Chapter 13

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They rushed Alex to the hospital. They took him into surgery right away and not everyone was playing the waiting game. Almost everyone was, A and B unit left to go do another mission but Alpha wanted to know when he was finally awake. A doctor came in and started speaking to Ms. Jones in Russian. She walked over to them to tell them what he said.

"He said that he's stable. We can see him soon." She said. Tom stood up and started pacing.

"I hope he's back to himself." Tom said. Tamara nodded.

"Let's go see." Tamara said getting up and grabbing Tom's hand. They walked into the room and Alex was still sleeping. There was an IV in his arm. Tom saw that he really pale. All Tamara wanted to know was that he was breathing. She saw his chest rise and fall showing that he was breathing. They stayed in the room for a while. Then Wolf walked in.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Wolf asked.

"We can't leave Alex." Tom said and Tamara agreed.

"The doctor said he is heavily sedated. He's not going to wake up for a while. You guys should eat something." Wolf said. Tamara got up and after a little bit Tom finally stood up and followed them to the cafeteria. They grabbed some food and ate in the cafeteria. They got simple sandwiches. Ms. Jones joined them.

"I got a plane so we can take Alex back to London." She said and took a chip and put it in her mouth.

"We get to take him home soon?" Tom asked almost hopeful.

"Yes. He will be heavily sedated on the plane ride. We don't want him putting everyone in danger. The hospital is letting us take him in a few hours." She said. Tom was happy. He could finally go home. Once they were done eating they went back into the room to see an empty bed and an IV on the ground. In the corner there was Alex with his hands around the nurse's neck. Blood soaked his bandages they were all around his torso.

"Where's Jones?" He was yelling at the nurse. She was scared.

"Alex." Tom whispered but Alex heard it and turned to them. They saw his eyes. They were almost like fire. He was so angry that he was making another personality. He soften a little when he saw Tamara and Tom. He loosened his grip. That gave the nurse time to stable him with a needle that sedated him. Both of them fell to the ground. The nurse was rubbing her neck of where he grabbed her. Tamara ran to the nurse and Tom ran to Alex. They got Alex back into the bed. They changed his bandaged which was all over his torso. He had simple sweets on. The nurse never came back to that room again since she was almost killed. Ms. Jones walked in after talking to the doctor.

"He said we can take him now. He will give us the supplies to keep him sedated the whole way to London." She said. Tom sighed.

"He's not going to be like this forever, is he?" Tom asked worried.

"I don't know. Once the shock of you not dead is over then it might get better." Ms. Jones said. Tamara started rubbing Tom's back as he looked sad. He saw Alex's eyes. He saw his best friend gone in a second. After a little bit of getting everything ready for getting Alex home, they rolled him out of the room. They put him on a simple gurney and put him into the back of a ambulance. Tom was with him on the ride to the airport. The others were in a different car, behind the ambulance. They got to the airport with ease and loaded Alex into the plane. Snake injected into his arm a string to sedate him, so they could get through the plane ride without him waking up. Tom waited for the plane to be in the air before he checked on Alex. It was private plane so no one was a stranger. Once the seat belt lights went off, Tom got up to go check on Alex. He walked into the back and right behind him was Tamara. There was a few chairs so both of them sat down.

"How do you know Alex?" Tom asked quietly.

"Mission a long time ago. What about you? I have heard only a few things about you. Mostly you're his best friend and that you died." She chuckled at the last part. Tom smiled.

"We went to school together. I think I was the first one to learn that he was a spy. He was an outcast during school cause everyone thought he was bad news. I stuck with him throughout this whole time." He smiled as he remembered all the time Tom cheered Alex up. All Tom want was a smiled from him which he got. "I always try and make him smiled. Worked a lot of the time. The only time it really didn't work was when Jackie died. He was an emotionless wreck. He loosened up but not much."

"When he sees you, he lightens up. Even when he's at his darkest like at the hospital. You are the one that is holding him together and when that was gone. He snapped." Tamara said. Both of them looked at Alex. Saw his chest rise and fall.

"When did he become so violent?" Tom asked remembering what happen in the warehouse.

"He's had that for a while. It a personality so it only comes out a little. When he heard you were dead he went completely to being an assassin. It really scared me when he was like that." Tom nodded. He knew there was a little bit of assassin when he saw Alex some days. It was not much though.

"Everyone please go back to your seat we are experiencing some turbulence." The Captain said. Tamara and Tom walked back to their seats. Alex was strapped down tight so they didn't need to worry about him. They waited as they were getting closer to London. Tom was thinking that soon they would have Alex back to normal.


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