Chapter 6

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Alex woke up two hours later. He was in pain and he was having a fever. Alex figured that some of his wounds were starting to get infected. Alex shifted slightly to feel the pain go through his whole body. He wince at the pain. Then Dmitry walked in and kicked Alex. Alex felt something go snap and pain. The guards grabbed Alex and took him to the same room. Alex saw his shredded shirt on the ground. They tied his hands to the ceiling again. His feet were still tied together.

"You ready to talk?" Dmitry asked. He took another knife and tossed it in his hands.

"I would never talk to a scum bag like you." Alex said with venom in his words. Then Dmitry kicked where Alex's arm and shoulder connected and there was a yelp from Alex and a sickening crack of his right arm being dislocated. Alex's face had pain written all over it.

"That's no way to talk to me." Dmitry said. Then he kicked Alex in the ribs making the cracked rib even worse. It end up puncturing his lung. Then the door burst open and Tamara put a bullet into Dmitry's head.


They went into the place quietly. Using silencers to kill all the guards and anyone else that was not Alex. Tamara was behind Wolf and Ben. They killed several men. They got to the elevator door. Wolf and Ben walked into it with Tamara. Everyone else was securing the perimeter.

"Once we get down to the basement we are going to secure the hall way and Tamara. You need to find Alex and kill whoever is in the room with him." Wolf said and Tamara nodded. Once the door opened there was no guards in the hall way. Then they heard someone yell in pain. Tamara went running for the sound while Ben and Wolf were trying to get her to go back. She went through the door that had a trail of blood and opened the door. She saw Dmitry and fired hitting his skull. He fell to the ground. Alex looked at her and she saw a thank you from him.

"Alex!" She said and ran to him. She took out a knife and started cutting the roped that he was tied to. Wolf and Ben ran in and helped Tamara slowly put him on the ground. She worked fast as Wolf called for Snake to get down there.

"Everything is going to be fine Cub. Keep your eyes open for us." Wolf said. Tamara took in all of the wounds from knifed and his dislocated shoulder. Also shallow breathing. After a minutes Snake was beside Tamara helping her patch up Alex. Alex eyes were still open.

"Snake he had a dislocated shoulder. We need to get him back to the safe house." Tamara said. Snake nodded and he worked on all the infected wounds. They got Alex to his feet and they got him back to the safe house. Once they sat him down on the table in the dining room all the medics and Tamara got to work on fixing Alex up. Mostly Tamara was making sure he was breathing and had a heartbeat.

"Tamara how's he doing?" Snake asked.

"He's still awake." She said. Alex looked at her with tired eyes. Then his eyes slowly closed. "Alex stay awake." Then his eyes completely closed. She check his pulse. "There's no pulse." Everyone moved and Snake started doing CPR on Alex.

"Don't die on me." He said. After a little bit of doing CPR he had a pulse and they quickly continued working. They didn't fix his dislocated shoulder. They wanted him to be awake. Once they were done, Alex was covered in bandages. Tamara walked out into the living room which was where everyone was waiting. Wolf walked up to her.

"He's fine. Sleeping right now." She said quietly. Everyone still heard it. They all sighed in relief.

"So how did Cub become Cub?" Bear asked. Wolf sighed.

"He was brought to us when he was 14. He never been on a mission before. He was going to be with us for a week. Basic hard core training. He was the youngest so we called him Cub. Also double-0-nothing. We were jerks to him cause he was young." Wolf said.

"He was brought into MI6 because his father and uncle were the best spies. Now he is above both of them." Ben said.

"Wow that's really awful. 14 and a super spy." Alpha said.

"It gets worse." Ben said. "He has been almost killed every single mission he's done. Also he was almost killed by Scorpia 4 time. One of them was a sniper. Two centimeters from the heart." Ben said. Some of them winced at what they heard. Ben sighed. Snake walked in and sat down.

"Never seen so many badly infected wounds before." Snake said.

"Poor kid." Someone said from B-unit. Everyone knew it that Alex should have never been in this. Then they heard someone moving in the dining room. Tamara turned around to see that Alex was awake.

"Alex." She walked over to him. He opened his eyes slowly. "How do you feel?"

"Crap." Alex said softly. Tamara smiled. He winced at the pain going through his body.

"Snake? Have you given him pain killers?" Snake walked in and looked at Alex.

"No. Not yet." He grabbed a needle that was filled with a liquid and stuck it in Alex arm. "There. The pain should go away soon." Alex's face relaxed. He closed his eyes in relief.

"How bad are the injuries?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry about that now." Snake said. Alex tried to get up but he still felt the pain in the rest of his body. "I would not do that." Alex smiled. He opened his eyes.

"I killed all of the people on Scorpia's board." Alex said. Tamara looked at him.

"You completed the mission?" Tamara said. Alex nodded. "And you paid big time." Tamara said.

"My arm is still dislocated." Alex said. Snake nodded.

"We did not want to set it till you were awake." Snake said. Alex sighed.

"Do it now." Alex said.

"What?" Snake asked.

"I said fix my arm." Alex said a little mad. Snake got up and went over to his right arm.

"Hold him down. On the count of three." Snakes said. Tamara held down the rest of his body while Snake grabbed his arm. "Three." Snake pulled and Alex's arm and it went back into place with a sickening crack. Alex had pain across his face. Wolf walked in.

"Hey Cub." Wolf said.

"Hey. Lord that hurt." Alex said. Wolf smiled. "Can I please sit up?"

"No." Snake said. "You need rest. Go to sleep." All of them left the room and Alex fell asleep.

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