Chapter One

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*Mikasa POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Eren. He looked at me," Thank god you're alive!" I asked in a raspy voice," What happened? Is it over?" Eren smiled, small tears forming in his eyes," Yes, it's all over now. Everyone can live in peace now."

Before I knew what was happening, Eren was hugging me. My eyes widened for a second, before I hugged him again. His grip tightened. I didn't know why he was hugging me but I was very thankful.

Eren pulled back and picked me up suddenly. I wrapped my arms around his neck quickly as I asked," What are you doing!?" He replied, looking very concerned," You got injured. I want to get you to the infirmary to treat your wounds."

I nodded my head. Eren walked towards the infirmary and set my down on a bed. There were a few people there lying on beds with serious injuries. I looked at Eren," Can you tell me where I got injured? I don't feel any pain."

Eren looked at me in surprise," You don't feel any pain? That injury was super serious. You practically gushed blood and you lost a lot of it, that's why you fell unconscious." I asked," Could you show me where the injury is?"

Eren took my hand and helped me sit up. He took my jacket off with ease. He looked at me," From the look of your shirt, your wounds must be worse than I thought. Mind if I take you to my room to treat you instead?"

I nodded my head," Sure." Eren picked me up and carried me to his room. He put me down and his cheeks turned a slight red," I need to take your shirt off. Do you mind?" I shook my head as I my head turned to the side as I lifted my scarf up to cover my blush.

Eren held my hand," I also need to remove your scarf. There are a few scars on it and I want to see what they look like." I felt Eren softly remove my scarf. He could fully see my blush, which was making me blush even more.

Come on, Ackerman, you can't show Eren you're blushing. 

Eren unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. I sat in front of him in only my bra and not even my scarf. I closed my eyes and felt Eren trace something. I winced as I groaned. Eren asked," Does that hurt?"

I opened my eyes and looked at what Eren was touching. It was an open scar. Eren sighed," This is Jean's fault. I asked him if he could protect you and he said yes, I shouldn't have listened to him."

I asked," Can you explain exactly what happened?" Eren sighed," Well, we were all outside and you and I needed to part ways-Jean said that he can protect you so long but that went wrong clearly."

His soft, smooth and warm fingers touched something on my neck and I felt an incredible pain. I fell forward suddenly, my head lying on Eren's shoulder. Eren exclaimed," Mikasa! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I'll treat your wounds right now!"

Eren lifted me extremely softly. He lied me down and stood up.

Well done, idiot! You've got Eren worrying now...fucking brilliant.

Eren got a spray and an ointment. He sat in front of me," I'm sorry but this is going to burn. Try to endure it." I nodded my head and shut my eyes tightly. Eren held my hand gently, which I didn't know he knew how to do.

He always did everything rough, not worrying about the after effect. I opened my eyes to look into Eren's. He was giving me a small smile. That smile disappeared as soon as I heard something spraying. 

I felt a sting and my eyes close. I'm guessing Eren tried to distract me from my pain because he said," So Mikasa, what's your plan now?" I unlocked my eyes from it's confides and looked at Eren.

His eyes looked so gentle as he gave me a soft look. I have never seen this Eren before. He chuckled," You seem to be star struck by something. Is everything okay?" I decided to take a shot because the war is over and I can finally live a life of peace," Oh I am star struck."

Eren asked," By what, my dear?" I grinned," By how handsome you are. No one ever told me a man could be so handsome." Eren looked like he was blushing," You're not so bad yourself, some might say you're beautiful."

I felt my cheeks turn red. I reached my scarf but remembered that it's not around my scarf. Eren smiled," Well, you may not have realized but I'm done. I treated all your wounds." I smiled," Thanks Eren."

Eren looked taken aback," Wow, is THE Mikasa Ackerman thanking me? I didn't know I was worthy of you thanking me." I chuckled," And I must be extremely special if you're taking care of me. You never worry about anyone, not even yourself."

Eren winked," Life isn't only about the titans, I can actually focus on the things important to me-that doesn't mean you're important to me!" I saw Eren's cheeks redden and the colour made its way down to his chest.

I smiled," Eren, what will you do now?" He replied," I don't know yet, but I have an idea." I asked," What do you think you'll do?" Eren answered," Um, I'm only going to tell you when I'm certain."

I held Eren's hand. Eren looked at me, confusion filling his face," Is something wrong? Are your wounds making you feel pain?" I shook my head," No, I want to ask you a question?" Eren looked me straight in the eye," Please, ask me anything."

I took in a deep breath," Since everything is done...there's no reason for me to be by your side, right?" Eren's eyes widened slightly," What are you asking me, Mikasa?" I felt as if tears wanted to flow, but I didn't allow them," Are we going to stay apart now?"

~Eren POV~

I felt shock consume me as I looked at Mikasa. Her face was down and her cute blush was fully gone, nothing left. It had died out a few seconds ago. I tightened my grip softly on Mikasa's hand," Are you really asking me if we'll split?"

Mikasa replied, her voice breaking a bit," I mean, everything's over. We don't have to be in the Scouts and you and Armin always wanted to see the outside world. I, on the other hand, I've never been one for the outside world. It looks nice and all, but it's not for me. If you go travel the outside world...I don't think I'm going with you."

I felt my heart break. I was planning to go live outside the wall, but I wanted to go with Mikasa. I wanted to give Mikasa a life she deserves, but she wants to live inside the walls. I would live with her but the only problem here gives me nightmares about what happened the day my mom died.

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now