Ch Part 12 Break in

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TW Means Trigger Warning

A few days later

Sam's POV

It's been a few days since Colby and I begin dating and living with each other. We even decided to become YouTubers. Colby had a camera that he got for his and Kat's birthday but it didn't have batteries so he went to the store to get some.

About fifteen to twenty minutes after he left I heard a knock on our front door. I of course thought it was weird since we weren't expecting company and Kat was out with Xepher on a date. So I made my way to the door and peeped through the peephole. My eyes widen as my body began shaking in fear when I saw him standing there. I then made my way to the living room and called Colby.

( C): Baby what's wrong?

(S): Babe It's Him He's Found Me!

( C): WHAT!

(S): Babe He's At Our Front Door!

( C): Don't panic baby I'm on my way I'm just about three minutes away I swear

(S): Please Hurry!

Just as I hung up our front door was busted open thus making me scream and jump. Just then Jason walked into our living room and he saw me. He then had an evil smirk on his face "Hello fag." I then tried to run past him but he grabbed me and began to take me out of our house I slammed my foot hard onto his foot and I made a dash for our kitchen where I grabbed the biggest kitchen knife we had.

TW Sexual Assualt

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled as I stood behind our island table with the knife held in front of me. Jason just laughed as he ran toward me and as I held my knife to stab him, he somehow managed to grab it from me. He then grabbed my wrist and threw me to the floor. While this was happening, none of us noticed that Colby had accidentally left his camera turned on near the cabinets next to the sink. Meaning it was recording everything that was happening.

I soon began begging and crying as Jason, who was now hovering over me, was cutting apart my clothes with my knife. Leaving me completely naked. Jason then pulled me up to my feet as he bent me over the island table. He then grabbed my arms and he pins them behind my back.

"NOO PLEASE!" I begged but he then held my knife against my neck. I was now full-on shaking in fear. "Shut Up Or I'll Kill You!" he said as he began to unbuckle his pants. I was now sobbing begging him to stop and let me go.

End Of Sexual Assault

Colby's POV

I called the cops after Sam called me. Three minutes later I arrived home and I got out of my car leaving everything in the trunk and locking it. I then ran inside my house since the door was busted open. I then made my way to my kitchen as I heard Sam screaming and crying.

I got there to see Sam naked and bent over the kitchen island table while shaking and crying. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled as I ran and pulled Jason off of Sam. "Wait you're actually dating this piece of shit fag?!" he said with a small laugh. I then tell Sam to run upstairs as I began to beat the shit out of Jason.

Sam's POV

I ran upstairs to mine and Colby's shared room and locked it. I then walked to our closet and grabbed my pink pastel hoodie and I went to the dresser and I got a pair of panties and some grey sweats and I also pulled out a shirt as well.

Once I got dressed, I put on a pair of socks and slipped on my white vans and I sat down on our bed. Moments later, sirens were heard outside so I ran downstairs. As I got downstairs, I saw a very beaten Jason being taken away by cops.

After the cops left, Colby closed our door and I ran and hugged him. I then began sobbing into his blue hoodie. "Sh-sh it's ok baby he's gone now," he said as he hugged me even tighter. I then pulled away and looked up at him. "Thank you for saving me again," I said as tears still fell down my face. "As I said before baby, I will always keep you safe and happy." he then leaned in and pulled me into a very passionate kiss.

A minute later we pulled away and I went to the kitchen and picked up the knife and I placed it where it was before. I then picked up the ripped pieces of clothing and threw them into the trash.

"Baby did he ripped your clothes off?!" Colby asked me as he had a pissed-off look. "W-well he cut my clothes off with the knife," I replied with a small sniffle.

I then looked around to see everything was cleaned up when I suddenly spotted Colby's camera. I walked up to it and saw that it was on. I gasped in shock as my eyes widened. "Baby what's wrong?" Colby asked me.

I turned to him while holding the camera in my hands. "Colby your camera was on the whole time. This means it probably captured everything that happened!" I said with excitement and hope in my voice. "Which means we have more than enough proof to send him back to jail for good this time," Colby replied with a small smile on his face.

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