Ch 10 Followed

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TW Means Trigger Warning

Sam's Pov

Time skip to a week

It's been a week since Jason was expelled and I'm still on high alert and always checking my surroundings. One day after school I rushed to get home not aware that someone was following me. By someone I mean Jason.

Colby's POV

I was outside waiting for the boys when I spotted Sam waiting at a crosswalk and my eyes widened when I also spotted Jason about two or three feet away. I then turn to see the boys come out.

"I got to go," I said while looking at them. "Why what's up?" asked a very confused Corey. "It's Sam. I saw him waiting at the crosswalk and I saw Jason following him," I explained with slight fear in my voice.

Corey and Jake's eyes widened after I told them. "Go, brother, Corey and I will wait for the girls and phone the police," Jake said while pushing me off. I nodded and ran to my car and drove to Sam's house.

I was a block and a half away when the railroad signs started blinking indicating a train was going to pass by. I hoped and prayed the train was short so I can get to Sam on time before he got hurt

Sam's POV

I just got home when I heard a knock on my door so I put my bag near the door and went to open it. I opened my door and my eyes widened when I saw him. I tried closing my door but Jason stopped it with his foot and pushed it open. Almost made me fall in the process.

"Get Out Of My House!" I yelled with a fearful look on my face. "Aww I just came to have fun with my favorite fag," he smirked while laughing. Being too scared to think I ran to my room, closed and locked my door, ran to my closet, locked the door, and hid under two blankets.

I then grabbed my phone and called Colby. After about two rings he answered.

(S) Sam (C ) Colby

C: "Sam!"

S: Colby!

C:" Sam, are you ok?"

S: "Colby, He's Here!"

C: "Where are you?"

S: "Hiding in my closet underneath two blankets"

C: "Don't Worry I'm On My Way"

I was about to respond when my door was busted down and I began to tremble in fear. "Where are you, you fag?" I shakily covered my mouth with my hand so he couldn't hear me breathe. After about a minute my closet door was busted open and he began to search.

"Hey fag you in here?" My heart rate soon began to beat a thousand beats per minute as I tried my best not to shake. Suddenly my blankets were yanked away from me as I screamed in horror.

Colby's POV

As soon as I heard Sam scream I then hung up and saw that the train had ended so I drove as soon as the signs were lifted. As I was driving I hoped and prayed that Sam would be ok. I love him so much that I'd do anything to keep him safe in my arms.

Sam's POV

TW Sexual Assualt

Jason, who was holding a fistful of my hair, dragged me out of my closet and threw me onto my bed. I looked up at him in fear. " So you think you can hide from me? Well, you thought wrong fag." I immediately began shaking in fear.

"You know I was going to kill you but since I'm here I might as well just fuck you instead," he smirked. I scooted away from him but he grabbed me by the ankles and he pulled me towards him. He then eyes me up and down while biting his lip. I then screamed for help as I tried my best to fight him off as he yanked my clothes off of me. Leaving me in just my light pink panties.

Jason then pinned my arms above my head as he began to kiss my neck. I squirmed around so he could stop but he slapped me straight across my left cheek real hard. "Stop it fag and let me fuck your little brains out," he growled as he continued to kiss my neck.

Suddenly my eyes widened as I saw Jason unbuckle his pants. "N-NOOO P-PLEASE! I-I D-DON'T W-WANT T-TO!" I begged and cried as I saw him reach for my panties.

End of Sexual Assault

Colby's POV

I just parked in front of Sam's house and I got out of my car and locked it. I then ran inside since the door was unlocked. As soon as I entered I heard Sam scream again as I ran up to his room.

I opened the door to his room to see Sam crying in bed in just his pink panties as Jason was on top of him about to yank his panties off. I then ran in and yanked him away from Sam. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled as I began to beat him up.

After about a minute I turned to see Sam fully clothed again but in comfy clothes this time. Soon sirens were heard as Jason weakly got up and was about to escape through Sam's window but I grabbed him and pinned him to the floor.

The cops entered and I got up from Jason as he was handcuffed and was taken away for good. Soon after Sam's mom ran in and hugged him while they both cried into each other's arms

Sam's POV.

"Oh, My Baby Boy Are You Ok?!" My mom asked while releasing us from our hug. "Yes, mom I"m fine thanks to Colby. If it wasn't for him Jason might've r-raped me," I replied with teary eyes. My mom then goes up to Colby and hugs him real tight. "Thank you so so much for saving my baby boy," she said as she released him from their hug.

"It was nothing Mrs.Golbach, I'll do anything to make sure Sam is safe and happy," Colby replied with a smile on his face. I, however, felt a blush creeping on my face. Moments later Kat and the guys burst into my room.

"Sam!" they shouted as they ran in and hugged me. "Sam are you ok?!" Tara asked me while looking at me. I nodded my head and told them how if Colby didn't arrive on time to save me Jason would've for sure raped me.

Everyone was shocked and pissed but was soon happy when they found out he was sent to jail. In honor of Colby saving me, my mom decided to take us out to dinner. She then called her boss to let him know that she had an emergency. Her boss said it was fine and we all left to eat. When we got home though I told her everything.

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