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"Babe babe babe babe" Michael repeated eagerly jumping up and down at Melissa's front door.

Greendale had to get his briefcase from the backseat of his squad car before opening the door.

"Come on, can't you move faster?" Michael asked as Greendale took his time.

"I can but since you asked I don't think I will" he smiled.

Michael rolled his eyes and groaned.

Greendale finally made it to the porch "you know you could have just knocked, Mel's home" he said putting the key in and unlocking the front door.

Michael pushed passed him and ran inside "babe!" He yelled.

She looked over from the couch "Mikey?" She asked confused "what are you doing here-" she was cut off by Michael running over and picking her up.

"I don't know if we'er on or off in our relationship, well I'm always on but you go back and forth"

"We'er on and I think we'll stay on" she said putting his face in her hands.

He brought her feet back to the floor and kept his hands around her waist "oh good" he smiled giving her a kiss.

"At least wait till I'm out of the room" Greendale replied sitting his brief case down on the table.

"Could you hurry?" Michael asked.

"Mikey, I have to tell you something" Melissa said in a whisper.

"You're not pregnant are you?" He asked.

"No we never even-"

"- I remember now, continue my love" he replied.

"Dad, we'll be right back" Melissa said pulling Michael's hand to the stairs.

"Alright, hey I need him when you're done talking" Greendale yelled up.

"Okay!" Melissa replied already on the second floor. She led him into her room and closed the door quietly.

"What's up babe"

She frowned "aw, I liked 'my love' better" she teased.

"Shut up" he blushed "but really, what did you want to tell me?" He asked joining her in her window seat. He pulled her legs to be over top of his lap.

"Last night I went out" she said.

"Where?" He asked "with who?"

"I went to the little White Faces hang out area by myself" she replied.

"What!? Melissa that's not safe! Why would you ever do that? Oh my god you could've gotten hurt!" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closely "I never want to lose you"

"Mikey it's okay, I'm okay, I'm not that okay because I can't breathe you're squeezing me"

"Sorry" he let go "what were you doing there?"

"Getting some inside information" she smiled proudly "I figured out that Jay and Grey are planning something against you"

"But you're the girl, you don't do that" Michael replied.

"Well, girls can do anything guys a degree" she crossed her arms.

"I know" Michael fixed her hair behind her ear "I just don't want you getting hurt"

"Well how do you think I feel when you go out to who knows where and poke around in other peoples business? It scares me because I don't want you getting hurt either"

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