JackieBoy-Man: State Of Error

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Part 6

Jackie opened his eyes, realizing he had fallen asleep. He sat up slowly, looking around his room. Once he looked down at where the robot was, it was gone. "Wait, what?" He said starting to get up. "Shit, where did you go?" He said, starting to search for the robot. He entered his living-room, noticing something green on the couch. He slowly approached it, not sure if it was his robot or something Anti left behind. Before he could get closer, the green ball started levitating, turning to face Jackie. It started flying around Jackie, almost as if it was happy to see him. Jackie let out a sigh of relief, knowing that it was his robot. "Okay, before we continue this, I need coffee." He said, chuckling softly. He walked towards the kitchen, the little robot following.

Robbie walked towards Jameson room, knocking on the door. "Jameson, get up." He said. No response. "Jameson." He repeated, knocking again. He opened the door once, he didn't get a response again. "JJ, get u-" he began, going quiet when he noticed Jameson wasn't in his room. He noticed a note on Jameson's bed. He entered the room, walking towards the note. He grabbed it, starting to read it.
"I'm hoping Robbie finds this and not Anti, but I snuck out. I'm going to find Jackie and tell him everything. Robbie, please cover for me?" Jameson had written. Robbie started to panic. He looked around the room, noticing a window open. He hurried over to it, looking down at the ground below. "How did he even get down there?" He asked himself. "Probably used the pocket watch." Anti spoke behind Robbie. Robbie flinched, turning to look at Anti. "Anti! I was just about to tell you about this!" He lied, clinging to the note Jameson had left. "No you weren't." Anti said, starting to approach Robbie. "Yes I was! I was just trying to figure out how he escaped first!" Robbie said, glaring at Anti. "And why I didn't follow him." He thought to himself. "I guess we have new plans for right now, then." Anti said. "Where is he going, do you know?" He asked. Robbie looked at the note. "He's going to find Jackie." He said, his voice softening, and the guilt from revealing Jameson raced through him. "Then we'll get to Jackie first. I have a quicker way there, you better start running." Anti joked. "Stay here. If you leave this place, I'll know." He said before glitching away to grab something, then coming back. Robbie stayed still, watching Anti. Anti revealed what looked like a choker. "You like this stuff, right?" He said. Robbie nodded, confused. Anti suddenly appeared behind him, clipping the choker onto Robbie. "Now you can't leave without me knowing." He said, crossing his arms. Robbie turned towards him. "What?!" He said, reaching for the choker. "There's a tracker in it." Anti spoke. "Good luck getting it off." He smirked before glitches covered him, revealing he had left when the glitches faded. Robbie grabbed at the choker, trying to take it off, but the clips wouldn't budge. "Fuck!" He yelled. He felt something trickle down his cheek. He felt his cheek, removing his hand to see a clear liquid. "I can cry?" He questioned, feeling more tears start to flow down his cheeks. He wiped the tears quickly, grabbing his phone and climbing out the window Jameson had left open. "Marvin, please." He said to himself as he landed on the ground below. He grabbed his phone, starting to message Marvin, hurrying down the street.

"How about Sam?" Jackie said, the robot going up and down as a way to nod. "Okay! Sam it is!" Jackie smiled, flinching when he heard a knock on his door. He got up, walking towards the door. He looked through the peephole, trying to see who it was. He noticed Jameson outside the door, seeming panicked. He quickly opened the door. "Jameson?" He asked. "Jackie! I'm not here to hurt you, I promise!" He began. "Trust me, I know that." Jackie responded. He let Jameson in. "What are you doing here?" He asked, closing the door behind him. "Anti plans on getting some guy named Marvin here, so I tried to sneak out, the first time was successful, the second time, I climbed out my window using my pocket watch, but I left a note for Robbie to find, that is if Robbie found it, Anti might've found it which if he did I'm screwed, but I searched for you everywhere, asking people who may have known you, and then I found this apartment, and now I'm here, I want to help you!" Jameson spoke, talking at a fast pace. Jackie stared at Jameson, trying to take in everything. "O-okay." He finally spoke. "Well-" he began, getting interrupted by Jackie. "Wait, did you finally manage to make the robot?" Jackie spoke, looking at Sam. "Yes, I did. Jameson, did you say Marvin?" Jackie asked. "Yeah?" Jameson responded, looking at Jackie again. "Shit, I know who he's after." Jackie responded, walking towards his room. "Wait you do?" Jameson asked, following Jackie. "Yes, I need to get to him before Anti does." Jackie responded, digging through his dresser. "Can I help?" Jameson asked. "No, Jameson, you stay here." Jackie spoke, grabbing his suit. "What? No, please, I can help!" Jameson began. He grabbed his pocket watch. "See just watch." He continued. Jackie looked over at Jameson, his eyes widening when he noticed glitches starting to form. "Jameson, move!" He said, pulling Jameson over to him. Jameson noticed the glitches, fear sinking in. "You're pretty sneaky, JJ." Anti spoke. "But that note was stupid." He continued. Jameson hid behind Jackie. "Anti, you need to leave." Jackie spoke, standing in front of Jameson. "I don't think that will be happening." Anti smirked, starting to approach Jackie and Jameson. Jackie got ready to fight him, wanting to protect Jameson. Sam flew over to Jackie, ready to help defend his friend and creator. Anti stopped moving once a feeling shot through him. "Robbie escaped." He whispered to himself. Jackie tilted his head a bit, confused. Anti looked at Jackie, a smile creeping onto his face as he started to glitch away. Jackie tried to run towards Anti, stopping when Jameson grabbed the back of Jackie's shirt. "Those glitches will cut you." Jameson whispered. Jackie watched Anti disappear. "I know." He said. Jameson let go of him. "Do you know where he's going?" Jackie asked, turning to look at Jameson. "He said Robbie escaped, so he might be going after him." Jameson responded. "Do you know where Robbie could be heading?" Jackie asked, starting to walk towards his dresser again, grabbing his suit. "The only thing I can think of is he's going to find Marvin. I know he doesn't want to hurt Marvin, so he's probably asking for help." Jameson responded. "Okay, also about that pocket watch, what were you about to do with it?" Jackie asked. "This." Jameson responded, starting to spin the second hand, thinking of Jackie as he did. When Jameson stopped, Jackie looked over the dresser then where he was standing, he turned to look at Jameson. "Wasn't I just over there?" He asked. Jameson nodded, showing the pocket watch. "I reversed the time. Depending on who I'm thinking of, I can control them with this." He spoke. Jackie looked at the pocket watch, staring. He finally looked back at Jameson. "Get ready, I have a feeling a huge fight is about to happen." He said, walking back over to his suit. Jameson smiled happily, nodding as a way to say, "okay."

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