Ch 3 Crossdress

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Sam's POV

The girls and I soon arrived at my house just in time to see my mom get ready to head back to work. " Hey mom, sorry we're late got caught up talking to Kat's brother and his friends," I said to my mom. "Oh it's fine dear and hello girls it's so nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too Mrs. Golbach!" Kat said with a smile on her face. "Oh please call me Cindy," my mom said smiling back.

"Ok, mom this is Kat, Xepher, Tara, and Devyn," I said while pointing at them. "Well it's a pleasure meeting y'all but I must get going and Samuel I left some money for pizza at the kitchen counter. Now behave and don't cause any trouble while I'm gone," mom said looking at me. "Don't worry mom everything will be fine," I replied insuring her that everything will be ok. "Ok well bye," she said while leaving. "Bye," we said back while waving at her.

Time skip to when the pizza arrives

Once we were in my room, which was white with white fairy lights along with two bean bag chairs and my white desk which was near the window, we all began to know each other while eating.

"Hey, Sam did you decorate your room, or did your mom help you?" Devyn wais while admiring my plain and simple room. "Oh, I decorated it myself just thought of doing something simple nothing too dramatic really," I said while smiling at her. "Well, we think you did an amazing job!" Tara said while still eating her pizza.

"Thanks," I said with a smile on my face. Once I came back from throwing away our trash, I noticed Xepher walking to my closet. "I-I rather you don't look in there," I said looking at her. "Why not Sammy?" She replied rather confused. I sighed, "It's just I think you'll find it silly once you see what's inside," I said while looking down at my floor. "Oh, Sammy I'm sure whatever it is you have inside we won't find it silly," Kat said while hugging me.

I took a deep breath," P-promise?" I asked while looking at them. "Promise," They all said while giving me sympathetic looks. 'Okay, I guess." I said as I walked to my closet and shakily opened my door revealing to them all my feminine clothing.

"Oh.My.God!" Kat and Devyn squealed in unison as Tara and Xepher stood there shocked. "Please don't make fun of me I completely understand if you girls don't want to be my friends anymore," I said with teary eyes. Oh Sammy we won't make fun of you," Tara said looking at me. "Y-you won't?" I asked confused. "Of course not!" They said in unison.

"We're thrilled," Kat said hugging me once more. "You are?" I asked as soon as she pulled away. "Of course, we are," Xepher replied. "Now you join us for our annual shopping spree," Devyn said with a smile on her face.

" I mean I guess," I replied with a small smile. "Well now that's out of the way," Kat said as she clapped her hands together. "Why don't we help you pick an outfit for tomorrow?" "W-what no way!" I said while looking at Kat with the 'are you crazy look'. "Why not?" Devyn said with a confused look on her face. "Well, what about Jason? I mean with what I wore today he swore to make my life a living hell. Just imagine what he'll do to me when he sees me wearing my girly clothes." I said with slight fear in my voice.

"Don't worry I'm sure the boys already told him to back off," Tara said with a look of insurance. "Besides if Jason does anything to you then we'll just kick his ass," Xepher said with a determined look on her face. I sighed "Fine," I said back. "Great!" They all said in unison.

The girls were looking through my closet for about five minutes when I heard an "Aha!" I looked and saw Kat holding up an outfit. "Sammy we decided you should def wear this tomorrow," she said while showing me the outfit. It was a solid baby pink pleated skirt with a plain white short sleeve crop top.

"I don't know," I said while looking at the chosen outfit. "Please," they all asked in unison while giving me puppy eyes. "Ok-ok I'll wear it," I said with a small smile on my lips. Pretty soon they squealed with happiness and I just quietly laughed.

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