Chapter Eleven

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A/N: So I don't know the names of the boys that bullied Eren so I'm gonna make them up!

~Eren POV~

I walked fast in the forest, making my way further away from the house. I didn't want to be near Yina at all. I seemed to black out but I continued walking. After walking for two or three hours, I reached a village. My eyes widened.

Why is there a village here? How is there life here?

I walked up to the village and saw a few people walking around. A small girl walked up to me and pulled the bottom of my pants, getting my attention," Hey mister? Do you know where my mommy is?"

I knelt down," Did you lose her?" The girl nodded her head," Yes, I want my mommy." I stood up and held her hand," Why don't we go find your mommy, huh?" The girl nodded her head as she wiped a few tears that had started to spill.

This girl looks like she's six or seven years old. She's lucky to be growing up without titans now.

We started to walk around, asking every women," Hi. Is this your daughter?" After walking around for 20 minutes or so, we didn't find her mother. The girl stopped walking and I knelt down beside her.

She started crying," I want my mommy." I felt extremely bad for this girl. I asked," What's your name?" She replied," Shiya." I held her hand," And your surname?" She sniffled," My full name is Shiya Jiyo."

I stood up as I held her hand once more," Okay, now let's go look for your mom again." She nodded her head. I heard a women shout," Shiya!" Shiya looked at the women," Mommy!" She quickly ran to the women and hugged her tightly, as she started to cry.

The women looked at me," Thank you so much for taking care of her and keeping her safe!" I smiled," No problem." The women held her hand out and I shook it," My name is Akira Jiyo, and you?" 

I smiled," I'm Eren Jaeger. May I ask where your husband is?" Akira sighed," I no longer have a husband. I had one but we divorced. He didn't want to have the responsibility of taking care of a child. I was doing something and I thought I could leave Shiya alone for a second, clearly not. Anyway, what about you young man?"

I replied," I've got a girlfriend." Akira asked," What's her name?" I smiled," Mikasa Ackerman." Shiya chuckled," That's a nice name." I nodded my head," I know." Akira started looking around," Well, where is your girlfriend? I want to meet her."

I lowered my head," I'm not from here-" Akira exclaimed," That's why I've never seen you! Where are you from?" I replied," I'm from Shiganshina, in the walls." Akira raised an eyebrow," From the walls...oh, those walls!"

I asked," You know what I'm talking about?" She nodded her head," Yeah, I lived in those walls. I'm actually also from Shiganshina." My eyes widened," Really? When did you get here then?" She replied," A week or two after the wall broke. I can remember how afraid I was. I managed to get here and started a new life, and I forgot all about the walls. By the way, what does Shiganshina look like now?"

I replied," It's still all in ruins." Akira looked at me in confusion. I asked," Is something wrong?" She questioned," You said your girlfriend's name is Mikasa Ackerman, right?" I nodded my head," Yes, and what about it?"

Akira exclaimed," I knew you two! You were friends with a boy named Armin! Am I correct?" I nodded my head," Yeah, how do you know?" Akira bit her lip," Well, remember how you were bullied the entire time?"

I sighed," Yeah." She avoided my gaze," Well, I am the sister of the oldest boy. I always saw Mikasa fighting." I smiled," Mikasa was a brilliant fighter." Shiya pulled on Akira's hand," Mommy, I'm hungry."

Akira smiled," We can go eat now, just give mommy one second." She looked at me," Eren, you must be famished. Why don't you come have dinner with us? You can stay over and leave tomorrow."

I furrowed my eyebrows," I should be getting back home, I don't think I can stay-" Shiya held my hand," Please mister?" I smiled," Sure, I can stay." Akira chuckled," Amazing!" Shiya held my hand and we started walking towards her house.

When we got outside her house, a man asked," Akira! Did you finally get a boyfriend!? Looks like little Shiya is going to have a daddy soon." Shiya looked at me, happiness in her eyes. Akira must've seen Shiya's face so she said," Y-Yes, he's totally my boyfriend."

Shiya smiled as she started jumping up and down. We walked inside and Akira pulled me to the side," Sorry about saying that you're my boyfriend. After seeing the look in Shiya's eyes, I couldn't say the truth. You can still leave tomorrow if you want."

I sighed," Yeah, I need to get back to my own home." Shiya called out," Mommy? I'm still hungry!" Akira sighed," Come sit at the table with me." I nodded my head and we sat down at the table.

After eating, Akira looked at me," You can sleep on the couch." I nodded my head," Sure."

The Next Day

I opened my eyes as I stood up and yawned. I heard Shiya say," Good morning, Eren!" I wiped my eyes," Morning, Shiya. Is Akira still sleeping?" Shiya raised an eyebrow," Akira?" I reluctantly said," Mommy. Is she up?"

Shiya gasped," Oh! No, mommy's sleeping." I stood up as I whispered," I should probably wait for her to wake up so I can leave." I sat down and heard Shiya ask," Daddy, can we go outside?" I felt myself flinch and my entire body tense up.

I bit my lip hard," I need to go upstairs to go wake up...mommy." Shiya smiled," Okay daddy! I'm going to my room!" She ran off and I started walking to Akira's room. I knocked on the door and heard her shout," Come in!"

I opened the door. Akira asked," Is something wrong, Eren?" I replied," Shiya called me...daddy. I need to leave now." Akira stood up," She really called you daddy?" I nodded my head," I can't stay here anymore. I don't want Shiya to be disappointed, but then again, I've got a girlfriend that I love dearly and I don't want her to be alone for too long."

Akira smiled," Sure. I can imagine how Mikasa must be feeling. You shouldn't leave her alone for too long." I nodded my head and quickly left. I started walking out of the village but got knocked hard on my head. I blacked out...

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now