Ch 4 Bullying

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Next Day

Sam's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear as usual so I got up and dreadfully got changed into the chosen outfit the girls picked for me. I also slipped on my white vans, went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and hair, sling my bag onto my back, grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs.

"Morning mom," I said while entering the kitchen. "Morning Sam," She replied with a smile. She then turned to look at me." Are you going to wear that to school?" she asked with concern laced in her voice. I nodded my head in response, "The girls accepted me for crossdressing. They even picked my outfit," I replied with a reassuring smile. "Ok be careful and promise to tell me if anything bad happens?" "Promise," I said as I grabbed an apple and water from the fridge and left.

Skip to Sam in School

Once I arrived at school I walked over to my locker and opened it. I hang my bag on the hanger and I took my needed books. Before I could even close my locker it was slammed shut so I turn to see Jason smirking at me.

"Hello, Fag," he said while glancing at my outfit laughing at me. "So the fag likes to wear girly clothes." "So what if I do who cares?" I said while rolling my eyes at him. "He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and looked at me with a smirk. " At least it'll make making your life a living hell a lot more fun." He then threw me to the floor and began kicking me. I covered my face with my arms but I still ended up with a busted lip.

"Jason!" I heard a voice call out which made Jason stop kicking me. I look up to see Colby and the gang. "What do you want Brock?" Jason said while glaring at him. "Why don't you leave the kid alone huh?" Colby said back. "Ugh!, this ain't over fag. Next time you won't be so lucky," he scoffed as he walked away. I painfully began picking up my books.

"You ok?" Colby asked as he gave me the last two books that he picked up for me. "I-I'm f-fine t-thanks," I said as I look up to face him. As soon as I did he and the rest of the gang gasped when they saw my busted lip and possibly bruised face.

The bell rang and Colby gently grabbed my wrist and took me to the bathroom while everyone left for class. Once we got to the bathroom Colby sat me on the sink counter and grabbed a towel and began to clean me up.

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