Chapter 1

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I don't know own the rights of Alex Rider. I'm just a fan.


Alex was barley awake, from the pain, in his cell when he went over what happen in the beginning of the mission. He thought is all started when he moved back to London. He could not stand putting the Pleasures in danger because of him. He went back to his old house and went back to school. Tom was happy that he was back but Alex never really talked to him about why he had moved. Alex was an outcast now. He still played football (soccer for the US) and was a team captain but he hardly talked. Ms. Jones found out that he was back in the UK and offered him help but he declined it very nicely. The week before school was going to end for the year was coming. Alex was still 15. His alarm went off so he slowly got out of bed and headed for the shower. He got a pair of black jeans and a black shirt that was long sleeved. Once he was done with his shower he ran down stairs to get something to eat. His phone started to ring. He walked over to his phone which was on the charger and he answered it. It was Tom.

"Hey Alex. You coming to school today?" He asked.

"Of course Tom. Why would I not come to school?" Alex asked cursorily.

"We just have the big game today so I was making sure you weren't going on a mission." Tom said.

"I'm done with them for now." Alex said.

"Alright mate. I will see you at school." Tom said and hung up. Then a few minutes later his phone rang again and it was a unknown number.

"Hello." Alex said into the phone. He started to walk back into the kitchen to make himself breakfast.

"It's Ms. Jones. I need you to come to R&G." Alex heard her say as he poured coffee into a mug. Alex sighed.

"When?" Alex said. He looked at the clock and started getting ready for school.

"Now. I already excused you from school for today. This is important." Then she hung up and Alex was wondering what he was going to do. He finished his coffee and took a granola bar and walked out of his house. The security system was set. Alex grabbed his bike and went to R&G to see what they wanted. Then Alex remembered that he forgot his phone in the house go he quickly went back. Once he got up to the door to open it with a key the whole house exploded. Alex was taken off his feet. He had burn marks on his face legs and arms. Alex was unconscious. A man went running to see the house exploded and a teen on the ground burned badly. He went beside the teen and dialed for 911. The ambulance came quickly with MI6 and MI5 agents. They took him to the hospital knowing that he was in bad shape. The bomb was meant for Alex earlier that morning before he went to school but like always it missed him by a few seconds. Ms. Jones heard what happen and she started blaming herself. Alex was fine just had a few burns and scraps that were minor.

Once Alex was in the hospital they put guards at his door and had him in a special place under a false name. He had been out for a few hours but when he woke up his eyes felt like lead and his body ached all over from the burns. He had a burn under his right eye that would go away in a few days. As his eyes opened there was a women in the room that Alex knew. Tamara Knight was sitting next to Alex. Alex looked to her.

"Hey long time no see." Alex said. She got closer to Alex.

"How do you feel?" Tamara said looking at his burnt face. He was covered in bandages. Under his eye he had a bandage. Both his arms and legs were covered as well.

"Beside that I was almost blown up. I think I feel fine just I ache all over." Alex said. She smiled slightly.

"I'll got tell the doctor that your awake and them we can get you out of here." She said and Alex nodded. She left the room to go get the doctor. Alex started to get up from the bed or at least sat up. The doctor came in.

"Hello I am Doctor Garth. I just want to check your burns and then you may leave." He said. Once he removed all of Alex bandages and replace them he got the discharge papers.

"Tamara? Did anything survive the bomb?" Alex asked. Tamara looked at him sadly and handed Alex new cloths that MI6 had bought for him.

"I'm sorry Alex. Everything is gone and only the outer area survived the blast. You were lucky that it did not kill you." Tamara said. Alex sighed and got up. He went into the bathroom to change. Tamara had given him blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt that was blue. MI6 had even given him blue contacts to put in. He walked out of the bathroom limping slightly.

"How do I look?" Alex asked Tamara.

"You look nothing like Alex Rider which is what MI6 wanted." She said. Alex walked to the door and turned around to face Tamara.

"Why are you here in London?" Alex asked. Tamara bit her lip.

"MI6 wants you to do another mission and they wanted me as your partner." Tamara said. Alex nodded and they headed to the car that was waiting for them. Alex did not like the idea of going on another mission by that would time MI6 time to rebuild his house. He could at least have some time to think. As they hopped in the car, Alex noticed that the windows were bullet proof and that the car was filled with MI6 agents. Alex felt like something was wrong cause they never had this much security for him before.

"Tamara what's with all the security?" Alex asked. He looked at her and saw that she was downing. Then she went out of her own world to tell him.

"There is a bounty on your head. MI6 is taking precautions." That's all she said as they went R&G. They rushed Alex into the bank and up to Ms. Jones's office. He walked into her office and sat down in a chair close to Jones's desk. Tamara sat in the chair next to Alex's.

"Why am I here?" Alex asked plainly.

"Tamara already told you. For a mission. Now I have a private jet waiting for you two at the airport. The file is on there with another agent I am sending. Go to Smithers for your gadget and a new phone." That's all she said and Tamara got up and waited at the door for Alex which he took his sweet time and had a mad look on his face. Tamara did not say anything. Then went down to Smithers' place of work to get some cool gadgets for the mission that Alex and Tamara were going on. They knocked on the door to be greeted by not a large man but a small slender man. Alex knew that Smithers had made a fat suit that was his cover for if anyone found out he could slip the suit off and be a different man.

"Hey old chap. I see you're still alive." Smithers let them in and they saw all kinds of gadgets in the room.

"Hey Mr. Smithers. What do you got for us?" Alex asked. Smithers walked over to the table that had all kinds of gadgets and handed Alex a phone.

"This is like your old phone but if you press the on/off button three time a tranquilizer shots out. There is also a GPS so type in 911 and MI6 will get the signal and you will be patch in right away." Alex nodded. He put the phone in his pocket. "Oh, don't let anyone else touch the phone or it will exploded after a signal was sent." Smithers warned.

"Will do. What about for Tamara?" Alex asked. Smithers pulled out another phone.

"Same phone and I also have a guns for you two." Smithers said. Alex frowned. Alex really does not like guns. Smithers handed a small Walther P99 to Tamara. "There is also a DNA recognizer in the guns. You can go past any security and not have it be detected." Then Smithers hold out Alex's gun which was the same type of gun just all black and light weight unlike Tamara's which was heavier and with a hint of green on the gun. Alex took the gun and looked at it like it was an alien but he took it any way. Alex sighed. Smithers handed both of them holsters to put the gun in.

"Thank you Smithers. Anything else?" Alex asked. Smithers thought for a monument.

"Oh, here are your pass ports and a backpack with some special stuff in it for you Alex. You two are heading to Russia." Smithers said. Both of them nodded and left the room and headed to the plane that was waiting for them.

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