Chapter 9

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Wolf answered his phone to hear Alpha talk about that they had Alex and they were on there way there. The call ended and he ran to the rest of his team.

"Alpha found Alex and he's on his way here." He said. Tamara stood up.

"I'll call Ben and tell him to get over her as quickly as he could." She started dialing the phone and went into the other room. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Snake rushed to the door and saw that they had Alex but he was hurt. They walked in and they took him to the dining room table again.

"What happen to him?" Snake asked seeing the bullet wound.

"We were in the middle of a mission when the people we were meeting up with had him on there side. We tried to kidnap him and the other boy they had but Alex freed the other boy and I shot him." Alpha said. Snake looked at him.

"You what?" He said. Wolf was mad.

"You don't go shooting our team mates like that." Wolf growled. Alex started to stir. He opened his eyes. They saw that they looked almost black. That's when everything chaotic. Alex got up and punch a few of the men including Wolf, Snake and Alpha. Stunning them. Tamara walked in and saw what was happening.

"Alex?" She said quietly. He stopped for a minute and turned to her. She gasped at his eyes. They were dark. He smiled and walked out the door. Bear and Eagle tried to stop him but they ended up getting punched in the face. She ran outside and saw Alex was stopped in front of Ben. "Alex!" She yelled. The two of them started to get into a fight and Alex was winning.

"Snap out of it Alex." Ben said to Alex, he just stayed quiet trying to punch Ben. "Your not an assassin. You know that." Then Alex punched Ben knocking him out. Alex got up and pulled out his phone.

"Alex stop this madness." Tamara said. Alex turned around and looked at her. "Tom is alive. We had MI6 protect him. He's not dead." She said walking closer to Alex. He still was in assassin mode so she had to be careful of her motions. Alex looked at his phone and handed it to her. It was a text from Ms. Lo Jones say that Tom was shot and died when they got to him. "Oh Alex. I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Leave me alone then. I'm never going to work for MI6. I'm only going to take them down." He said with a smile at taking MI6 down. Tamara looked at him and was scared for once in her life. He turned around and Tamara started to get tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Alex." She kicked him in the head making him fall to the ground unconscious. She walked over to him and rolled him on to his back and put his head in her lap. She started to cry. They just lost Alex and she was worried that they never would get him back to his old self. Wolf and Snake ran out of the house. Snake check on everyone and went to Alex. Wolf followed.

"What happen?" Snake asked. Tamara was crying to much to say anything. Wolf walked closer to her and knelled to the ground to give her a hug. She gladly took it. She cried into Wolf for a while. They took Alex back in and tied his hands to his back and his ankles were tied together as well. They got his side patched up and waited for someone to talk. Ben woke up after a little bit with a black eye.

"What happen?" He said as he slowly got up.

"That's what we were wondering. What in the world is wrong with Cub that he would knock just about everyone out?" Wolf said.

"Since Jackie his house keeper died he has had two personalities that I have seen. One of them is him as Alex. Another is the Alex that is a assassin. That's when his eyes are darker and he is a lot deadlier." Ben said. Then Tamara spoke up.

"He said he was going to take down MI6." She said. Ben looked at her.

"Makes since to me. He had a lot of friends in the under world. He could easily take down MI6." Ben said. Tamara nodded.

"We need to get the real Alex back. Finding out that Tom dead really made him go over the edge." Tamara said. Everyone nodded. Them Tamara looked over at Alex and saw him moving like he was trying to get free but he was asleep.

"Alex is the deadliest person in the world and that's because of the assassin in him. It's one of his darkest secret. He tries to not ever got there but it just go t a whole lot worse." Ben said. Tamara got up and went over to Alex. His eyes opened and they were black. He smiled at Tamara. Then he started to laugh.

"You can't keep me tied up forever. I will bring down MI6 if it's the Las thing I will ever do." Alex said. He was really scaring her this time. She backed up. "You are all just toys for MI6. Sooner or later you will see. They will use you till your all worn out and then they will kick you out. That's what happen to my family." He said in a dark emotion. Then he laughed more. Tamara could not take it anymore. She left the room with Ben tailing behind her.

"He's gone. He's really gone." Tamara said with tears going down her cheek.

"No he's not. We will get him back. It will take time but we will help him." Ben said. They went through the rest of the day in silence. Alex would plan in his head and they knew it. Alex keep planning a way to take down MI6 once and for all.

Alex Rider: Deadly SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now