Chapter 11

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Alex woke up a few hours later returning back to his assassin personality. His whole body felt num as all his wounds didn't bother him. He got up off the bed the Leonty put him in. He walked out of the room and into the living room to be greeted by Roman and Leonty.

"Today's the day that Ms. Jones dies." Roman said. Alex smiled evilly. They all hopped into a car heading to the warehouse waiting for Ms. Jones to arrive. When they arrived at the warehouse he was greeted by the guards and all the SAS men. Wolf was the one to speak up.

"Cub. Snap out of it. Your not you. Your not the Cub we know." Wolf said. Alex looked at him with cold, broken eyes.

"I'm not Cub anymore Wolf. I'm not innocent anymore. Thank MI6 for that." Alex said with no emotions. Alex walked over to Tamara. She would not look at Alex. He grabbed her chin. "Tamara Knight. I know I hurt you. I feel bad about it. Join me and you can be happy." Alex said. She spit in his face.

"All I want is Alex back. Your not him." Tamara said. Alex back away almost heart broken but he didn't show it.

"Very well." Alex said. He turned around to Roman.

"Ms. Jones will be here soon." Roman said. Alex nodded and sat in a chair. They tied up his hands and waited for Ms. Jones to walk in. He had his gun behind him. He just had to wait till she was close enough. At around 12:00 pm she walked in. No one was with her. She walked over to Alex.

"Alex!" She said, as she got closer he untied himself and pulled out his gun. It was pointed at her head. "Alex?" He stood up and walked closer to her.

"You took everything away from me. My two best friends in the world died. Other people have been endangered because of you. Now it's time for payback." Alex said with a little emotion, sadness.

"No Alex. That was not our fault." She said.

"Really. Why is it that my father, uncle, Jack and Tom dead. Fox almost died and also Wolf. Others have died also." He was waving his gun in front of him. He wanted to pull the trigger. "What about me. I have hundreds of scars all over my body. Missions that you sent me on. I can't take it anymore." He said.

"That was never my decision. Blunt was above me. I never wanted to use you." She said buying time.

"Then why keep putting me on missions?" He asked.

"You were miserable and that was the only way to get you out of the house." She said. Alex had a tear go down his cheek.

"What about Tom? He died because I was his friend. I killed him basically." Alex said. Then a figure walked in with a bullet proof vest. He walked in front of Ms. Jones. Alex's hand started to shake as he saw the teenage boy in front of him.

"Tom never died." Ms. Jones said. Alex started to shake a lot.

"Alex. Put the gun down." Tom said walking closer to Alex. Alex returned to his innocent self. He lowered him gun.

"Tom." He said quietly. Tom walked closer while Ms. Jones ran to the SAS soldiers and untied them. Roman and his gang weren't in the room.

"I'm real Alex. They faked my death." Alex shook his head. He also started backing up.

"No your dead. Ms. Jones even said so. Your dead like Jack. I...I." Alex said not finishing his sentence. He backed up to a wall and slide down it. He began hugging himself as everyone one was freed. Tom stayed where he was. Tamara ran to Alex. She saw his eyes get lighter and darker.

"Alex? Calm down. Everything is going to be alright. Tom come here." She yelled at Tom and he ran there. Tom put his hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex looked afraid. Alex's breath was shaky but he got up quickly and pointed his gun at Ms. Jones.

"Alex no." Tom yelled. A shotgun rang out in the warehouse but Alex didn't pull the trigger. Alex looked down to see his shirt turn red in his blood. His eyes went back to brown. Alex looked down surprised at what happen. He didn't feel anything as he fell to the ground. Tom and Tamara was by his side trying to stop the blood coming out of the wound. Alex's eyes got heavier as more blood loss he lost. Snake ran over to them.

"Come on Cub, stay with us." He said to Alex. His soft brown eyes looked at Tom. Then his eyes closed as he fainted from blood loss.

"Alex? Alex!" Tom yelled. His eye weren't opening. Snake checked his pulse. It was weak but still pumping.

"He's fine but we need to get him to a hospital." Snake said. Tom looked relieved. Ms. Jones took out her phone and called for an ambulance. Roman and his gang had left hearing the sirens. Leonty was worried for Alex. The one that were the most worried were the one trying to save his life.

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