Accidently Visited

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"Melissa Greendale! What brings you in?" Mcgee asked walking out from one of the offices behind the front desk.

"Just checking in with stuff" she said gripping her purse over her shoulder.

"How's Brady doing?" He asked.

"He's Getting better" she smiled it's been a week since he was shot and it's been hard.

"Good! Well your Dad's in his office, I can get him-"

"No! No, that's not necessary it's fine I just..wanted to look around myself! Might want to look into law enforcement as a career"

"Oh really? Taking after your old man huh?" Mcgee swirled his coffee around in his mug before taking a sip "well head on back" he said after swallowing and opened the gate.

"Thanks" Melissa smiled.

She walked through the gate and into the office area. She knew this place like the back of her hand, practically grew up here with her father taking his job very seriously.

Chief John Greendale is an honored policeman for his bravery and courage. He's only ever lost one man and that's something he carries with him always. That life happened to be taken by the most troublesome criminal out there, Michael Clifford. That's all Melissa knew of course, but she always felt like it was something even more personal. If you dare to speak his name in the Greendale family household then you better expect to never be invited over again.

As many times as Melissa has been in the office, she's never been into the holding section. The holding section is where they keep the criminals waiting for a cell over in the prison. She remembers as a little girl always passing the holding room door and feeling an icy blast of air followed by the sound of soft crying.

"Miss Greendale?" A soft voice interrupted her thoughts and brought her back to reality.

"Oh hello Mrs. Brinkley" she smiled politely.

"Hi dear, where are you going?" She asked.

Melissa noticed she was inches away from the holding room door. So close to the undiscovered land that lays beyond "just walking"

"Not in there you aren't" Mrs. Brinkley said. She's a frail old women that works in the filing section of the offices. She always has a sweet tone in her voice that was undetected at the moment "March on back to that office" she pointed her finger down the hall.

"Yes Mrs. B" She sighed.

Mrs. Brinkley nodded in approval and continued on.

Melissa walked ahead but stopped. She turned her head back to see the knob of the door she wished so desperately to be behind. The curiosity that burned in her mind took the best of her. She turned around and opened the door whispering "sorry Mrs. B" under her breath.

The cold touch of the door knob rested against her skin as she turned it ever so slightly. It creaked open showing a dull gray room that was surprisingly empty. Bars closed off a corner of the wall and she realized she in fact was not alone when a shadow moved "hello?" She asked.

"Babe?" A chillingly familiar voice asked through the darkness "can you turn on the lights?"

She flipped the switch against the wall. Lights flashed on and showed the clear image of the bleached blonde boy she met a few days ago. His eyes were dark and his beard was stubbly. The only thing that was different was the dash of blue across his hair and a new image of ink on his arm.

"It is you" he said in a strange tone "you came?"

"Well not really..I didn't know you were in here" she said walking closer to his cell.

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