Ch 9 Strip?!

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TW Means Trigger Warning

Sam's POV

The following day I arrived at school wearing a baby blue pleated print skirt and a white short-sleeved shirt (kinda like the above picture but with a short-sleeve shirt) with my white Nike court shoes. As I got to my locker my bag was flung off of me and I was aggressively turned to look at no other than Jason and his goons. Jason was looking at me with a pissed look and with a bruised face.

"Hey, fag thanks to you your boyfriend almost beat me to death yesterday." I just looked at my feet as I realized that he was referring to Colby. Jason then grabbed a fistful of my hair and forcefully lifted my head so I was facing him. "Look at me while I'm talking to you!" At this point, fear was written all over my face.

Jason then threw me hard to the floor, almost making me hit my head. I tried to crawl away but he pulled me back to him and he along with his goons were beating me up. All I could do was cover my face the best I could. Jason then grabbed me by the hair again and was about to slam my face into my locker when a voice spoke up.

"Jason Enough!" Jason then threw me back to the floor and I got up to see a very angry Colby along with a very angry Corey and Jake.

Jason looked at me and said," I'll deal with you later fag," he then left along with his goons. I looked at my friends and smiled slightly. "T-thanks for stopping him." "No problem Sam," Corey said. "Anything for a brother," Jake said with a small smile.

Skip to sixth period

Tara and I quickly ran to the gym before anyone else was there. Once we got there, Tara ran to the girls' changing room while I ran into the boys' room. As I entered I heard footsteps from behind me and I turn to see Jason standing right in front of me.

TW Sexual Harassment

I then ran to the very last stall and before I could close the door all the way, Jason stopped it and entered my stall. He then locked it and eyed me up and down while biting his lip. "G-Get O-Out!" I yelled at him. "Oh, I'll get out if you strip for me," He replied still smirking at me. "No!" I replied in a stern voice.

Jason just laughed as he walked toward me thus backing me up to the wall. He then grabbed my skirt while smirking at me. "N-No S-Stop P-Please!" I begged with tears in my eyes but he ignored my pleas and aggressively ripped it off of me and threw it to the floor. But before he could do anything else my stall door was busted open and I saw Colby and the boys.

End of Sexual Harassment

Colby's POV

The guys and I were entering the boys' changing rooms when all of sudden we heard a scream. We looked at each other and instantly knew who it was so we all ran in the direction the scream came from.

Once we found the stall the scream came from we soon busted the door open and we were shocked to see Sam standing against the wall in just his shirt and panties with Jason in front of him smirking evilly.

Jake and Corey immediately ran and pulled Jason away from Sam and began to beat him while I walked toward Sam and grabbed his gym bag and pulled out his gym shorts and gave it to him. He quickly put them on and I picked up his torn skirt and put it in his bag.

I turned to see Jason run out of the room and I knew he might tell on us. I then picked up Sam and told the guys to come with me. Corey followed with his and my bag while Jake followed behind since he picked up Sam's bag along with his.

We got out and sure enough, Jason was with our P.E teacher Mr. Jones and he smirked at us. "Brock, Scherer, Webber Come Here!" we all calmly went toward Mr. Jones. "Yes sir?" we asked in unison. "First of all, Brock, why are you carrying Mr. Golbach, and second, is it true y'all viciously attacked Mr. Smith here?"

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