Ch 11 Released From Jail/I Love You

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A week later

Sam's POV

I was at home hanging out with the guys when suddenly my phone ranged. I look to see that it was the police station.

(S) Sam (P) Police

(S): Hello?

(P): Hi is this Samuel Golbach?

(S): Yes this is me

(P): Well we just called to inform you that Jason Smith was released from prison earlier today.

(S): W-WHAT! Why?!

(P): We're sorry but there wasn't enough evidence for us to keep him locked up. However, you could come and file a restraining order.

(S): O-oh ok then thank you have a good day

(P): You too sir goodbye

As soon as I hung up I immediately started having a panic attack. "Sam are you ok? what happened? who called you?" Kat asked while trying to help me calm down. Once I was calm I looked up to them and spoke. "It was the police station they told me that Jason was released today," I then put my head on my knees and began to sob.

"What but why?" asked a fuming-looking Colby. I looked at him and responded, "They said there wasn't enough evidence for him to be locked up and all I can do is put a restraining order against him."

"This is so unfair," said Kat. "The worst part is that I'm afraid to stay home alone," I said as a few more tears slipped down my face. Just then my mom came home and I told her everything. "Well I guess we go get that restraining order tomorrow," she told me as I nodded my head in response.

The next day I went to Kat and Colby's house since we decided to chill after school. I got the urge to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom. Once I did my business and washed my hands I heard a ding from my phone and I noticed I had gotten a message from an unknown person.

(S) Sam (U) Unknown

(U): Sup fag

(S): Who's this?

(U): Don't tell me you forgot about me fag?

(S): Jason?!

Just then Jason was face timing me so I answered. "Hello fag," "W-what do you want from me?" I asked him. "Oh don't act like you don't know what I want fag," "Please just leave me alone!" I begged. "No cause I'm going to find you and make you my sex slave. Now do me a favor and strip for me," He said while smirking. "NOO!" I yelled while hanging up and ran downstairs where the guys were and sat down

I put my head on my knees and sobbed."Sam?" I looked up to see Kat and the others giving me worried looks. "Sam, what's wrong?" Kat asked me while resting her hand on my knee. I calmed myself down, took a deep breath, and told them everything that happened in the bathroom.

Their eyes widen and Kat and Colby looked at each other and nodded. "Sam, Kat, and I decided it would be better if you stayed either with us or any of the group members," Colby said as everyone else agreed.

"Ok I'll ask my mom but who am I going to stay with?" I asked while wondering who my new roommate or roommates would be. Soon everyone started asking their parents to see who was willing to take me in. Jake's parents were the first to say since they were going to have family come over. Corey's parents said they would but his grandmother was staying in their third bedroom. As for Tara, Xepher, and Devyn, their parents were either strict or would not even be home due to business trips. So that only left me with Kat and Colby.

Moments later Colby got a response from his mom saying that she didn't mind having me stay since it was only them three since Mr. Brock was away for a business trip for a month. Now that was settled, the problem is who am I going to share rooms with?

Colby's POV

Not gonna lie but I was kinda happy and nervous that Sam was gonna stay with us. Sam and I just got back from going over to his place to pick up clothes and his school bag. Just as we got in my mom introduced herself to Sam who right away thanked her for letting him stay.

"Now Cole why don't you take Sam to your room since you two are going to be sharing a room," as soon as my mom said that I then froze realizing that Sam is going to sleep in with me. "Now Sam, while you and Cole were gone I went up and placed the inflatable mattress near his bed," My mom added with a smile on her face.

Sam and I went to my room and I closed and locked my door behind me. I then decided I would confess my feelings for him right now. "Hey, Sam can I tell you something?" I asked with hesitation in my voice. "Of course, you can," he replied as he sat criss-cross on my bed.

I then sat criss-cross in front of him, took a deep breath and I began to speak. "Sam. I like you a lot. I remember when I first met you I thought to myself, wow he's cute, and I instantly knew it was love at first sight. What I'm trying to say is that would you do me the honors of becoming my boyfriend?"

Sam's POV

As soon as Colby asked me, my eyes soon widened and tears were now slipping down my face. "Y-yes I would love to be your boyfriend," I said while smiling at him. He then leaned in and place his soft pink lips on mine. At first, I was somewhat shocked but then I kissed back. Our lips fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.

About a minute later we pulled apart and Colby held my hands in his as he looked at me with loving eyes. "Sam as the love of your life, I promise to keep you safe and happy always." "I love you," I said while hugging him. "I love you too baby," he said back. We then pulled back and we got ourselves ready for bed. We both fell asleep on Colby's bed while wrapping ourselves in each other's arms.

The following day at school during lunch we told our friends about us dating and they all congratulated us. Colby and I couldn't be happier. 

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