Ch 5 Feelings?

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Colby's POV

As I was gently cleaning up Sam I just couldn't stop thinking about him getting beat up by Jason. I was pissed when I saw Jason beating up poor Sam. I'm just glad the gang and I got to him before he was beaten worse.

"There we are all done," I said as I threw away the bloody paper towel. "T-thanks C-Colby," Sam said with a small smile on his lips. "Why did Jason beat you up?" I asked while looking at his adorable baby blue eyes.

"Well besides the fact he's going to make my life a living hell for being gay, he just beat me up just because I crossdress," he said immediately looking down at his feet afterward. "So who cares if you crossdress?" I said while lifting his chin so he was looking at me. "As long as you are happy and comfortable with what you wear is all that matters," He soon hugged me and I hugged him back.

"T-thanks C-Colby no one has ever said something like that to me before. I think you, besides the girls, get me," he said while releasing me from our hug. "No problem Sam I just like seeing people happy with themselves," I replied with a small smile on my face.

I soon glanced at Sam's outfit and not gonna lie he looked kinda cute. "Well, we better get to class since we're late already," I said to him. "Y-yeah you're right we should go," he said with a small smile on his face.

We soon arrived at class but Ms.Smith along with the rest of the class was glaring at us. "Tell me why did you just show up to my class late?" She asked a little annoyed. "Sorry Ms but we had an emergency but I promise it won't happen again," Sam replied with small guilt laced in his voice. "Ok, whatever just because today's your second day and because Mr. Brock was with you you're excused this time. Next time it's detention for both of you understood?" she said still slightly annoyed. "Yes Ms," Sam and I said in unison.

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