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Two Nights Ago

Melissa spun around in her swivel chair thinking about the only thing she couldn't get out of her mind, Michael. He hasn't stopped by, he hasn't called, and he hasn't even sent one text message telling her he's okay. She knew something was wrong but didn't know where to start looking for the solution.

It was already 10:05 at night and her father still wasn't home. He's never worked this late before, except for the time the copy machine caught on fire but that was different. Something about this didn't feel right and Melissa Greendale wasn't about to sit around and wait for an answer. She opened up her lap top and Googled for the most recent location of White Faces attacks in the city.

"That's only a few minuets away from the police station...I hope Dad's okay" She said out loud biting her nails "maybe I should text him" Melissa looked over at her phone. A text from her father lit up on the screen.

Dad: Working late on a case tonight, be home around midnight..go to bed sweetheart

Melissa let out a breath of relief "glad he's okay but of course I have the house to myself when Michael's MIA" she sighed "I wonder if he's at a White Faces meeting...maybe I can go downtown and check it out" she looked over at her clock, 10:30 "I've got time" she stood up and walked over to her closet putting a rain coat on and stepping into her red polka dot rain boots.

She hurried out of her room and down the stairs. She grabbed her keys from the drawer and opened the front door "alright, let's do this" she said leaving the house and unlocking her car. She got in and put the keys in the ignition starting the engine and pulled out of the driveway "okay no big deal, it's going to be fine" she reassured herself as she drove down the wet pavement in the pitch black of night "I talk to myself way too much"

Melissa drove passed the police station hoping her father wasn't looking out the window at the exact moment she drove by. Finally she reached the city. People stood by bus stops and against buildings smoking cigarets. The bright street lights illuminated the road making it easier to see. The night time was different. It was dark and mysterious. Something she used to by now.

She pulled her car into an alleyway between two large buildings. The one on the right was abandon and the windows were broken. Tons of graffiti decorated the bricks but one symbol stood out amongst the rest, the White Faces symbol. Melissa shivered "you can do this" she whispered encouragement to herself.

Melissa parked her car and opened the drivers door. She stepped outside into a puddle making a splash. She tip toed over to the metal door and heard Jay's voice through an open window.

"How is the plan coming along?" He asked.

"Well sir, it'll be fool proof" an unknown voice of a girl responded.

"Is it Clifford proof?" Jay asked.

The voice hesitated "I'm not sure" she admitted.

A loud bang shocked Melissa. Jay had slammed his fists down on the podium out of anger "we need to make sure that even Michael can't stop this plan"

"How?" The girl asked.

"We have to kill him"

Melissa gasped in fear. She quickly brought her hands to her mouth realizing she had made a noise. She heard someone move inside and ran behind the dumpster to her left. The old rusted door swung open and Jay stepped outside. Melissa closed her eyes. The door shut. Jay walked away.

"Jay-" she stopped short like she said something wrong "sir, killing Clifford is something we should save for the boss, don't you think?" She asked.

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