Ch 6 Harrasment

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*Skip to the fifth period*

Sam's POV

I was at my locker getting my textbook for English when suddenly my eyes widened when my skirt was pulled down. "Nice panties fag," I immediately gasped and pulled my skirt back up. I turn to see Jason and his two goons, Zack and Dylan laughing at me. "Why don't you show the whole school while you're at it," he said as he tried to pull down my skirt again but this time I slapped his hand away. "Leave me alone," I said while giving him a pissed look. "Aw come on fag I just want the whole school to see your white panties," he smirked. By this point Zack and Dylan each held one of my hands as Jason grabbed my skirt I began to squirm trying to break free but failed.

"L-Let M-Me G-Go!" I screamed while squirming but by this point, Jason had pulled my skirt down and was about to open his mouth when he was aggressively shoved to the ground. Pretty soon Zack and Dylan were forced off of me and were also thrown to the ground. I quickly pulled up my skirt again and l looked to see who helped me

I was shocked to see Colby, Corey, and Jake standing in front of me protectively. "You ok?" Colby asked with concern in his voice. "Y-yeah t-thanks," I said with a small smile on my face. I looked around and realized Jason and his goons were gone. "What were they trying to do to you?"Jake asked which brought my attention back to them. "He tried to show the whole school that I-I-I w-w-wear p-p-panties," I said saying the last part in a whisper while looking down at my feet again.

"That's fucked up," Corey said with disgust and concern in his voice. "He pulled down my skirt twice. Once when I tried to get my English textbook and y'all pretty much saw the second time," I said looking up and seeing them all pissed. Colby however was more than pissed he was fuming.

"Well we better get to class," I said as I grabbed my English book and closed my locker shut. "Also um thanks again for the help," I said as I ran to my class.

*Skip to lunch*

I closed my locker after putting my English stuff away and began making my way to the cafeteria when a voice called out to me. "Hello fag," I sigh as I turn around only to be faced with you guessed it Jason and his goons. "What now Jason," I said annoyed at him. "We still have some unfinished business to attend to." As soon as he said that I was again aggressively held back by Zach and Dylan. "Let's take him to the bathroom boys," he commanded while showing his awful smirk.

Once I was dragged to the bathroom, Jason immediately punched me in the stomach four times. Then his goons threw me to the floor and they also punched me. Afterward, they all began kicking me nonstop. "Pathetic, kick, worthless, kick, piece of shit, kick, fag," After that, his goons picked me up and held me again but this time with my back facing Jason. Then Jason grabs my skirt once more and pulls it down and he smacks my butt real hard making me yelp in pain.

"You like that do you fag?" he taunts while smacking me three more times. Then his goons also smacked my butt three more times. Then they all left leaving me on the floor beaten and my skirt pulled down. As I was about to pull up my skirt the bathroom door opened. I instantly freeze while pulling it up thinking it was Jason and his goons coming back for another beating. "Sam?" I look up to see Colby looking at me shocked. "What happened and who did this to you?"

Colby's POV

"What happened and who did this to you?" I asked as I gently picked him up and pulled up his skirt while looking away so I couldn't see him in his panties. "J-Jason and his goons they dragged me in here and they punched and kicked me calling me horrible names. Then his goons held me like earlier but this time with my back towards Jason and he pulled my skirt down and he smacked my butt along with his goons," he explained while looking at me with teary eyes.

"Hey hey it's ok me and the boys will beat them up ok?" I said as I hugged him. He immediately hugged me and a small giggle escaped his lips. "Ok," he said with a hopeful look. I then walked Sam to the lunchroom and he went and got his lunch he sat at our table. I gathered everyone before lunch so we could sit at Kat's table and could cheer up Sam from earlier's events.

Sam sat down slowly and began eating his lunch. "Sam, what happened are you ok?' Kat asked him while looking worried. I look at Sam and he motioned for me to tell them. So I explained everything that Sam told me earlier in the bathroom. Everyone was shocked and furious. Soon lunch came to an end and well all parted our separate ways.

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