Chapter Four

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*Mikasa POV*

I heard Eren calling out my name while shaking my arm softly," Mikasa, Mikasa! Wake up!" I opened my eyes," Is something wrong?" Eren replied, giving me a stern look," We're leaving today."

I sat up as Eren stood up and started pacing up and down the room. I asked," What's wrong? Why do we need to leave today?" Eren replied," I can't stand being here anymore. So as soon as you change, go to your room and pack up so we can leave. Change out of your uniform and fold it up so we can retire from the Scouts."

I nodded my head as I wiped my eyes," Sure...sure." I felt myself slowly doze off but was awaken when Eren shouted," Mikasa! Did you hear me!?" I jumped," Yes! Yes, I heard you! Don't shout like that Eren!"

I slowly got up and walked to my room, wondering what got Eren so mad. I mean, he usually got mad, that wasn't surprising. I wiped my eyes one last time, fully waking myself up. I got out a huge backpack from my cupboard and started packing a few things for the trip.

I put in a few pictures of Sasha and me. Jean and me, and a few other pictures. I changed out of my uniform into a dark jeans with a pink shirt. I packed more food than I probably should've but I mean, I'm going with Eren.

I quickly made my way to Eren's room and opened his door. Eren looked at me," Are you ready to leave?" I replied," Can I say bye to our friends first?" Eren nodded his head," Only if you do it super fast. I want to be out of here as soon as possible. The thought of being here makes me sick."

I held Eren's arm," I'll only be a minute of two. Please don't leave without me." He nodded his head as it lowered," Be quick though."

A Few Hours Later

I looked at Eren as we rode our horses beyond the walls. I asked," Um Eren, where are we going?" Eren replied," I don't exactly know, but somewhere." I sighed," You better not get us lost." Eren looked at me," How can we get lost if we don't belong anywhere anymore?"

I sighed," Why are you being like this suddenly? Did you dream something?" Eren didn't rely. He only turned away from me and rode further away from me. I lowered my head.

He just needs space. He probably had a nightmare or something, just brush it off Mikasa

We reached the forest where we would always kill titans. I chuckled," Feels good to be wondering through here without titans." Eren nodded his head, though he refused to speak. I wondered how to start a conversation between us, because it felt quite awkward to ride along side him without speaking.

I suddenly heard water moving. Eren turned to look at me," Mikasa, you hear that?" I replied," Yeah, is it a river?" Eren looked forward," Follow the sound." We slowly rode towards the sound and saw a beautiful river with an extremely beautiful field of flowers, along side a clear patch of grass.

Eren and I got of our horses. I stood next to Eren as I heard him whisper," This would be a good place for a home." I smiled as I squeezed Eren's hand. He looked at me with a small gasp, which turned into a smile. 

We crossed the river and I felt myself start running along the field. I heard Eren call out," Mikasa!" I stopped running to turn to him," Yes Eren! Is something wrong!?" He smirked," Better continue running! I'm gonna come catch you!" 

I laughed as I started running and Eren started chasing me. I was quite far ahead so I acted like I was tired. As Eren caught up to me, he jumped on me and we both fell, laughing quite hard. Eren sat next to me as he held my cheek," You look so cute when you laugh."

I smiled," I'm going to start expressing my emotions more." Eren pulled me close, until our foreheads were touching," I love you." I closed my eyes," I love you too. You're my world." Eren chuckled," You're my sun."

I stood up and so did Eren. He sighed," What do we do now?" I replied," Well, for starters, we can explore more." Eren shook his head," No, we should find somewhere to spend the night. I'm getting tired."

I nodded my head. There should be a cave around here somewhere." Eren asked," How do you know?" I sighed," Well, when we were on an expedition, things got bumpy and I ended up getting lost." Eren exclaimed," How!?"


I shouted at the top of my voice," Eren! Stop! I can't keep up with you!" I noticed two titans approaching me and killed them quickly. I saw Eren increasing his speed so I did too, which resulted in me accidently knocking my arm hard into a tree.

I shouted loudly in pain and looked up, only to see Eren gone. Everything was silent and my arm was paining. I noticed a cave nearby and quickly ran to it. I started a fire and gingerly touched my arm.

I winced slightly in pain and lifted my sleeve to check the wound. It looked like a small gash. I sighed as I ripped part of my shirt and wrapped it. After treating my wound, I lied against the rock," I hope Eren's safe. I can't go look for him now. I just need to pray that he's safe."

I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off into an uncomfortable sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I quickly got up. I knew that the only I was outside the walls without anyone, the longer I was putting my life in risk.

I quickly got back to the walls and Sasha ran up to me," Mikasa! Thank god you're safe!" I hugged her," Where's Eren?" She replied," He's in his room." I nodded my head and walked to Eren's room. I knocked on his door," Can I come in?"

Eren replied," Yeah." I opened the door and Eren gasped," Mikasa! You're safe!" I nodded my head," Yes." Eren looked away from me," I'm sorry. The only reason you were so behind was because of me."

I shook my head," No, I decided to kill titans which is why I was so behind."

Flashback over

Eren sighed," I'm still really sorry about that. I was reckless with my life back then but I can't be reckless now, because I have something to live for-" As Eren said that, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

I blushed," I could say the same. I've also got something to live for." Eren shivered," Ugh, where's the cave?" I smiled," It's just a few steps away from here." I took the reins of my horse and we started walking towards the cave.

By the time we reached it, rain had started to fall and it got cold quickly. I made a fire and looked at Eren," Are you cold?" Eren shook his head as he held his arms," No, I don't get cold." I started rubbing my arms," Well, I'm cold."

Eren opened his arms," Do you want me to hold you? Maybe our body heat will keep us warm?" I smiled," Sure, maybe that will work." I crawled towards Eren and he held me tightly. He asked," Do you feel any warmer?"

I smiled as I tried to get closer to him," Yeah, you're really helping." Eren tightened his grip," As soon as night finishes, we'll go do more things." I bit my lip," Actually, I don't think I want to explore anymore."

Eren caressed my cheek," Sure babe. We don't need to explore. We can settle down here if you want." I smiled brightly," Really!?" Eren kissed my cheek," Of course. I told you that I want you to be happy. Besides we have everything we need here."

I smiled as I held Eren's arms," I couldn't ask for a better person to be by my side." Eren smiled," Same."

Ani: I think Eren and Mikasa are settling down and they seem quite happy. Maybe I should change the chapter name...or could it mean something for later?

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