Chapter Fourteen

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*Mikasa POV*

I opened my eyes and saw that Eren was holding me. I sat up and wiped my eyes. After a few minutes, Eren and I were up and eating breakfast. I looked at Eren as I held his hand," Baby, do you think we could go to the walls today?"

Eren asked," Why? There's no reason for us to be going." I replied," I want to see Sasha, I miss her." Eren sighed," Sure, babe. If you want to go to the walls, we can go." I smiled brightly as I started eating faster.

I ran upstairs to get dressed and when I got back downstairs, Eren was looking at me," Baby, why are you in such a rush?" I replied," Because I want to be back before sunset." Eren sighed," Fine, my love. Let me change quickly and then we'll leave."

I smiled as I hugged Eren," Thank you, babe!" Eren made his way upstairs and I went outside to get our horses ready. When Eren came downstairs, my jaw dropped.

My god...Has Eren always looked so good?

Eren started looking at himself," Baby, is something wrong?" I replied, blushing slightly," You-You look extremely handsome. Did you do something different?" Eren nodded his head," Kinda surprised you noticed. I changed my hair and wore a tight shirt."

So that's why I can easily see his abs...which look so-Mikasa, control yourself! Now's not the time to be looking at Eren!

Eren chuckled," Why are you blushing so much?" I replied," I-I'm sorry!" Eren chuckled," Just get on your horse. We should get going." I nodded my head. We started riding towards the walls. When we reached the walls, I went to the Scouts Building.

I looked around for Sasha. I saw Armin," Mikasa, Eren!" I looked at Armin," Where's Sasha?" Armin replied," She went outside to try to find your place but an accident happened and she's in the hospital-"

I exclaimed," How!? Take me to her!" Armin nodded his head as he started walking. We reached the hospital and I saw Sasha lying in a bed looking weak," Sasha!" I ran to her side and she looked at me," Mikasa, nice to see you."

I held her hand," Are you okay!?" She coughed," Sorry about this. Kinda wish you didn't have to see me like this." I shook my head," Don't worry about it! How did you get like this!?" Sasha replied," I kinda had an accident while trying to find you."

I giggled softly," Friendship does crazy things." Eren sighed," Maybe we shouldn't have come to the walls." Sasha nodded her head," I agree. I don't want you to see me like this." I stood up," Yu two are ridiculous!"

Sasha sighed," Can you check on Jean for me? I'm supposed to hang out with him and I didn't tell him about the accident. Can you tell him for me?" I nodded my head," Sure." Eren stood up," I'm going with you. I don't trust Jean."

We started walking and saw Jean. I waved my arm," Jean! It's me, Mikasa!" Jean looked at me," Mikasa? Why are you here?" I replied," Sasha says that she can't hang out with you today." Jean asked," Why?"

I replied," She's kinda in the hospital..." Jean sighed," That doesn't surprise me. Sasha has been extremely reckless since the titans all died. It's like she has no care in the world, not even the fact that she could die."

Eren looked sternly at me," You better not become like that. You have something to be afraid of." I held Eren's hand," And that's losing you." I kissed his cheek and I lowered my head," I don't want to be in the walls anymore. Can we go home, Eren?"

Eren nodded his head as he pulled me into a hug," It'll be fine-" Eren kissed my forehead and looked at Jean," Guess we won't be staying long. See you Jean." Jean nodded his head," See you guys."

Eren and I left the walls and, as we were riding outside the walls, I shouted at the top of my lungs. Eren looked at me," Babe...are you okay?" I looked at Eren," No! The one time we go to the walls, I don't even want to stay! What is happening to my life!?"

Eren started riding closer to me," Sweetheart, I'm still here. Don't I count?" I grumbled," Yes..." Eren sighed and we rode the way home in silence. My mind was so full of thoughts that I didn't even notice that Eren looked upset.

When we got home, Eren took the reins of my horse," I'll take her to the stables, don't worry." I held Eren's hand," I'm sorry...I shouldn't have shouted back there and I'm really sorry about ignoring you. I could see that you were upset but I didn't bother to ask what happened. Forgive me."

Eren lowered his head," There's no need. Please go inside and I'll be there in a second." I nodded my head.

And you've made him mad, fucking great job Ackerman!

I walked inside and turned to face the door. When I did, I felt someone grab my mouth. I had stopped working out and being angry took out a lot of my energy. I tried to get him off me but I couldn't.

I tried to shout but couldn't. I noticed the door open and saw Eren! He dropped whatever he was carrying," Mikasa!" The man held a knife to my stomach as he said," Take a step forward and I'll kill her!"

Eren looked at us," Calm down, okay? Why are you here?" The man replied," You know Shikora? Well we sent me to kidnap Mikasa!" Eren leaped forward to attack the man, which only ended up in me being stabbed in the stomach and Eren and the man lying on the floor.

Eren exclaimed," Mikasa! Are you okay!?" I shouted loudly in pain as I felt my stomach pain. Eren threw the man to the side, knocking him out quickly. Eren held me in his arms," Mikasa! Please don't leave! You can't!"

I lifted my hand to hold Eren's cheek," I love you with my entire heart. We'll always be together in spirit." Eren hugged me tightly, crying hard," You can't leave! I want to be with you physically and in spirit!"

~Eren POV~

I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to know whether Mikasa was dead or alive. I lifted her up and carried her to our bed. I noticed that she was losing a lot of blood quickly. 

Can I treat her in time before she dies? Or is it too late for her?

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now