Ch 7 Sexual Harrassment

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 TW Means Warning 

Sam's POV

*Next Day*

The following day I got up and got dressed in blue jean short shorts and a black Adidas crop top and some black vans. I grabbed my phone and bag and I went downstairs to say bye to my mom I grabbed some water and an apple and left.

TW Sexual Harassment

Skip to Sam arriving at school

I arrived at my locker and I hung my bag on the hook but before I could get my needed books, my locker was slammed shut and I was forcefully turned around to see Jason and his goons.

"What now Jason?" I asked slightly annoyed by him.

"Morning to you too fag," he said while smirking. "What do you want Jason?" I said more pissed this time. "Seems like you didn't learn your lesson did you?" he said slightly amused. "What lesson?" I asked while rolling my eyes at him. "About you wearing girly clothes. But don't worry we have a lesson you'll never forget," he said smirking. "Grab him and take him to the bathroom."

His goons then grabbed me and all three of them dragged me to the bathroom. Once we arrived Jason and his goons each kneed me in the stomach and I was then thrown into the last largest stall and soon they all entered the stall with me. Jason then locked the stall while his goons each grabbed one of my hands again.

"L-Let M-Me G-Go!" I screamed while squirming around but Jason then slapped me across the face. "Shut up fag," he growled. Jason then unbuttoned my shorts and looked at me with his stupid smirk. "N-No P-Please D-Don't!" I shouted.

Jason then pulled my shorts down and he began palming my crotch. I began whimpering as I felt my eyes burn from holding back my tears. After he was done his goons each took turns palming me. Jason then pulls up my shorts and he then threw me towards the floor and he left along with his goons.

I lay there crying when the door opened and I look to see one of the football players looking at me while smirking. He then entered my stall and locked the door."N-No P-Please!" I begged as I scooted back as he walked towards me.

He then grabbed my legs and brought me towards him and he hovered over me. He then grabbed my unbuttoned shorts and pulled them down and he started palming my crotch as well. After he was done palming me, another football player came and he came towards me as well.

End of Sexual Harassment

Colby's POV

After class, I was walking in the halls with Corey and Jake when we all looked at Jason standing in front of the bathrooms. One of the football players came out and he looked sweaty. He then gave money to Jason and left. We rush to Jason and asked him what that was all about.

"Oh, this? Just charging the entire football team to palm the school's slut," He said while putting away his stash of cash. "What are you talking about Jason?" I asked still confused. "Go see for yourselves," Jason replied with a smirk on his face.

The guys and I entered the bathroom and we heard whimpers coming from the last stall. So we all went to the last stall and we all saw Sam curled up in a ball crying with his shorts unbuttoned and cum dripping down his legs. I walked towards him but he scooted away in fear.

"N–n-no p-p-please d-d-don't h-h-hurt m-m-me!" Sam said with fear in his voice while shaking and crying. Seeing him like that just broke my heart. "S-Sam it's me," I said while walking toward him.

Sam looked up and he immediately got up and buttoned his shorts and hugged me tightly. "Do you want to go home?" I asked and he nodded in my shirt. I then picked him bridal style as he let out a small squeak followed by him resting his head on my chest.

"Corey I want you to text the girls and let them know that we're ditching cause it's an emergency," I said while looking at him. Corey then took out his phone and right away texted them. "Done!" he said as he put his phone back in his pocket.

We then walked out of the bathroom only to be stopped by an angry Jason. "Where do you think you're going with him?!" "We're taking him home," I said while gritting my teeth, "Are you stupid Brock? I got a couple of guys who want some fun with him," He replied.

"Fuck you, Jason! Sam isn't a toy to be tossed around he's a human being and he's very hurt right now. Now move or I'll tell Principal Morales," I replied with anger in my voice. Soon Jason left while I and the guys went to Sam's locker.

"Ok, Jake so Sam's locker combination is 440112," as soon as I told him Jake opened it and grabbed Sam's bag and he closed his locker back up. "Bro how do you know his locker info?" Corey asked me while he and Jake looked at me confused.

"Kat told me the day we met him. She made me memorize it in case of emergencies," I explained to them as we grabbed our bags. Afterward, we all arrived at my car where I unlocked it and I gently put Sam in the passenger seat. "Guys, what happened?!" I turned to see Kat and the girls all worried. So I told them what Jason did to Sam and they were just as pissed as we were.

We all began to drive to Sam's with the girls in front of us leading the way. I soon began to break the silence. "I'm gonna fucking kill Jason," I said while tightening my grip on the steering wheel. "We all are," Corey said while agreeing with me. "What Jason did was fucked up," Jake said somewhat pissed.

Time skip to Sam's house

Once everyone sat downstairs in the living room, I went upstairs with Sam in my arms and entered his room. "Ok Sammy time for you to sleep," I said while putting him on his bed. "Let me just shower first," Sam said quietly while standing up and grabbing clothes and a towel.

About five minutes later Sam came out wearing gray sweats and a plain baby blue hoodie. I then helped sam to bed and tucked him in. "Sleep tight Sam," I said as I was about to leave but Sam then grabbed my wrist. "P-please s-stay," he said so I layed with hi until he fell asleep. Once he did, I got and kissed his forehead and a small smile soon appeared on his face. I soon left his room and made my way downstairs.

"What took you so long brother?" Jake asked me when I entered the living room. So I told him what happened. Well minus the kissing part. Moments later Sam came down and saw us. "Hey, guys," he said while rubbing his eyes. We all cooed at the sight which made Sam somewhat blush.

"Sam, can you please explain to us what happened earlier? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to," Kat said with worry in her voice.

Sam's POV

I soon began fiddling with my hoodie sleeves and I took a deep breath I explained everything from when Jason came to my locker up to when the "incident" happened. When I was done explaining I quickly wiped my tears and I look to see the guys were pissed. Tara and Xepher were shocked but also pissed. While Kat and Devyn were shocked with tears in their eyes.

"Well enough of the sadness," Devyn said while wiping her tears away. "Let's Have A Movie Night!" Soon enough Kat went to her Disney plus account and she played Air Bud. I look to see everyone cuddling. Kat and Xepher are in one lovesac while Jake and Tara are in another. Corey and Devyn were on the left side of the couch while Colby and I were on the right side of the couch.

As we were halfway through the movie, I felt a slight weight on my shoulders. I looked to see Colby had rested his arm on my shoulders. I slightly smiled as I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I then rested my head on his shoulder and sighed happily. I don't know why but being with Colby always makes me feel happy and safe.

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