Chapter Six

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*Mikasa POV*

I smiled as I looked at the house. I exclaimed," You guys did an amazing job!" Armin chuckled," The layout was made by Eren. I made the garden. Jean and Connie actually built the house, with help from Eren and me."

I smiled as I looked at the huge house," Well, you guys deserve something. I'll make us all dinner! Please stay, you guys can leave tomorrow morning." Jean sighed," I actually have things to do inside the walls, but I can stay if you wish Mikasa."

Connie shook his head," I can't stay. I've work to do inside the walls." Sasha smiled as she nudged my arm," I can always stay with my girl friend!" Armin chuckled," Same, I want spend as much time with you guys as possible."

Connie got on his horse, and started riding back to the walls. Sasha asked," What should we do until nightfall!?" I smirked," Who wants to play tag?" Jean looked at me," What are we-five years old?"

I looked down," Sorry, thought it would be fun." Sasha hit Jean's arm," No, we can play! I have no problem!" Eren laughed," Who's going to chase us?" I smiled," I'll chase you guys!" Everyone started running and I gave them five seconds, knowing that I could catch up to them easily.

I started running and easily caught up to Armin. He smiled as he started running after Sasha. He reached out to grab her but missed and ended up falling. I exclaimed," Armin! Are you okay!?" He stood up, holding his head," Yeah, fell by accident, but I'm good."

Armin started running and caught up to Jean, who started running after me. I ran to a tree and started circling it, until Jean stood still," I can't anymore, I'm tired!" I laughed," Knew that would tire you out, just wanted to see how long you would last!"

I shouted as I felt something start touching my side. Eren shouted," Got you!" He started tickling me and I exclaimed," Stop, that tickles!" Armin chuckled," Didn't know Mikasa was ticklish? She never laughed."

Sasha smiled," We never knew she was ticklish because we never tried to tickle her, because we all kinda like our lives and we don't want to die." Eren stopped tickling and I tried to catch my breath," Mikasa wouldn't have killed you if you had tickled her."

I replied," Actually, I would've. The only person who I wouldn't have killed is you." Eren raised an eyebrow," So if I came to your room and started tickling you, you wouldn't have killed me?" I nodded my head," Exactly."

Jean sighed," I think we should go inside." I nodded my head. We all walked inside and I asked," Where's the kitchen?" Eren pointed to where the kitchen was and I went there. I started thinking about what to make and started rummaging though the cupboard.

I saw a piece of meat and decided to use it, thinking that Eren wouldn't be mad at me. After an hour or so of cooking, I saw Sasha and heard her say," Mikasa! When can we eat!? I'm hungry!" I laughed," In a few minutes, Sasha."

She went back to where everyone was, groaning as she walked.

~Eren POV~

I heard Mikasa call out," Dinner's ready!" We all ran to where her voice came from and saw food on the table. Mikasa smiled," Sit wherever you like." I sat next to Mikasa as she said," Dig in!" I tasted the food and exclaimed," Mikasa, babe, this is delicious!"

Mikasa smiled," Glad you like it." Armin chuckled," Way way better than the food rations we got-" Sasha added," The best meat I've ever tasted! Where did you learn to cook like this!" Mikasa chuckled," Cooking just came naturally to me."

I smiled as I held Mikasa's hand," I have to treat you some time because of this." Mikasa smiled brightly as she looked at me. Night approached quickly and I sighed," I'm tired." Mikasa yawned and she stretched her back," Same."

Armin stood up," I'll sleep on the couch. Sasha, you go sleep in the second bedroom." Mikasa raised an eyebrow," Second bedroom? How many bedrooms are in this place?" I replied," Only two, not that much."

I yawned once more as I said," I'm going to sleep, night everyone." Mikasa took my hand and I walked with her towards our bedroom. Mikasa gasped," This bed is so big!" I smiled," Glad you like it."

Mikasa flopped onto the bed and I went towards the cupboard. I took out our pajamas and threw Mikasa's one at her. She caught her shirt, though her pants fell onto the floor. I heard a knock on the door," Hey Mikasa, could I borrow a pair of pajamas? And Eren, same for Armin."

I opened the door," I don't mind, and I don't think Mikasa minds also." I gave Sasha a pair of our pajamas and sighed," You can change first." I turned around and heard Mikasa changing. She said," Done, you can change now." I noticed Mikasa turn around and I started changing.

We got into bed and I wrapped my arms around Mikasa tightly. She let her head lie on my chest. She pulled me closer towards her and I closed my eyes. 

The Next Day

I opened my eyes and expected to see Mikasa in my arms but I didn't. 

She must've woken up already.

I stood up and wiped my eyes, my feet touching the cold floor as I started walking. I made my way to the kitchen as I heard talking. I saw Mikasa making something," Morning guys." Mikasa smiled," Morning, sleepy head." 

Armin chuckled," Slept quite long, didn't you?" I smiled," Yesterday tired me out." Mikasa giggled," Or you just love sleeping. Mmmn, I wonder which one it is?" I sighed," I'm too easy to figure out."

Armin nodded his head," You actually are." Sasha stood up," Well, I should be getting ready to leave." Armin sighed," Same. Wish you guys luck though." Mikasa asked," Don't you guys want to stay for breakfast?"

Sasha shook her head," No, sorry." Armin smiled," We'll be back soon though. Maybe you guys could come to the walls to see us, if you want?" I shook my head," Not sure I'll be back in the walls for quite a while."

Mikasa smiled," I'll come see you guys though." Sasha looked at the door," Think I'll leave now actually." Mikasa put down the knife she had in her hand," I'll go with you guys, you don't mind right Eren?"

I shook my head," Not at all, princess." Mikasa walked towards me and kissed my cheek," I'll be back soon, don't worry. You have breakfast so long, I'll just eat when I come back." I asked," Are you sure?"

Mikasa nodded her head," Yeah, wouldn't want you hungry because I'm in the walls." I kissed her cheek," Sure." I saw Mikasa, Armin and Sasha leave with their horses. I sighed as I sat down on a couch.

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