Chapter 4

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Alex walk through the streets to get back to the meeting place. Tamara was following him but he did not know it. She still had wet hair and it being cold in Russia Tamara was regretting doing this. Alex walking into the build to be greeted by the guards he humiliated yesterday. They let Alex in cause they know that Alex could beat them up within a blink of an eye. As Alex walked into the meeting room there was extra people in the room. The Scorpia members to be exact. They all looked at him and watched him come into the room and sit down in the only set left which was next to Dmitry. Alex sat down and they continued to talk about how they were going to kill him.

"All in agreement that after we send Alex Rider the message that then we will set up a meeting point in Russia at this cafe." They all said yes except for Alex cause like always he is thinking of new ways and Dmitry knew that so he never asked him questions usually. Dmitry stood up and had a glass in his hand. It was Vodka.

"I would like to make a toast." Everyone raised there glass except for Alex. He never had anything during these meetings. "To Alex Rider's death." They all repeated him and drank there drinks. Then the guards walked in and talked to Dmitry. Alex could hear what they were talking about since he was really close to him.

"There was a women lurking outside. She is in the living room hand cuffed. Someone is watching her." Alex emotion in side were going nuts at who they found. Dmitry nodded and the guard left.

"Sees as though we have an intruder." Dmitry said. Everyone in the room but Alex smiled evilly. "Shall we go to the living room and see who it is." Everyone got up and walked into the living room. Alex's expression never changed when he saw who it was. Tamara was tied up in one of the chairs looking at everyone. She did not look happy.

"Who do you work for?" She was looking all over for Alex. Then she found him and he looked angry which sent fear through her body. Everyone parted to see Alex looking the women with anger which the others dare not try and interfere.

"You know this women Phoenix?" Dmitry asked. Alex looked at him then back Tamara.

"She is my girlfriend." Alex was still mad at her. You tell that he was not faking it. He walked closer to Tamara not so close that he separated from the group. "Release her." Alex said to the guards. No one moved. Alex still had his thick Russian accent. "I. Said. Release. Her." He said very slowly with a murderous tone. One of the guards quickly took out the keys with shaking hands and went over to Tamara. He unlocked her with the shaking hands and went back to where they were. Alex walked over there and grabbed her roughly and walked to the front door.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to know where you are." Tamara said. Alex was still mad. She could have blown his cover. Once they got outside Alex shoved her.

"Go home now. I will be back soon." Alex said still with his thick accent. She started to run back to the safe house and Alex walked back into the living room where everyone still was. "Sorry for the interruption may we continue the conversation." Alex said. Everyone started to head back to the meeting room and continue their conversation. Just before Dmitry walked in he asked the guards to do something.

"Run facile recognition on the women." One of the guards nodded and ran off. They continued their meeting till the guards came in and told Dmitry what they found. Once the guard was one with what he found he left the room. Dmitry laid back in his chair. "Phoenix? Did you know that your girlfriend was a CIA agent?" Alex started cussing in his head.

"No Dmitry. I did not. I picked her up off the streets." Alex said.

"I didn't want to say anything but your name is the same as Alex Rider's but the last name." Dmitry said. Alex keep his face blank. Alex was getting mad.

"If you think I am Alex Rider them I'm out of here." As he tried to get up, thick metal cuffs went around his hands. Alex tried to get out but he couldn't. Dmitry got closer.

"You look like him but the eyes and hair. I bet he is wherein contacts to change his eye color." Dmitry said. He tried to reach for Alex but Alex kicked his leg out from underneath him. Then Alex got his hands free. He thanked Scorpia for the lessons and got up on the table. He pulled out his gun and started shooting the members of Scorpia with the women first. He was done with the members he continued on to the other group. That's when Dmitry got up and pulled Alex back down to the ground.

"Thank you for doing my work for me. I was going to kill them sooner or later." Dmitry said. Alex was on the floor being pinned down by Dmitry. They keep switching on who was on top. Then when Alex was on top Dmitry bashed Alex head against the table making his world dizzy. Dmitry got up off the ground to see Alex on the ground unconscious with a bleeding head. He got the guards to take him to the holding place in the basement. Once Alex woke up he had a splitting headache. His hands were tied behind his back with rope. He also felt blood dripping down the side of his head. Soon enough he fainted from blood loss.


Tamara was getting worried cause Alex had not came home yet and after seeing Alex after what happen. She did not like what he was becoming. She waited in the living room with Ben for Alex to come home. Tamara looked at her watch and it said it was 10 pm.

"Ben? Alex's not home yet. I have feeling something is wrong." Tamara said. He pulled out his phone.

"I know. I'm making a call right now." Ben said. He put it on loud speaker so Tamara could hear it too.

"Yes Ben." They heard Ms. Jones say.

"Alex's not back yet so we were wondering if he had sent a signal for help." Ben said. Tamara started chewing on her finger nails.

"No he has not. But GPS says he's in the safe house." She said. Ben sighed.

"He forgot his phone." Ben said. "Thank you Ms. Jones. I will let you know if we find him." She hung up and Ben was mad at Alex for not taking his phone.

"What do we do?" Tamara asked. Ben sighed.

"Call in the reinforcement. The thing Alex was saying to me earlier that I know what to do if he was captured. Well I'm going to call them. It's SAS." Ben said dialing.

"Hello." Wolf answered.

"It's Ben." Ben said with a little sadness in his voice.

"Hey Ben. How's it going?" Wolf asked.

"Not well Cub got captured." He heard sounds in the background. Then he heard the rest of k-unit.

"When?" He heard Wolf say.

"Not sure. Sometime today. We think we know where he is but that is unsure." Ben said. Tamara listened to the background noise.

"Where are you guys? Still in Russia?" He heard Eagle asked.

"Yes Eagle. Were in the safe house right now me and Tamara are safe." Ben said.

"Were going to tell serge and then we will take a plane there. We will be there in a few hours." Wolf said. Ben could hear them running, probably to the Serge's office. Wolf hung up and they started getting ready for them to arrive.

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