around my throat!" He glared before leading Anti towards the wall, slamming him into it. Anti growled, the strings fading off of Robbie. Jackie walked over to Anti. "What is wrong with you?" He spoke, getting his electricity ready to strike. "Everything! Everything is wrong with you, everyone here!" Anti yelled before shooting the strings toward Jackie, Jackie shooting his electricity towards Anti as well. Marvin threw cards to cut the strings, while Jameson held onto his pocket watch, ready to use it if needed. Henrik hurried to his lab, getting Sam. The electricity hit Anti, causing a small shock, still enough to surprise him and make him lose a bit of balance. "Anti, I don't want to hurt you!" Jackie spoke. "No? I want to hurt you!" Anti responded, shooting the strings towards Marvin. Sam attacked Anti, the strings fading before they could reach Marvin. Sam wrapped his tail around Anti's hands before trying to pull him to the ground. Anti glitched a bit before turning towards the wall and hitting Sam against it until Sam let go and fell to the ground. As Anti turned to face the others, Jackie pinned him to the wall, shooting more electricity through him. Henrik walked over to them, pulling Jackie away. "Anti, why are you doing this?" He spoke. Jackie immediately kneeled down to grab Sam. "I have a similar question for you, why did you make me?!" Anti said before starting to form strings around Henrik. Henrik didn't seem to be bothered, and with him in the way, there wasn't much the others could do. "I was hoping you could help others, not kill them." Henrik responded. Anti began to tighten the strings around Henrik. "I didn't ask to be made! I didn't ask for everyone to hate me! I didn't ask to become this! All I wanted was to live a normal life! I didn't want this power!" Anti yelled before pushing Henrik back with the strings and letting him go, the strings cutting and slashing him as he did. Henrik couldn't catch himself, falling to his knees in pain. The others began to attack back, Jackie still not wanting to hurt Anti, but wanting to stop him. Before anyone could do anything, Chase had shot at Anti, the bullet hitting Anti in his leg. Anti stopped everything, following to the floor in pain. His glitches began to go crazy, making it difficult to see. The others looked at Chase. Robbie and Marvin hurried over to Chase, fighting him for the gun until they finally got him pinned. Jackie kneeled down to Anti, the others going to help Henrik. "I just want to be normal." Anti spoke, his voice softening. "Anti, no one is normal." Jackie spoke. He looked at the wound on Anti. "Normal people don't have a power that can kill others." Anti spoke. "So-" Jackie began, but was interrupted when he heard a drop hit the floor. He looked at Anti. "Anti, can you look at me?" He asked. Anti slowly looked at Jackie, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. "Alright." Jackie spoke, standing up. "Marvin, Robbie, help Anti, I'll help Jameson and Chase with Henrik." He began walking over to Henrik. "No, I'm fine." Henrik spoke as he stood up. "Just help Ev- Anti." He corrected himself. "Are you sure?" Jackie asked. "Yes, I can handle myself." Henrik spoke. The others nodded before walking over to Anti.

Anti sat in the lab, fidgeting with the bandages on the table beside him. Henrik walked over to him. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Mentally or physically?" Anti looked away. "Both?" Henrik asked. "No." Anti responded. Henrik sighed, sitting beside him. "I'm sorry for everything. I really only wanted the best for you and everyone else. I never meant for this to happen." He spoke, looking at Anti. "Why can't I be normal?" Anti asked, looking over at Henrik. "Because even if you didn't have powers, you still wouldn't be normal, because no one is normal." Henrik responded. Anti looked back at the bandages he was fidgeting with. "Can I call you my son?" Henrik asked. "I guess." Anti responded. Henrik ruffled Anti's hair, Anti letting out an annoyed sigh. Henrik chuckled. "Jackie wants to talk with you, okay?" He said, moving his hand away. "Okay." Anti rolled his eyes. Henrik walked out the room before Jackie walked in. "Anti?" Jackie spoke. "What?" Anti spoke. "Are you okay?" Jackie asked. "Jesus, how many more people are going to ask that? No, I'm not fucking okay!" Anti responded, annoyance growing. Jackie nodded. "Just checking on you." He spoke, walking over to Anti. "I have a little deal? Request? Something for you." He spoke. "Like what?" Anti asked, looking at Jackie. "Join me." Jackie said. "Join you?" Anti asked, confused. "Yeah! Join me, Marvin, Chase, And everyone else! Protect the innocent civilians from evil." Jackie explained. Anti looked away, thinking. "I don't know. Maybe I should just, stay away from everyone for a bit." He spoke. "That's up to. I won't force you to do anything. If you do decide to join us, we'll be waiting for you!" Jackie smiled. "Okay." Anti responded, a small smile growing onto his face. "I hope you heal fast though, sorry about all that." Jackie nervously giggled. "It's fine, I kinda deserved that." Anti giggled too. Jackie smiled more, seeing Anti smile and giggle. "I'll see you around!" He spoke. Anti nodded before Jackie left the room. Anti looked at his leg where he had been shot. His smile faded. He sighed before glitching away from the room into his own room upstairs.

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