Ch 8 Sexual Harrassment 2

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TW Means Trigger Warning

1 Month Later

Sam's POV

It's been a month since the incident and Jason and his goons only beat me here and there. I walked into school wearing a lilac skater skirt with a white long-sleeved crop top and white Adidas ( kinda like the above picture). I was relieved that Jason hadn't done anything like the incident this past month. Though I feel like he did it so he wouldn't be kicked off the football team and sent to the principal's office.

I was walking to third period Calculus when I saw Jason and his goons. I knew I had no choice but to pass by them. So I took a deep breath and walked past them. I was doing fine until the back of my skirt was lifted and my butt was smacked real hard making me jump and yelp in pain. I turned knowing pretty well it was Jason.

"Nice ass fag," He smirked while eyeing me up and down followed by his goons laughing. I just scoffed at them and made my way to class.

Skip to fourth period

I was sitting next to Deyvn and we were working on our History work Mr.Patel gave us when I saw her raise her hand. "Mr. Patel, can I go to the bathroom?" "Of course Devyn," he replied to her. Devyn looks at me and says, "I'll be right back ok?" "Don't worry I'll be fine," I said back to her. She then gets up and leaves.

A few seconds later I felt someone sit next to me so I looked thinking it was Devyn but soon realized it was Jason. "Sup fag," he smirked. I just rolled my eyes and continued working when I suddenly felt something on my right thigh. I look to see Jason placing his hand on my thigh.

"Please stop," I said while taking his hand away and continuing my work. Jason then placed his hand again but this time moving it up my thigh. I then put both my hands on top of his hand but he slipped it away from my grasp and he put it on top of both my hands.

He then reached over with his other hand and placed it under my skirt on my inner thigh and squeezed it. I quietly let out a small whimper as he smirked and he moved his hand towards my crotch area. Before he could grab my crotch a voice spoke out. " Get out of my seat," I look and saw Devyn furiously looking at Jason.

Jason scoffed and got up and left. Devyn sat down and asked if I was ok. I quickly took out a piece of paper and wrote down everything that happened and passed it to her. Once she read it she put it in her pocket and asked if it was ok if she could read it to the others during lunch. I just nodded my head yes in response.

Skip to them being in lunch

Once I sat down with my food Devyn took out the paper and told everyone that she had something to say. Knowing what she was gonna say I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom.

Once I got to the bathroom I did my business, washed my hands, and dried myself off. As I was throwing away my wet paper towel I heard the door open and I look to see Jason smirking while eyeing me up and down and licking his lips.

TW Sexual Harassment

"You know fag I bet you would be very fuckable," he said while walking toward me. "P-please just leave me alone," I said while being backed up against the wall. He just laughed while he pulled me by the wrist and he bent me over the bathroom sink. He then put my wrists behind my back with one hand as he lifted the back of my skirt with his free one.

"N-No Plea-" I was quickly cut off by him covering my mouth with his free hand. Jason then began grinding on me as I continued to muffle outcries for help as I held back my tears.

"What's that fag you want me to grind faster? Well if you say so," He then began to grind faster when he spoke up again. "Just imagine me fucking you like this," he said while smirking. Just then the door opened and I somehow managed to look and see Jake.

End of Sexual Harassment

"What The Fuck?!" He said while in shock. I guess he must've seen the fear in my eyes because he soon pulled Jason off of me and began to punch and kick him for about thirty seconds. He then came and hugged me as I hugged him back while shaking and crying into his shirt.

"Sh-sh it's ok Bubba it's over now," he said while rubbing my back. We then headed back to the cafeteria where Jake then grabbed my tray and dumped it out and came back. "Jake, what happened to Sam?" Corey asked with concerned

Jake was about to speak but I spoke instead. I quickly explained everything while fiddling with my fingers as tears slid down my face. I looked to see everyone horrified. Colby however had his hands in fists while he was fuming with anger.

The rest of the day was better besides Jason eyeing me here and there. Though I'm still very terrified of him

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