Chapter Five

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*Mikasa POV*

I woke up and saw Eren still sleeping. I stood up and stretched, keeping in a groan. I wiped my eyes and looked outside. The sky was a bright blue, the grass was a vibrant green and the water was a clear blue. You could see fish swimming in the water and animals running around.

I heard Eren moving and chuckled," Are you awake, dear?" Eren nodded his head, wiping his eyes and groaning," Yeah, what's the time?" I replied," Based on the sky, I'm guessing it's 10 AM." Eren sighed," I think we should at least explore this area so that we can know where we're going to live."

I nodded my head," Makes sense." Eren sighed," We should probably also get ready to start building." I raised an eyebrow," Building what?" Eren replied," A house, sweetheart. I don't want us to live in a cave, unless you want to."

Eren stood up and held my hands," I know that we're both against this, but we need to go to the walls." I asked," Why?" He replied," We can't do this all alone. I know that you are strong, but we need other material other than your strength, sorry babe."

I sighed," It's fine, I have no problem going to the wall." Eren raised an eyebrow," You don't? I thought you would be against going to the wall?" I asked," Why would I be against going to the wall? All our friends are there, aren't they?"

Eren nodded his head," Yes, but after what you said to Levi." I chuckled," Eren, what are you talking about?" Eren replied," Remember the party? Well just before you actually came, you were talking to Levi about leaving the walls to get away from me, remember?"

I shook my head," No, I don't remember that. Are you sure that was me?" Eren sighed," Yes, it was you. I know what you look like. You didn't have your scarf and everything." I stated," Well, that wasn't me. I don't remember anything like that. I just remember going to the party and being with all of you."

Eren rolled his eyes," Anyway, let's forget about this. Let's just go to the wall." I nodded my head. We got our horses and made our way to the wall, which was open. I smiled brightly, seeing Sasha run up to me.

We hugged tightly," Sasha! I missed you!" Sasha replied," Same!" Jean asked," hasn't it been a day or two since you two were separated?" Eren nodded his head," Yes, it's only been a day or two. You two look like you haven't seen each other in a week."

Armin chuckled," I think it's cute." Sasha turned to Armin," Don't call us cute!" Armin laughed," Okay, okay! You guys aren't cute!" Eren pinched my cheeks softly," Well I disagree. I think that you are the cutest!"

I exclaimed," Eren! Do you not see our friends!?" Eren chuckled," And anyway, I love how close you and Sasha are." Sasha smiled," Really?" Eren nodded his head," Yeah, so when Mikasa and I fight, it's good to know that there's something that she can complain to."

I furrowed my eyebrows," We're not going to fight!" Eren sighed," Do you know our relationship? We fight quite a lot. And in the past, I don't think you went complaining to Sasha about me." I fiddled with my fingers," I actually did."

Eren questioned," Seriously? You actually complained about me?" Connie raised his eyebrow," I didn't know you knew how to complain about Eren?" Jean sighed," She's complained to me about Eren before. It's actually stupid the things she would complain about." 

I chuckled," It's wasn't my fault." Jean titled his head to the side," I kinda disagree. You were the one who decided to come to my room and complain to me. I didn't ask you to complain to me." Armin laughed," Mikasa did the same to me. She would come to my room and look so guilty as she complained about the way Eren had shouted at her, or how it would start affecting her soon. I'm glad that's all over."

Eren held my hand as he looked at Armin," Start affecting her? Are you talking about my shouting?" I turned my head away from Eren as Armin answered," Yeah. You can't expect Mikasa to deal with you shouting at her every day and it not take a toll on her. She's just a women and a human after all, she has feelings."

Anyone have a death button? I really need one right now.

Jean rolled his eyes," Don't say that Mikasa's just a women and human, that makes her sound bad." Sasha asked," How does it make her sound bad? What else is she?" Connie replied with a question," Isn't she a soldier too?"

Jean replied," Exactly. She's a soldier too." Armin sighed," Okay, shall I rephrase my sentence?" Jean sighed," No, don't." I felt Eren's gaze fall on me. He whispered in my ear," We have to talk later when we're alone."

I slowly replied," O-Okay." Eren squeezed my hand tightly and I turned my head to face him. He was giving me a small smile. Jean asked," So, why did you guys come back to the walls?" Eren replied," Mikasa and I are thinking about building a house, though we need help doing it-"

Jean pointed at me slightly," You do know that you've got Mikasa Ackerman with you, right? She can do anything, and everything." I sighed," I know, but I don't want to do it alone." Sasha smiled brightly," I'm more than happy to help my bestie!"

Armin nodded his head," I'm in too. Can't let my best friends build alone." Connie added," I'm coming too." Jean smirked," You'll need my strength, so I'm gonna come." Eren looked slightly mad but brushed it off once I squeezed his hand. He sighed and returned my smile.

We got a few materials and left the walls with horses. We rode all the way to the area we saw before. Sasha exclaimed," Mikasa! Did you choose this place!?" I nodded my head," Nice right?" Sasha held my both my hands," No, amazing! This place is beyond gorgeous!" 

Armin smiled," You guys are gonna love living here." Connie scoffed," I'm a little bit jealous." Eren laughed," Mikasa takes all the credit, she decided that we should stay here, not me. I, in fact, wanted to leave."

Armin exclaimed," You wanted to leave! Why!?" Eren replied," I wanted to explore more, but I'd rather settle down first and then start exploring." Sasha nodded her head," Makes sense." We got off out horses and I asked," Who brought the axe?"

Connie handed me it," Here you go, I brought it." I held it in my hands," Thank you." I walked towards a tree and lifted the axe. Before I swung, Eren asked," Mikasa, are you sure you want to chop the wood? You can do something else."

I laughed," Not happening. I need to keep my strength up and this will be a good workout for my arms." Eren sighed," Okay, your choice." I smiled as I looked forward. I lifted the axe and swung the axe.

After swinging the axe a few times, the tree fell. Eren shouted," Well done, babe!" I smiled as I tried to catch my breath, wiping a bead of sweat of my forehead. I looked at the guys," How many more trees should I cut?"

Eren replied," I honestly have no clue how much." Jean replied," I couldn't tell you either. Just cut however many you feel is right." I sighed as I walked towards another tree. I pictured in my head what the house would look like and decided to cut maybe one more down. I have never built a house before so I don't really know how much wood you need but I think that this is enough.

Peace doesn't exist outside the walls...[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now