Chapter Thirteen

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~Eren POV~

The man walked up to Mikasa and grabbed her chin. I shouted," What are you doing!? Don't touch her!" Mikasa's eyes shut close and the man smirked," I've always wanted to touch you. I'm sick of watching you from afar, I want to watch you from up close."

I pulled on the ropes that were holding my hands together," I'll kill you! Get your hands off her!" The man looked at me," Are you jealous? Is it because you haven't touched her yet, is that why?" I felt a fire building," Shut up and let go of her!"

The man took a step back," You're right. I wouldn't want you to be upset. I'll give you a chance to escape-" He took out a knife and put it a few steps in front of me," Try to escape." I saw the man leave and lock the door.

I looked at Mikasa," I'm going to get it. You sit there and don't move." I said as I started moving my wrists, trying to loosen the ropes. After a few minutes of struggling, I felt bleeding. My eyes widened as Mikasa exclaimed," Eren! Your wrists are bleeding!"

I bit my lip and broke the ropes. As I did, I fell forward," Fuck! My wrists!" Mikasa looked at me," Your lip!" I tasted blood from my lips. I sighed," Fuck this shit, we're getting out of here." I ran towards the knife and picked it up and noticed that it was plastic.

I exclaimed," Are you serious!?" Mikasa asked," What's wrong?" I replied," This knife is plastic!" Just as I stood up, I saw the door open. My heart dropped when I saw an extremely huge guy. He looked like he was three times my size. He walked up to me and crossed his arms," So, I see you managed to get loose."

I dropped the plastic knife," Um, y-yeah." The man cracked his knuckles and I gulped, praying that this dude wouldn't kill me, because he easily could. The guy took my arm and lifted my arm. I shut an eye close in pain but didn't make a sound.

Mikasa shouted," What are you going to do with him!?" The guy chuckled," Calm down, sweetheart, I'm just gonna put him back in the chair." I was thrown into the chair and the man tightly tied the knot.

I let my head fall forward and the guy left. Mikasa asked," My love, are you okay?" Before I could reply, I heard the guy from before say," Yes, princess." Mikasa glared at the man," I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Eren."

The man smiled," That doesn't matter. I'm the only one that you'll ever be with." I rolled my eyes," Who do you think you are?" The man walked towards Mikasa," I'm Shikora." Mikasa furrowed her eyebrows," Shikora?"

He grabbed Mikasa's chin and lifted her head roughly," Yes, baby." Mikasa scoffed," Don't call me any of those nick names! Don't even call me by my name and-" She was cut off by Shikora kissing her.

My eyes widened and Mikasa tried to push the guy away but she couldn't. Shikora pulled away from Mikasa and smirked," Hope you enjoyed that, because we're just getting started-" He roughly ripped Mikasa's scarf off her neck and covered her with kisses.

Mikasa looked at me in concern and I felt anger burning inside. Shikora started biting Mikasa's neck and I felt myself burn. Mikasa pulled her head back and hit Shikora's head. He pulled back in pain," What the fuck, babe!"

I saw a women walk in and exclaim," Shikora, dear!" He groaned," What do you want, sweetheart?" My head titled," Sweetheart? Who is this women?" The women smiled," I'm Shikora's wife! My name is Ahalia!"

Ahalia looked at Shikora," Why are these people in chairs?" Shikora wrapped his arms around Ahalia's waist," Baby, why don't we go see our daughter? Where is our little miracle?" Ahalia replied," I left her with Yuta."

Mikasa and I looked at each other in confusion and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Ahalia held Shikora's hand," Dear, we should go check on our kid. She's probably missing her father."

Shikora nodded his head and I saw them leave. I looked at Mikasa as she nodded her head," We're thinking the exact same thing." I added," What the fuck just happened?" Mikasa shook her head," I couldn't explain even if I tried."

Mikasa and I noticed it get dark and I saw her yawn. I sighed," Baby, are you getting tired?" Mikasa nodded her head," Yeah." I lowered my head," This is all my fault, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have stormed off."

Mikasa asked," Eren, who was that women and that small girl?" I replied," It's a long-long story. The only thing I want you to know is, you're the only one for me and our kid is the only one who will call me daddy."

Mikasa bit her lip," I'm hoping you're right." It got dark and I heard Mikasa's raspy voice," I'm scared, Eren..." I quickly looked at Mikasa," Sweetheart! Please don't be scared!" Mikasa looked down," We shouldn't have left the walls. It was a mistake."

I heard the doors slam open," Are you guys okay!?" I lifted my head and saw Ahalia! She looked at us in concern," I'm so sorry about my husband! He's a selfish man who only cares about his daughter."

She ran towards us and untied our hands," I don't know why you're here, but I know that you don't deserve to be here! Shikora is sleeping! Run away while he's sleeping!" I got up and held Mikasa's hand," Thank you so much!"

I pulled Mikasa and we started running. We got outside the building and I looked around. I noticed where the village was and started running towards it. When we reached it, I saw Shiya and Akira.

Shiya looked at me," Daddy!" Akira ran towards me," Eren! Where were you!?" I continued looking around," I'm sorry Akira, but I can't stay here! I need to get back to where I live!" I started running with Mikasa into the forest.

Mikasa stopped me," Eren! Do you even know where our house is!?" I nodded my head," Of course!" I started running faster and saw our house in the distance. Mikasa exclaimed," There it is!"

We reached our home and I locked the door. I sat on the couch," Thank god we're home!" Mikasa held my arm," Thank god we're safe." I held Mikasa's hand," We should be getting to sleep. You look like you could fall asleep right here."

I wrapped my arms around Mikasa," Here, I'll carry you." I picked Mikasa up in my arms and she cuddled against my chest. We reached our bed and I softly put Mikasa down. She held me close and I closed us with the blanket.

Mikasa let her head lie down and fell asleep almost immediately. I twirled a lock of Mikasa's hair, glad that Mikasa was in my arms and by my side.

I hope nothing changes.

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