Chapter 13

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As they landed in the air port they rushed Alex to R&G bank and down to the holding cells. The room was completely white with fabric covered walls. The put a straitjacket on Alex before he woke up. They didn't know what mental state he was in but Tom was waiting outside the door for him to wake up. As they waited which seemed like forever Ms. Jones walked towards Tom. She notice that he looked tired and so did Tamara.

"Maybe you two should go get some sleep." Ms. Jones said and both of them looked at her.

"Not till Alex is awake." Tom said and Tamara agreed. ms. Jones left them and they waited for a bit longer. Then they saw Alex stir. Alex slowly got up and looked around confused. He didn't say anything but his body language told them that he was not happy. Tom looked at his eyes and saw that they were the brown not fire or dark eyes. Ms. Jones came back and looked through the window.

"You guys can go in and see him." She said opening up the door and the two walked in. Tamara was a little scared, she hoped that she would not have to see his dark side again. Tom was just happy that he seemed fine. As they walked in Alex seemed to lighten up a little bit.

"Hey guys. Are you going to let me out of this." Alex said innocently.

"What do you remember?" Tamara asked. Alex looked at her confused but he thought about it. Then he looked at Tom.

"You were dead." Alex said quietly. "You died. Just like Jackie." Alex said frowning. "It's all MI6's fault that he's dead." Alex said and looked at Tamara.

"He's not dead. He's right next to me." Tamara said and Tom looked scared. Alex got up from the floor and his eyes turned red.

"He's dead. That's not him. MI6 killed him." Alex said angry.

"Alex it's Tom. No one else." Tamara said since Tom was trying to get the shock over with.

"No that's not Tom and your not Tamara." Alex said and kick Tom in the gut sending him across the room. Tom was glad that the room was padded. Then Alex kicked Tamara sending her across the room as well. "Everyone I know is dead. Your just my imagination." Alex said angry. Tamara got up and went over to Alex. She put her hand on his face.

"I'm real Alex. I know MI6 had messed you up but Tom and me are real." Tamara said and his eyes turned back to brown and he looked sad. Tear escaped from his eye. Then Tamara kissed him on the cheek. Then she hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what to do." Alex said and Tom walked over and they did a group hug. Alex felt safer but he still had the two personality. Ms. Jones stepped in and Alex saw her. His eyes turned dark. He started to walk to her but Tamara and Tom were holding him back as best as they could.

"Jones, you don't want to be in here right now." Tamara said and Ms. Jones walked closer. "You trying to kill your self." Alex broke free and grabbed Ms. Jones by the collar.

"You killed them. There dead because of you." Alex's grip loosened. "I killed them. I killed them. There all gone because of me." Alex fell to his knees and Ms. Jones left the room. Alex stared at the floor. Tamara and Tom stayed where they were and watched Alex. Both of them left the room. They felt bad but they knew he need time alone.

As Alex sat there, thinking he felt alone. Then he knew what he need to do. He got up and kicked down the door. He was glad that there was no one by the door. He ran to the elevator and went up to the second floor and got off to go up the stairs. As the elevator doors opened alarms went off and Alex ran as quick as he could up the stairs. He heard the doors burst open from where he came from Alex keep going. He heard people running up the stairs and he knew that it was a matter of time before they caught him. He stopped and looked down. He was at the 5th floor and the stairs went all the way down.

Alex thought about Jackie and how her death was horrible. He stepped over the rail. On step he could fall to his death. The MI6 agents saw this and stopped.

"Don't do it kid. I'm going to call Ms. Jones." One man said. Alex thought he was the leader.

"No need. She's the one that did this to me. She wants me dead. I am her deadliest secret." Alex let go of the rail and started to fall. The man grabbed Alex's hand, dislocating his shoulder. Some of the men went down a level and grabbed Alex.

"It's alright kid. Your not going to die today." The man said and several of the men grabbed Alex and had him sit on the stairs till the leader of the group walked down. "I'm Captain Lewis. I already call Ms. Jones, she will be here soon." Lewis said and Alex looked down at the ground. Then he heard the clicking of heels.

"Thank you Captain." Then Alex saw her in front of him. Alex was holding his arm because it was dislocated. He didn't look up. "What were you thinking Alex?" She asked him. He didn't say anything. Alex stood up but was shoved back down by one of the other man.

"Sit down and answer her." He said and Alex was getting sick of these men.

"What were you thinking Alex?" Ms. Jones asked and Alex looked up at her.

"Death would be so much sweeter than what I go through every single day." Alex said coldly. He looked into Ms. Jones eyes, dead heartless eyes.


This is the end of the book maybe forever but I haven't had time to do much else with it. I think it's ran it's course. Maybe I will continue it some day.

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