Ch 1 Finding Out/New School

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Sam's POV:

Beep beep beep!

"Ugh!" I groaned as I woke up to my alarm ringing loudly as usual. I slowly got up turned off my alarm and got myself ready to start a new life at a new school.

Why am I in a new school you may ask? Well back at my old school when I was a freshman I realized that I wasn't into girls after I dated a girl for a month who soon dumped me after I told her I had developed a sudden crush on her older brother. Shortly after our breakup, she told the whole school that I was gay and sure enough, I paid the consequences for it.

During my junior year though, I decided to gather my courage and crossdressed to school. Let's just say that was the worst mistake of my entire life. After countless years of abuse, my mom and I had enough and we moved to LA as for my dad well he left me and mom after calling me a disgrace. But I didn't care I was more close to my mom anyways.

Once I got dressed in blue skinny jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt I grabbed my bag and my phone along with my keys and rushed down the stairs to my kitchen.

"Hey Mom," I said while I kissed her cheek. "Good morning Sammy," she said while giving me a plate of eggs and bacon. Once I finished my food I put my dirty dishes in the sink, I grabbed my bag and walked to my new school since it was only three blocks away.

Once I opened the blue doors I made my way to the main office since the school wasn't that big I was able to find my way in no time. Once I entered I stopped in front of the school secretary and I kindly asked for my schedule and locker number. "Here you go, sweetie," she said to me with a smile while handing me my things.

Once I left I began to walk while looking at my schedule not looking where I was going when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry," I said as I look to see a girl with pinkish hair standing in front of me. "Oh it's ok I'm Katrina but you can call me Kat," she said as she extended her hand " I'm Sam," I said as I grabbed her hand shaking it.

"Are you new here?" she asked "Y-yeah I-I am" I said shyly. "Can I see your Schedule?" she asked. "Sure," I said as I handed her my schedule." Hmm, we have first period Science and fifth period English together. Do you want to walk together?" she asked me while giving me my schedule back "Sure," I said.

After that, she took me to my locker and taught me how to open it. I then put all my belongings and grabbed my needed things for Science. Once I entered the teacher looked at me and smiled "Hello dear are you the new student?" "Yes ma'am," I said while looking at her.

"Class we got a new student here joining us today. Please introduce yourself, dear."I looked at all the new faces in front of me and I put on a nervous smile. "H-Hello I'm Samuel Golbach but I prefer Sam for short. I moved here with my mom three days ago and I hope I have a fresh new start." Once I was done I looked at my teacher who nodded indicating for me to go find a seat.

I looked and I saw an open seat next to Kat so I walked up to her and asked if the seat next to her was occupied. "Of course not silly you can def sit here," she said smiling again.

Time Skip

Kat and I grabbed our lunches and made our way to her table where there were three other girls sitting. "Hey girls this is Sam he's new here," Kat told them while pointing at me. "H-Hey," I said while waving at them. "Hey," they all said. "Sam this is Xepher, Devin, and Tara." Kat said while pointing to each one of them.

I soon found out that Xepher and I had second period together, Devin and I had fourth period, and Tara and I had sixth. We also found out that we had seventh which was study hall. "Hey, Sam I know we just met and all but think we can come over so we can get to know each other more?" Devin asked. "Oh, I don't know," I said back. "Please," they all said while giving me puppy eyes. "I'll ask my mom and I'll let y'all know during seventh,' I said. "Ok," they replied.

Time skip to Seventh

(S) Sam (M) Mom

S: Hey mom I made some new friends and I was wondering if they could come over after school?

M; Sure hun oh and also my lunch break starts the same time you come out so I might drop by and meet them all ;)

S; Ok mom and thanks love you!

M: No prob sweetie and love you too!

I just finished texting my mom as I got my things from my locker and closed it when suddenly I was pushed into it. I turn around to see a boy with reddish hair. "Sup fag." he said while punching me in the stomach. "The names Jason and I know you're new here and by seeing your clothes I can tell your a fag as well as a nerd."

"So what if I am who cares?" I said while looking at him. "Well fag," he said while spitting at my face. "As long as you attend this school I'm going to make your life a living hell." Jason then pushed me to the ground while he threw a kick at me before leaving for his next class.

Once I entered my seventh period I made my way to where the girls were sitting and sat next to Xepher. "Hmm," I said as I sat and stared into my notebook. "Hey Sammy is everything ok,?" Xepher asked me. " Well I got good news and bad news," I said while looking at them. "Good news is that my mom said that y'all can come over after school." "Alright," they said while high-fiving each other.

"So what's the bad news?" asked Tara. "Bad news is that I already made an enemy. Y'all probably know him. His name is Jason.' I told them. "Oof Jason is such a dick," said Kat. 'Yeah, he and his two minions are part of the school's football team and jock group," Dev said "So what did Jason do that he's your enemy now?" Asked Tara.

"Well after I grabbed my things for class I closed my locker and he pushed me into it so I turned to see who it was and he called a fag followed by him introducing himself," I said while rolling my eyes. " Then he said that due to the way I was dressed he instantly knew I was gay," I said while using air quotes. "So I said who cares and that's when he punched me in the stomach and then he told me that as long as I attend this school he was gonna make my life a living hell. Afterward, he pushed me to the ground followed by a kick to the stomach. Then he left to his class," I said while looking at them. "Don't worry Sammy Tara and I can tell our boyfriends to have Jason stop bothering you," Devin said while nudging Tara. "Who are your boyfriends?" I asked. "You'll see them after class since they wait for us by the school entrance," Tara said to me. "Besides," Xepher said while looking at me, "you're not the only one who came out to this group," She said while holding Kat's hand."Wait y'all are dating?" I asked them. They both nodded. "Yup for about three months now," Kat replied.

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