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Michael pulled at the tie wrapped around his collared shirt. He swallowed hard as he knocked on her door for the first time. He knew Greendale would be there, he knew her whole family would be there and he knew they would all stare at him questioning why she picked him. He didn't know the answer to that question though. After all these thoughts went through his mind the door opened. He was finally able to breathe when he saw the sweet face of Melissa on the other end of the door.

"Michael? You came!" She smiled and hugged him "and you smell nice" she laughed breathing in his cologne.

"Thanks? You look amazing as usual" he blushed.

Melissa looked down at her cream laced dress "thanks" she smiled twirling "and you have a tie on!" She looked up "very poorly tied.."

Michael looked at the mess of a tie he wore around his neck "yeah I can't really do those right"

"I'll fix it, come in!" Melissa took his hand and lead him to the side of the room.

"Look Mel...there's something I have to-"

She untied the knot of his tie and restrung it properly.

"How do you know how to do that?" He asked amazed she completed the task flawlessly.

"When I was a little girl my Mom always tied my Dad's ties and she taught me how..I miss her" she looked down at his chest. Her hands still resting on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry" Michael said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer.

"It's okay, it's not like it was your fault" she smiled into his green eyes.

Michael bit the inside of his lip and nodded.

"So what were you going to say?" She asked.

"Uh..I can't remember" he lied as the thought burned in his mind.

"Okay well come on you have to meet my family!" She smiled tangling her fingers with his and leading him to the living room.

Michael walked in and saw family members sitting on couches and talking. Some little kids ran around the room laughing. Then he spotted Greendale through the sliding glass doors on the deck "Mel..." He said nervously.

"What?" She followed his gaze "Michael why are you so scared of my father? You acted confident the other day in the parking lot"

"I'm not scared..I just really have to tell you something-"

"Melissa dear is this Michael? The wonderful boy we've heard so much about?" An older lady asked shuffling over to the two of them.

"Yes Gramms this is Mikey" Melissa smiled "Mikey this is my Grandmother but we call her Gramms"

Michael stuck his hand out "nice to meet you ma'am" he smiled, delicately shaking her frail hand.

"What a nice young boy!" Gramms smiled "how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen" he responded rubbing Melissa's thumb with his intertwined hand.

"Oh I remember those days" Gramms reminisced.

"Deborah what're you doing talking to this punk?" An old grisly man asked walking up alongside her.

"He's not a punk Darrel he's a gentleman" Gramms replied "this is my husband, you can call him Pops"

"You most certainly can't! Call me Mr. Greendale son" he said harshly.

"Yes sir, my name is Michael and you can call me Michael"

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